The stupid choices people make in life .....


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Bounty Hunter Landstar
My son-in-law just came off a 24hr shift on a murder investigation .
Seems that gal , wife of guy 1 (victim), decides to go party with 2 guys that live in a house 6 blocks
from her own ....... Neighbor sees her and dimes her out to hubby ; who grabs his brass knucks and
runs 6 blocks to find his wife in a pickup with two guys smoking dope .
...Bashes her upside the head with the knucks and all three of them run from the pickup to the house , fight him off enough to get inside and lock the door , with him banging and screaming on the outside .
Frustrated , he storms down the walk to be confronted by 3 neighbors that turned out to see what the commotion was in their neighborhood .
Enraged guy1 says he's gonna kill every Nword on the block and shoves a hand in his pocket ; at which point the little (109 pound) 18 yr old kid in the group drags a .380 and busts a cap at him at arm's reach and misses . Guy1 sees reality and takes off running with adreniline charged 18 yr old in pursuit still firing ....
Two more misses on the run and then the 4th shot ,at 30 yds , is right through the heart .
Life for both of them ended in that moment .
Lessons learned : If your wife is a problem , consult a lawyer rather than become a vigilante .
Don't threaten an entire community over the indescretions of a few members .
MOST IMPORTANT : If you beat an aggressive person to the draw and miss your first shot and they
You go from self defence to Murder #1 when your aim improves enough for the last running shot to
connect .

Ah yes, the indiscretions that take place when rationale is set aside in favor of emotion...................

I used to think that any woman that wants to be with another man is welcome to do so, (there's many many fish in the sea, and besides, why fight to keep something that doesn't want to be with you ?) but then came "no-fault" divorces............

Either one can be a complete a$$ and still get exactly half of everything..........just ain't right


Moral of the Story;
A Unfaithful Love will destroy your Heart everytime.

Nova Treasure

when you pick a bad piece of fruit --you get rid of it --- but for some reason lots of guys insist on trying to save some crackhead hoochie momma -- trying to marry and clean her up -- or if their otherwize "good" wife gets bored and decides to ride down that slope to "hootchie mommaville" hanging out with and being a plaything for dopers -- I say call the cops let em bust her and the dopers she partying with -- everytime you see or hear of her smoking dope -- call the cops and have em bust her butt and everyone else there with her ----- make it so when she "shows" up-- the dealers know the cops are right behind her --that way the dopers will not sell to her because shes "too hot" (they will drive her away they don't need the heat)--- plus being in jail will help her get clean (hopefully shes not too far gone)-- if you care at all for her thats all you can do basically a "legal" forced intervention ----bottom line its her life --only she can do something with it. --you might "love" someone to death but you can not make them love you in return. ---its up to them.

If he bashes her upside the head with brass knuckles, he doesn't exactly sound like a 'good piece of fruit' himself. People like this shouldn't have children.


uh most guys who have "brass nuckles" aren't the touchy feely warm and fuzzy good guy types ( the place sounds like a real POS neighborhood to boot)---
I would agree that it seems theres no good guys to root for in this bunch .

--- brass nuckle toting racist wife beater --- dope smoking hoochie momma wife --- dopers she was smoking with --- punk gun toting kid that capped the brass nuckle racist --- geez the whole neighborhood sounds like it needs to be napalmed.

people are just overreaction to the circumstance

Funny thing, or not so funny, I've seen several dozen of these things almost the same thing just changed the names around a little. There's always dope or booze involved some how. It happens in the ghetto and in million dollar neighborhoods. Idiocy is no respector of persons. My first wife was a lunatic tramp and I married her out of lust. What a mistake! After going through pure hell with her, dragging her out of the clubs and bars and catching her in a couple of affairs it dawned on me. Any woman that doesn't want me sure as heck isn't worth my time or killing for that matter. So I divorced her and never looked back. My present wife and I have been married 38 years and I believe she is a keeper! Monty

Hmm...he shoulda shook the other ones hand, told him "Thank ya" and kept on walking.........

Never could understand why people put themselves through that. I love myself to much to deal with some jerk. Been there and done that....they didnt do anything but a 'favor' for me.

I agree with most of these responses . My hurt was over the futility and stupidity of the incident .
Nuking the neighborhood would reduce my son-in-law's work load to some extent ...
Would also take out many good people that are striving to make their community better .

if one man is not enought for a women -- a millions not too many . --- either they are respectible women or they aren't --if not get rid of em as fast as possible once you find out and save yourself a whole buncha trouble . (cut your losses as they say ) cuz the longer your with em the more you lose --time , money and inner peace.

These are the kinds of things that make ya wonder : Why is it that people base their entire life on what someone else has between their legs and how or with whom they decide to use what belongs to THEM in the first place ?
I have a wife.....she stays here with me by her own choice. If she wants to leave, the door is always open. I won't follow. Nor will I ask her to come back or accept or expect her to return.

yes but some want one for the money $$$ ( a straight guy to make the money work like a dog and give over the dough -- he can be ugly as sin and dumb as a rock so long as he "earns" and pays the bills and gives over any left over cash to her ) --and then she wants one for the "show" to party harty with--- the old I want my cake and ice cream (sugar daddy) but I still want a pony ride (lover / lovers on the side) too if I feel like it bit. -- once married these days with the new "no fault" divorces the wives get half no matter if they do tramp round on ya --so its -- let her do as she pleases and shut up and fork over the dough and stay married (that way you get to "live" in your house still and see your kids on a regular basis ( and of course they will see you play the role of a "gutless wonder") --- or you can "be a man" and put your foot down --get a divorce -- be forced from the home (she'll get it to "raise" the kids in )--still pay the bills via child support * get to see your kids every other weekend and on split holidays --of course once you cut out the cash for the child support then pay for yourself to live single --you'll be constantly broke most likely so its highly unlikely that you'll to be able to find a good "quality woman" to match up with you for the rest of your lifetime --ah the good life.

ivan salis said:
yes but some want one for the money $$$ ( a straight guy to make the money work like a dog and give over the dough -- he can be ugly as sin and dumb as a rock so long as he "earns" and pays the bills and gives over any left over cash to her ) --and then she wants one for the "show" to party harty with--- the old I want my cake and ice cream (sugar daddy) but I still want a pony ride (lover / lovers on the side) too if I feel like it bit. -- once married these days with the new "no fault" divorces the wives get half no matter if they do tramp round on ya --so its -- let her do as she pleases and shut up and fork over the dough and stay married (that way you get to "live" in your house still and see your kids on a regular basis ( and of course they will see you play the role of a "gutless wonder") --- or you can "be a man" and put your foot down --get a divorce -- be forced from the home (she'll get it to "raise" the kids in )--still pay the bills via child support * get to see your kids every other weekend ans on split holidays --of course once you cut out the cash for the child support then pay for yourself to live single --you;ll be constantly broke most likely so its highly unlikely that you;ll to be able to find a "quality women" to match up with you --ah the good life.

What he said!

plehbah said:
Illinois Jeff said:
This is just what the anti-gun crowd loves to read.

Yeah...... woman beating !
Snicker ,snicker ;D . Darn my perverse hide but I can't resist asking ....... Is that a self portrait ?
This was posted as a joke . No offence intended .....Seemed like the thing to say at the time ;D

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