The ring that I found Saturday was returned to its owner.

Florida Sand Digger

Full Member
Jun 16, 2009
Boca Raton, Florida
Detector(s) used
DFX w/Bigfoot coil, BHID, SMPI
The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

Here's the story....

I was out hunting one of my favorite beaches on Saturday. This time of year all the easy targets are gone, so I was working a section of the beach with a loose dune to surf grid, to see if I could find a pay line. After a couple of hours of this, the targets were coming very scattered, with no definite line at all, so I just continued with the grid. As I was going along I got a solid hit with a VDI of 29 on my DFX, which is exactly the same as a pull tab. But when I shook the sand from my scoop I was surprised to see this large men’s ring with a pretty star sapphire. I placed it in my pouch and continued with my hunt.

A little further down the beach was a Life Guard stand. as I was working in front of the stand the Life Guard stopped me and asked me if I was looking for the ring that had been lost the day before. I told him that I had not heard of anyone loosing a ring. He then told me that there was a young lady there yesterday that had lost a wedding ring that she wore on a chain around her neck. I told him that if he had any contact information or more details of where the ring was lost, that I would be glad to try and find it for her. He said that he would have to contact Headquarters to get the information and he would let me know.

So, the day went on and I returned to see the Life Guard about three hours later. He said that he had talked to Headquarters, but the person there did not know anything about the ring. So I gave him my name and number and told him that if anyone found her info to give her my number.

On Sunday the life Guard called me and told me that they had found her contact information and he had called her and gave her my number. I got home from work on Monday and had a message, it was her. So I called her back, she answered, and I told her who I was and that I heard that she had lost a ring. She started to describe the ring and at first my heart sank, she was describing the Men’s ring that I had found on Saturday. I really loved that ring, it even fit me perfectly. But, as the story goes, this was a ring that her Dad wore. He had passed away about six years ago and she said that this ring was the only thing that she had left from her Dad.

I then told her that I had her ring, I heard her gasp, and then she started to cry. She could not believe that I had the ring and that I was willing to return it to her, she thought it was gone forever. So she came to my apartment to get the ring, I asked her if I could get a picture of her and if it was ok to post it here, she said that was fine.

So, here is the picture, and, yes, I did get a big hug from her.


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Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

Great Job!

You certainly were a HERO to her and that beats (by a mile!) keeping the ring.

HH Joe

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

A BIG dose of GOOD Karma is heading
your way FSD!!! Congrats on finding the
ring and the owner. Gold Nuggets :hello:

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

Kudos to you on finding the sure is a beauty. I know the young lady is thrilled to have her dad's ring back.

:wink: RR

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

You truely did a good deed . :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumleft: Wtg

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

WTG digger. That smile says it all. Well done. HH :thumbsup:


Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

Beauty of a ring (love the star sapphire), returned to a beautiful girl, nice job :hello2:

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

What a wonderful thing you did!!! CONGRATS on the find and returning the ring!!!

As a young teen, I too, use to wear a ring on a chain around my neck that belonged to my father. My father did not pass, but you might as well say he did. When my parents divorced, he divorced his 5 children as well! I was able to see him 25 years his funeral!

I lost that ring that hung around my neck for many years and one day...the ring and chain were gone! So, I truly understand how that young lady felt. By your kindness and honesty in returning that ring to that young lady, I somehow feel within, like that ring I lost was returned to me!

Thank you for being such a wonderful, honest man! Your parents raised you well!

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

That young lady's smile tells it all. You did the right thing. Kudos to you.

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

You made her day! Its hard enough losing a parent but once they've gone and you lose something with sentimental value it truly does break your heart. You will be rewarded with other wonderful finds I'm sure. :)

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

100% class act.

Good on you for doing the right thing by returning it.

Also don't forget the lifeguard and him being concerned enough to follow up, making of the connection to have this all happen.

Maybe someday we'll meet while hitting one of the local beaches.


Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

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Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

hats off to ya! you are indeed an awsome human being! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

Good for you!!! you will be repayed in full, i'm sure. God put your coil there for a reason!!!!!! I found a big diamond earing for a guy on sunday at the beach and all i got was a thanks man! not even a hand shake! I was happy that my excal II found that little earing but the appreciation was just not there.

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

you did a very good thing. I hope you educated her that wearing jewelry to the beach is a NO NO, and that she was lucky this time because odds were not in her favor. I am so glad you were the one that found it and was able to return it. I know it has to mean a lot to her.

Re: The ring that I found Saturday was returned to it's owner.

I would say that it was just meant to be. Hey even her dad may have played a part in it from the great beyond, who knows. Anyway way too go in making someone that happy.

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