the everything site ...?

the blindbowman said:
humans talk a lot of sh-- !

your opioions are your own . and i hope others enjoy your input even if you have forgotten one fact ..

what if i am right !

it dose not matter if you agre or even under stand the data or the legends true path .. the fact is i could still be right ..!

IMHO the 4 bells of tayopa do show up in the codex

a water fall get real ...

he said , Fingers of God ,,

it was the only known discriptive wording to the somberro mine

did you ever wonder why waltz told dick holmes , threw the saddle .. and not over the saddle .. it dose make a lot of sence when you under stand the small details .. but this is not about the details or the legends is it ...

fact ,i am correct and nothing you can say or do will change that ...

i have requesed a premit and untill the NFS has proven i am right or wrong ,the request stands and no one will be able to make any clams at that site .. you are so bent on no one finding these legends ..other then your self ..

as i said ,watch and learn 4 is chicomoztoc ...

go ahead messure any part of the simbolic drawing compair the scale to the geological hill .. i am right .. this is chicomoztoc . and no matter what insaults you make to me presonally .. you will be the fool when this is over ...

the fact remains i will be proven right ..this is chicomoztoc

stay safe stay free
the blindbowman said:
i do find it funny how you over look the details and agree with only your own opioions right or wrong ,

how one acount has waltz killing the prealta for the mine ? and takeing the mine by force yet here is the somberro mine and a mine own by the prealta familiy that dose relate dirrectly to one of waltz's acounts if not all of them ..

i have been to this mine shaft and you dont know it yet but there is evidence to suport what i am saying . but i am only one man, i could not move the mine shaft any more then anyone else could .. and what if , with all your ego and opioions you are all wrong and i am in fact right ..
none of these legends have been solved and documented as of yet ...

post any artifact related to any of these legends , anyone of you ,willing to step up and post a picture of anything from chicomoztoc, tayopa ,the somberro mine or the LDM ...

come on step up .. lets see what evidence you have ...i have a lot more you dont know about and you may be way over your heads and dont even know it yet
the blindbowman said:
i have one more piont to make .

i am sorry ,
very sorry.

i did not preceive how navigationally illiterate the human race is ...

Bowman you have no idea how much I hoped you were right. But the simple fact remains you have proven nothing. You have done nothing except make your own claims and expect people to believe them without question. When questioned about anything you claimed you simply abuse people by telling them how thier own intelligence is so far below yours that thier oppinion is worthless.
Look back at your evidence Bowman, and ask yourself this simple question, if you were reading a book or a forum where some extraordinary claim was being made, would you accept a few out of focus pictures as evidence?
You do not need to answer that question as I already know the answer.
The thing that baffles me, is how you could have set out on an expedition to prove a legend with such a poor quality camera, every single picture you posted that could have offered some form of evidence of your claims, was to put it mildly, worse than my 14 month old granddaughter could have taken. And yet when you posted pictures of landscapes they were pretty well in focus, can you at least see where this looks odd?
You dodge questions that arise, and that makes no sense, if you had made a discovery and had "defined" that discovery you would have all the required answers.
If what you have posted here is the evidence you are are sending in to Scott, I would advise not holding your breath for a permit.
Anyhow it has been entertaining as always Bowman, good luck with the permit.


You sure dont take any one questioning your theories well at all!

" i dont know everything " ..........While this maybe true, when you present your evidence here is sure does sound like fact. This is a forum as you well know and theories are open for debate. Some how I get the feeling you dont like anyone questioning your theories. I think all anyone was asking here was some solid proof to back up what you are saying. I am not trying to insult you or your theories at all. I have sat back and watched all this for quite sometime, at times it was rather entertaining.

If in fact you have discovered something of historical significance.......congratulations, you very well should get the credit for it. Good luck in your permit quest.



Hi BB:
I suspect that the real reason that most of your photos are of such poor quality is that they are low resolution or enlarged versions of web cam/digital cam pics of whatever you could find online and display on your computer screen.I recently used a similar technique to obtain some stills from an old vhs tape for a technical manual,but found that a 35mm film camera gave better results.
Here is a real photo,and perhaps you can explain what the image on the rock at the bottom of the waterfall(bottom left) might represent.I will also post a view of the MC2 map for comparison.



  • waterfall.jpg
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I'll try that again----SH.


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    waterfall image.jpg
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The magnifier tool of Fastone distorts it quite a bit,unfortunately,but the resemblance to the image on the map is still evident.Curious place this.


somehiker said:
The magnifier tool of Fastone distorts it quite a bit,unfortunately,but the resemblance to the image on the map is still evident.Curious place this.


Which map image are you referring to SH?

The symbol at the lower left of the "waterfall diagram" is similar to the marking on the lower of the two boulders at the bottom of the waterfall in my photo.It might be easier to see in the original photo that I have posted on the other site.
Many of the other features of this location,especially the geology and appearance of the top of the canyon above all of this,mirror what is described at this page.
BB has threatened legal action,despite having identified a fairly distant local as the site of his permit claim.And this despite his assertion that it is we "navigationally illiterate" humans who are "greedy".....


somehiker said:
Hi BB:
I suspect that the real reason that most of your photos are of such poor quality is that they are low resolution or enlarged versions of web cam/digital cam pics of whatever you could find online and display on your computer screen.I recently used a similar technique to obtain some stills from an old vhs tape for a technical manual,but found that a 35mm film camera gave better results.
Here is a real photo,and perhaps you can explain what the image on the rock at the bottom of the waterfall(bottom left) might represent.I will also post a view of the MC2 map for comparison.

you would have to under stand this culture warshiped the lunar and the solar , a balance between to realities ..
thus you can read the totem the way it is drawn .but the rest of its meaning is hiden in its inverse oppisite

look at the secound simbolic from the bottom . it shows a structure in water ,, this what made me realize what the codex was showing ..

tenochtitlan was said to have been surounded by water thats when i realized the totem was showing the fall of the chicomoztoc culture . to under stand the totems inverse oppisite i enverted the totem makeing the sibolic location convert to their true order .. this places chicomoztoc to the NW .. now look at the simbolic drawing of tenchtitlan , beside it you see the (O )and( ll ) they look like this

Ol Oll

in the mayan number system each( l )=5

the O in this cultures number system = the lunar simbolic

as you read it up ward from the bottom of the numbers to the top and then left
it reads lunar

lunar 5 days lunar 10 days
lunar 10 days
lunar 10 days

5 lunar days west 30 lunar days north

add them togather as one

35 lunar days northwest

if you messure the distence between tenochtitlan and the galapagos island and the meassurement says it is (O,O,O,O) that would = 40 lunar days . take the messurement between the two and the you can figer out the true value of each (O) . = to 10 lunar days

now if you have done that right you can divid the messure of distece in 1/2 and find the true value of 5 lunar days .. thus put it togather and now the true value of 35 lunar days .. roughly 1213 miles northwest ,, thats where site 4 is ...

i am not misteak or crazy .. messure the U shape and take a compass heading the U shape faces south , the shorter eastern wall segment must be on the right as you look north from the south

the U shape at site 4 dose in fact fit this configuration . now messure the short wall and note the space between the short wall and the west longer wall is about the same messurement as the eastern ,this is the same messurement at site 4 ,

now messure the western wall it is 2 1/2 times the lenght of the eastern wall .as it is at site 4 , now note that if the simbolic drawing isu shape faceing open end to the south as it is in the picture of the simbolic drawing over laying site 4 (first pic). you can note the two ends of the wals are allmost even toeach other they are at site 4 .

now look at the opening between the two parts of the U shape . it faces northeastat about 37 degrees as it dose at site 4 ..

now note where the long cliff edge to the left side of the u shape is west of the u shape do you see the brake between these two ,, the inner u shape and the outer western cliff circleing the around the u shape on the western side ...see that space between the u and the outer cliff .. look at what it looks like at site 4 (secound picture . the inner U shape dose not connect to the outer cliff edge,

now note the cliff edge runs the western side of the hill from about 220 degrees to about 310 degreesbefore it meets the brake in the cliff side . as it dose at site 4 .. here in pic 3 i show the brake in the cliff egde at about 310 degrees faceing northwest it is at site 4 .look near the top of the tall catus and you can clearly see the brake in the cliff egde .. then the cliff goes to about 37 degree where the cliff edge ends . note that all of these messurements are just as they are at site 4 , now note the cliff egde is surounded by sloping hill the same as it is at site 4 . note there are no lines drawing to the northern slop of this hill because the stream egde to the north of site 4 is so close and the edge it so steep there is no slopping hill to speak of on the northern side of this hill, you can see this on the left side of this photo ... there just is not enough slop to detail at site 4 as it is on the simbolic drawing ...

as a skilled US navy Quarter Master IMHO there is no question what so ever this is the location the this simbolic drawing shows .. and we know alreadly that it is dirrectly related to chicomoztoc ...i think the prealta stones were made to show this same site and the trove list was a inventor of the sites wealth . i have no idea if any treasure remains at this site .. but the mines are there...

we just mis unstood waltz he said the vein runs mt ,about 400ft .. he means the mt is 400ft high , whe he said that he is at the highest piont on minners redge line above site 4 . remember he says . down there is my hiden camp ,, after that he discribes the mt / hill to a tee ..

yes i am a senitive preson and i often over react to insaulting remarks ..

but i am right this is chicomoztoc .. think of this . if this is the real chicomoztoc it may be the only clovis site to have made it threw the time span between 13500-and 9500 years bc

we could learn so much from this site ....

it is way beyond the value of any treasure trove

the evidence at this site could some day save the human race from extinction!

that why i posted the site public .. we do not know what the future of the human race will be .. we need ever chance we can get as fast and we can discover the data ...


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    simbolic over lay ls 001.JPG
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HOLA amigos,

Blindbowman wrote:
you are so bent on no one finding these legends ..other then your self ..

Wow amigo you could not be MORE wrong on this point. While there may well be some one or two people who visit our discussion that don't want anyone to find anything, have you not noticed that most folks here DO want to see the lost treasures and sites of the past FOUND? Sheesh! :thumbsup:

Blindbowman also wrote
and no matter what insaults you make to me presonally .. you will be the fool when this is over ...

What insults? I don't recall posting any insults, and will say this - if I did post an insult, there would be NO question about it, it would be clear as day for anyone to read. As I have no reason to wish to insult anyone here, I have no reason to post any insults. What is it that you are taking as some kind of insult?

Blindbowman also wrote:
how one acount has waltz killing the prealta for the mine ?

I believe that version has Waltz murdering a couple of Mexicans he mistakes for Indians, right? You also must concede that it is only ONE version of how Waltz discovered the mine, and one which is the most difficult to prove. Have you ever considered the other possible versions?

Blindbowman also wrote:
and what if , with all your ego and opioions you are all wrong and i am in fact right ..

How will that be a bad thing? I would hope to be among the first to congratulate you. I don't get your reasoning on this point amigo.

Blindbowman also wrote:
tenochtitlan was said to have been surounded by water thats when i realized the totem was showing the fall of the chicomoztoc culture .

Tenochtitlan was built on a lake, (or islands to be specific) like this

Blindbowman also wrote:
yes i am a senitive preson and i often over react to insaulting remarks

I think you might be mis-reading some posts as insulting remarks amigo, it is not an insult to disagree with someone over a theory nor over evidence. Real insults are extremely easy to spot.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

PS Blindbowman - you like to think outside the box right? OK here is one you will like:

How can one add 5 + 4 and get 1001?
How can one multiply 8 x 4 and get 20?



"we could learn so much from this site ....

it is way beyond the value of any treasure trove

the evidence at this site could some day save the human race from extinction!"


"after the football game i will try to post some more pics ..."


Peerless67 said:

"we could learn so much from this site ....

it is way beyond the value of any treasure trove

the evidence at this site could some day save the human race from extinction!"


"after the football game i will try to post some more pics ..."


i never said i value the human race...


" the evidence at this site could some day save the human race from extinction! "

Could you elaborate on this statement a little?



rochha said:

" the evidence at this site could some day save the human race from extinction! "

Could you elaborate on this statement a little?


the legends of chicomoztoc are ancient we just dont know how old chicomoztoc real is . if its older then the clovis site of 13,500bc . this may be the strong hold that helped save the human race from the black matt era . noteing the location would reflect much of the outer weather from the plans around this mt range.. dont fool your selfs this site has some very unique geology qualities .

it has high redge mts on both the west and eastern sides and a slinder controled pass to the north to lemit high winds and a open sun light from the southern dirrection ..and a fresh water sorce , we dont know how the clovis tribes became a clear cut exsample of the survival of the fittest but this could be where it took place ...

IMHO this site is unique and if this is where the last strong hold of people hide from a time that allmost made the human race extinct i would like to know why and how they survived .. those conditions and i would want to defind if there is other locations with those coditions in the hope i could find other strong holds . and learn even more from the sites , maybe there is a hiden record at this sites we dont know about ...

as smart as the human race thinks it is we are the controlling facter here on earth .. weather and environments can change as we have learned ...its up to us to defind anything that could help our future ...

we may find this type of evidence at chicomoztoc .....

i am trying to help the only way i know how . and i agree my skills are not normal or even excepted , but i am here and i am trying ...

i have seen greed and the human culture fall to care about sites like these in the past .. but as i piont out our own future may count on people like me definding sites like this any way we can .. it dosent matter if your a witch doctor or a modern day doctor if they live

i never said i was trying to make other except my gifts as fact . it never even dawned on me to try to make others beleive what i beleive . just trying to locate real sites with real treasurs .. if saveing data that could save the human race is not a real treasure what is ...?

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