The TRUE story behind the Oak Island legend... (Finally revelaed)

Really sad the way education is today.
Educators and teachers do not know the truth so they are left repeating the same false history over and over...
Everything that is taught in school has been proven to be not true...
Will you elaborate on the "false history" taught by educators and the "everything" that "has been proven to be not true"?
That across the board statement requires supporting examples to be taken with even a grain of credibility.

Will you elaborate on the "false history" taught by educators and the "everything" that "has been proven to be not true"?
That across the board statement requires supporting examples to be taken with even a grain of credibility.

Given that "everything that is taught in school has been PROVEN to not be true..." he should have no problem laying out a logical case, backed with credible evidence.

I have no case to layout. Nothing to prove here. Want proof find it for yourself. I was only quoting a fact of life.

Oh, those rascally teachers who can only see one way . . .


No the Ark of the Covenant was brought over by the RC's and buried on Oak Island. Petter Admundsen has verified all of this with his research and work on the Sir Francis Bacon Ciphers and the books of Shakespeare. Really amazing the work he has done. The naysayers can post till the cows come home about Petter being wrong and no Historian has verified his work. I know what he has done is correct. It takes about a week to go over and over his work and there is no cause to ridicule the man or his work. Myself I think him to be a genius.

I have carried Petter's work further into our Founding Fathers and I have located where the Ark of the Covenant of God is today. May never get to see it but I will visit there in the very near future just to feel the presence of God.

Go to GoogleEarth and look at Independence Hall in Philadelphia and tell me what you see. The Ark is not there but it could have been at one time. There is a rose and cross in two diagonal lots just in front of Independence Hall. Run a line from the West towards the East, you will find that it is 53 degrees. All work of the RC. Run this line across the Atlantic and it will run you into Paris, France.

The Ark of The Covenant is squirreled away in a vast government vault. I saw it on TV so its true. Just ask Indiana Jones. He was there.

... I once thought I was the sharpest tack in the box but now I find out I am way behind and I am just beginning to learn...
Our society and our teachers really they do not know "knowledge" or the "truth" so they can not teach it to us, we have to seek it out...
Is that the reason you hold our education systems and teachers in such disdain because of the schools you attended?

ECS get a life.

As far as schools I attended they were second to none. The rocket boys graduated from the same school. If you do not know who they are then you are the one that has disdain for their schools, it is not I. I loved the schools I attended, I just do not hold to everything I was taught as the gospel. The teachers do not expect you too. You should seek your own road after learning the basics. The rest is left up to you.

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... Everything that is taught in school has been proven to be not true...
Was it at this school where you heard that Shakespeare couldn't write his name or some of the other misinformation posted as fact?
PS, thank you for your concern, but I do have a life. :thumbsup:

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So do I why do you not stay out of my life. You are a nuisance.

I have no case to layout. Nothing to prove here. Want proof find it for yourself. I was only quoting a fact of life.
What is a nuisance is making grandiose one liner claims like "false history" being taught or "everything has been proven not to be true" and when questioned about those statements, instead of providing supporting evidence, you become defensive while going offensive on those who questioned the accuracy of these one liners.

If one makes a disparaging statement one must be able to expound with supporting reasons for that statement for it to have weight and credibility, and if one has nothing to prove here, why post statements and claims here?

What is a nuisance is making grandiose one liner claims like "false history" being taught or "everything has been proven not to be true" and when questioned about those statements, instead of providing supporting evidence, you become defensive while going offensive on those who questioned the accuracy of these one liners.

If one makes a disparaging statement one must be able to expound with supporting reasons for that statement for it to have weight and credibility, and if one has nothing to prove here, why post statements and claims here?

Expound with supporting reasons? Why should I? What is in it for me? Take my life's work and just give it to you because you ask? You have got to be kidding. Find something on your own besides rhetoric.

Not talking about your life's work, but about your claims about how "everything" taught in our education system is "false history" and "has been proven not to be true".
What "false history" that "has been proven not to be true".
You have made this indictment of the education system on several threads, so you should have plenty of supporting facts to back it up.

Given that "everything that is taught in school has been PROVEN to not be true..." he should have no problem laying out a logical case, backed with credible evidence.
You would think that would happen being that it has been PROVEN.
I am just curious as to who and when and how it was PROVEN.

You would think that would happen being that it has been PROVEN.
I am just curious as to who and when and how it was PROVEN.

I'd really like to know, too. I have a bone to pick with my old math teacher. Turns out that the Pythagorean Theorem that she taught me is wrong. Franklin says so.

Things they hid from us:

There is a secret whole number between five and six called "pete".

The Colonists lost the Revolutionary War. We're actually secretly governed by the British.

Grasshoppers do have lungs. They just remove them from all the pickled specimens before Biology Class.

Run-on sentences ARE acceptable.

Their, they're and there all mean THE SAME THING!

So you are saying "I am ignorant because I do not have the documents to verify my argument?"...
But since you need documents, I will not post any.
I believe all are "saying" without documents or recovery there exists NO VERIFICATION of your speculative statements posted as fact.

You are the only one that needs verification. Find it yourself. I have found my verifications and that is all I need.

Really sad the way education is today.
Educators and teachers do not know the truth so they are left repeating the same false history over and over. And yet we do not get educated. About like the blind leading the blind.
Everything that is taught in school has been proven to be not true.
So why do they keep repeating it over and over...
Why do you continue to keep repeating this over and over again on several threads, and then get upset when asked for verification?

I guess his teachers wouldn't buy the "I know all the answers but why should I tell you" response for homework and exams either, and that left a bad taste in his mouth. '-)

Why do you continue to keep repeating this over and over again on several threads, and then get upset when asked for verification?

Refer back to post #157

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