The Ruby Ridge Massacre - Video

I don't know Rebel.
I haven't run across that so far.


truckinbutch said:
Forgetting about Randy Weaver and his family puts us back to square one because history repeats itself.

I agree,
And the only way to prevent it from happening again is to keep it forfront right along with Waco and the New Orleans fisco.



I haven't even mentioned the OKC bombing yet.....that was a fiasco :o
One of the biggest government cover up's of our time.
What happened to John Doe #2, #3, and #4?

There were three individuals in the Ryder truck with Timothy McVeigh, when he stopped at the Kwik Stop for gas in Newkirk OK....the morning of the bombing!

What about the ATF's informant Carol Howe? She was set to testify that a white supremest group in eastern OK had plans to blow up the Federal Building in OKC or Denver CO.. The judge would not allow her to testify!


Shsssssssss.If ya find out they're gonna hafta killya.
I agree that we have waay too many unanswered questions in this country to ever become complacent and trusting.

truckinbutch said:
Shsssssssss.If ya find out they're gonna hafta killya.
I agree that we have waay too many unanswered questions in this country to ever become complacent and trusting.

They will have to stand in line, LOL.
Yes you are right...too many unanswered questions.
BTW, our company sent a two man crew to NO, and they reported private vehicles being confiscated as well as fire arms!


Montana Jim said:
Timberwolf said:
Montana Jim said:
Ruby Ridge - August 1992

Waco - April 1993

14 and 15 years ago.

Common Timberwolf... anything recent? I think everyone agrees those were screwed up incidents no matter who you are... both incidents are CLASSIC examples of Government gone wrong.

However... some progress resulted with lessons learned. Don't forget there are successes too!

Freeman Standoff - March - June 1996 (81 days) 80 arrests with not a shot fired... there has been improvement... IMO


I'm not aware of any recent incidents where the government has killed Americans on American soil, but just because they haven't, doesn't give me the warm fuzzies either.

They (our government) continue to take our rights away, and trample the Constitution of the United States. This in it's self is enough to keep me on my guard.

Have you looked into the "North American Union". That happened in 2005.
Is that recent enough for you?
No one died because of it, but what will it mean for us, our children and our grand children?


:) Thanks ... I just like to keep it recent... it's kinda less credible to rehash stuff from so long ago.

1776 is recent enough for me

Amen Arkhunter.


I read this post and have several things to say,

If one wants to read what this government is going into and leading, STUDY up on "COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS" this government has me leaving the military in 5 months then i would have served 18 1/2 years of service. I am a gun COLLECTOR, read again "GUN COLLECTOR" I stand on my AMENDMENT RIGHTS to BEAR ARMS!

One thing I can say about the media and this is about 95% true whether anyone believes it or not. Media is GOVERNMENT CONTROLED PROPAGADA!!!! The GOVERNMENT controls the MEDIA what they can and can't SHOW or AIR. There are reporters who want the truth to be known on many facts, but like I said, GOVERNMENT CONTROLS IT!!!! Yes, gory stories, etc is what the papers sell to make money. They are not going to publicize good stories because they won't make much money. If the news media, whether TV, Radio, or Newspapers put anything in their airing against the government that is true, they would be SHUT DOWN in a heart beat!

I love this country, I love my brother and sister veterans, but this government, that is another story. You look at all the vets coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan who HAVE BEEN there and see they are getting out, even like me with so few years left to retire and not retiring with 20 plus years of service. Some of these vets haven't even served 10 years. The reason on thing about the government is the government doesn't care about us and uses US as strong arms to show and act on force. I seen and had to do things that most of us thought were questionable, but it is either do it, or face charges.

This is the same situation with Germany in WW2. The higher ups gave the orders and the lower rankings had to do the dirty work, yes, The U.S. and the European countries tried and convicted SOME of the higher officials for war crimes. But many Americans don't really know that some of those higher officials who were just as guilty of the crimes were protected by the U.S. and was secreted out of the country and brought here to the United States. I can assure you that OUR government DIDN'T EXECUTE, or JAIL them!

There are many facts about our government and if people spend much time on the internet or doing research in many other places rather than watching TV, or just letting their kids roam the streets they would learn a lot more and would be totally shocked!

The government watches our every move from internet, cell phone, cameras at road intersections, towns, streets, etc and they say it is for National Security and crime watch. I would get the crime watch thing, but really has anyone looked around the areas I am talking about where crime rate is on and has been on the low to non existant? While us white, black, yellow, tan people gets thoroughly screened and almost have to totally strip at airport security check points, while "Arabic" looking foreign nationals walk and get past by because TSA and our government says they can't discriminate them because of what happened on 9/11 so they let them get by with them just walking through the check points and board the planes still! What is wrong with that picture?

By the way, about me; I am just a plain HONEST AMERICAN WHO LIVES BY OUR ADMENDMENT RIGHTS!

I can go on more, but it would be one heck of a book! I could actually write a book but the thought of somewhere down the line of me being accused of being a racist, gun breaking law, criminalised citizen ending up being sniped or shot by machine guns by the government doesn't appeal to me!


Thank you for your post. That took guts!

I wish more people like yourself, would come out and help educate the sheeple of this great country.
Thanks again :thumbsup:


Timberwolf said:

Thank you for your post. That took guts!

I wish more people like yourself, would come out and help educate the sheeple of this great country.
Thanks again :thumbsup:


Hey, Y.W.-- TimberWolf

I speak my mind and I say it like it is. Some people take me the wrong way sometimes when they meet me, but after they get to know me they know I am straight up and don't take crap! Especially if they are "Authoritive Type" people, if you know what I mean. If I am in the right, I stand my ground, if I have to CONVINCE someone I am right, Let me just say, Zodiac I am a "Leo", Chinese Zodiac I am "Tiger" and I RULE MY KINGDOM and JUNGLES where ever I am at!!!! And if ANYONE wants to TRY and take MY LEGAL OWNERSHIP guns, they can have the bullets FIRST!!!

Harley and Homestake,

Amen :(


truckinbutch said:
From another Leo/Tiger....Amen

Thanks guys. Wish we lived a little closer, we could get together and discuss things over a cup of coffee :wink:


Good morning OldDog :)

Well other than my "MILITARY" activities once a month. I work the motorcycle rally circuit so I travel around a lot. So it gets me around the country about 11 months out of the year. (providing you know who, DOESN'T DEPLOY ME AGAIN!) 5 more months!!!!! They are now hounding me to re-up. I ain't answered them!


I live in Ponca City, Oklahoma. That is about half way betweem Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Wichita Kansas.
If you are ever in the neighborhood...look me up :thumbsup:



I guess we will have to agree, to disagree on that one. I don't believe Randy's wife, son or dog did anything to deserve being killed that day. And I doubt that any of them "chose" to die.

Are you so sure that the Weavers were anarchists? Could it be that they believed in government, just not the corruption therein? I didn't know them personaly, so how could I know? Just something to consider :wink:


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