This a great forum for researching human nature.

Goodc morning: just catching up on past posts: EE posted --> Yeah, but real scientists who do guesswork, call it the trial and error method, not fact
and just where is that different from what is being proposed?
EE also posted --> When you don't know where you're going....
what branch of science in potential investigations does?? They just follow this or that lead to where it might be understood or used. Strikingly similar to lrl developments or potentials.

don Jose de La Mancha


EE THr said:

You can be as happy as you want to be, and that's fine with me.

But you tried to use that to rebut my statement, and your doing so doesn't make any sense.


I hope, by now, that you're not expecting rational, coherent answers from Arthur. :laughing9:

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Goodc morning: just catching up on past posts: EE posted --> Yeah, but real scientists who do guesswork,
call it the trial and error method, not fact
and just were is that different from what is being proposed?
EE also posted --> When you don't know where you're going....
what branch of science in potential investigations does?? They just follow this or that lead to where it might be
understood or used. Strikingly similar to lrl developments or potentials.

don Jose de La Mancha



The methods that real Scientists use, are very different from the methods used by pseudoscience.

Scientists usually start out trying to solve a problem, or improve a process for obtaining something useful to people.

Psychiatrists start out trying to find a way to control people. Populations, in fact. Actually it's a giant eugenics program.

LRL makers appear to have started out trying to find a good money-making scam, and then try to use make-believe pseudoscience to support their pseudotheory.

Big difference in all three. Except that the last two are presented to the public as doing something good, when they aren't. The second, more than cheating people out of their money, is actively doing harm to the population.

Treasure hunting is the search for real treasure which has been a notable human activity for millennia.
In recent times, the early stages of the development of archaeology included a significant aspect of treasure hunt; Heinrich Schliemann's excavations at Troy, and later at Mycenae, both turned up significant finds of golden artifacts. Early work in Egyptology also included a similar motive.[citation needed]
More recently, most serious treasure hunters have started working underwater,[citation needed] where modern technology allows access to wrecks containing valuables which were previously inaccessible. Starting with the diving suit, and moving on through Scuba and later to ROVs, each new generation of technology has made more wrecks accessible. Many of these wrecks have resulted in the treasure salvage of many fascinating artifacts from Spanish treasure fleets as well as many others.[citation

Hi EE frankly I fail to see the difference. All are out to solve a problem. In the end all are out for commercial returns.
An investigator that isn't, no matter what field, will never get research backing.

Don Jose de La Mancha


EE THr said:
Scientists usually start out trying to solve a problem, or improve a process for obtaining something useful to people.

Psychiatrists start out trying to find a way to control people. Populations, in fact. Actually it's a giant eugenics program.

LRL makers appear to have started out trying to find a good money-making scam, and then try to use make-believe pseudoscience to support their pseudotheory.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Hi frankly I fail to see the difference. All are out to solve a problem. In the end all are out for commercial returns.
An investigator that isn't, no matter what field, will never get research backing.

Don Jose de La Mancha

OK. Here is the difference.

1. Real Scientists are as you said, above.

2. Psychiatry/ology is a covert eugenics program, as documented in the video, now several posts above.

3. LRL makers have no intention of building anything that will ever work as advertised.

Simple, no?


ref: Eugenics, Wikipedia


Notice from the Eugenics Congress logo, how they planned to corrupt all branches of Science, Politics, Education, and even Religion.


~EE THr~
. LRL makers have no intention of building anything that will ever work as advertised.

Simple, no?
Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take some action upon products, ideas, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular brand. These messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various media. Advertising can also serve to communicate an idea to a large number of people in an attempt to convince them to take a certain action
Strange how you speak about Advertising…Did you act as a uninformed consumer and buy something that was not what you thought it was ?
Thousands of valuable finds are made daily throughout archaeology, geology and general metal and gemstone detecting. All you need to do with the ---------- is enter a number provided with the unit and tune to a sample for more accuracy. You don't even need samples though with the auto-tune ----------. The ------ is finely tuned and generally needs no further adjustment during the locating session. Immediately you can detect gold, silver and other precious metals with the same ten-second process. You can tell how far away and deep by utilizing two easy keys. Shape and weight are just as easy using the keys and dial. The main metal/gems/substance frequencies (25 with the -- or 120--------- come with the units. Other frequencies are available within a few hours of request.
What is fraudulent about this advertisement ?

What is fraudulent about this advertisement ?

good afternoon: it was suggested that I go bk and answer on two different subjects which I neglected, being too busy on physical business. Did any of you, especially woof, actually go to the site? I am surprised at the apparent lack of reading and understanding ability. EE at least tried.

some of the articles in there -- Hal Lewis post, #131. I.E. learn the difference between psychic and physics, sheesh.

1) Coming Soon in Physics
Nuclear Physics: Tracing the path of nucleosynthesis in stellar x-ray bursts
•Cosmology: Testing an alternative to dark matter

2) Imaging matter in different spaces Ian Robinson, March 14, 2011
An x-ray free electron laser setup converts the diffraction pattern of randomly positioned and oriented particles into an image of a single particle. Read More »

3) Coming Soon in Physics
•Nuclear Physics: Tracing the path of nucleosynthesis in stellar x-ray bursts
•Cosmology: Testing an alternative to dark matter

The article was referring to the degeneration of honesty and true research in science due to the moral factor being taken over by $$. The very same thing that the sceptics are claiming on lrl producers.

So much for the noble idea of conventional science working purely for the benefit of the world.

So?? what is humorous in the post?

Don Jose de La Mancha


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
The article was referring to the degeneration of honesty and true research in science due to the moral factor being taken over by $$. The very same thing that the sceptics are claiming on lrl producers.

So much for the noble idea of conventional science working purely for the benefit of the world.

So?? what is humorous in the post?

Don Jose de La Mancha

That's exactly what I thought about it, and said so, but the others insisted that there was some "hidden advertisement" within the letter. And they said no, it wasn't the book, and no, it wasn't the slam about ClimateGate. They said a person had to have been a Tnet member for many years to be able to find it in there. So I guess it was just a snipe hunt. That's pretty desperate!

Thanks, guys.

And for your 1-2-3 items, I didn't see those anywhere there. (?)



aarthrj3811 said:
Immediately you can detect gold, silver and other precious metals with the same ten-second process.


What is fraudulent about this advertisement ?

OK, I will humor you.

Question: Where does it say the device will detect gold, and so forth?

Answer: Nowhere!

Do you get it now?


EE, do you wonder why I have a jaundiced eye towards conventional science? Perhaps someof the following posts may show you why.

Re: Discuss the so called para-nornal, which includes dowsing, unusual talents etc.

Reply To This Topic #11 Posted Jan 27, 2007, 06:17:50 PM

Quote Modify Remove

HI, one reason that I tend to question the status quo of science is in a series of experiments with my eyes

I have always been told that as we age, that we lose the ability to focus our eyes due to the hardening of the lens. I saw people getting glasses which apparently bothered them a bit at first. They were told to relax, that they would soon become used to them, and so it happened, They could see quite clearly with the glasses ---for a while.

Then a return trip indicated a stronger pair of glasses, again the same routine, then again, then again etc. etc. etc. The glasses had not changed , so what was the reason for a need to change the glasses? The eye was supposedly incapable of changing.

Research turned up the theory that the lens as a focusing factor of the eye, was only effective during the formative stages of life, that gradually after a period of years it developed it's final curvature. At this point the eye converted to focusing exactly as a camera does, by controlling the elongated shape of the eyeball with especially developed muscles which do just this. Since it made a completely logical statement against the Status Quo, I decided to experiment.

I purchased a no of gradually increasing power glasses, At first I very uncomfortable, but then, slowly as i became used to it, I found that I could no longer see clearly without them. After a time this occurred again with them, so the next step up was needed. This continued up to the coke bottle lens, then I gradually went in reverse, Each time it was accompanied with discomfort, but eventually I ended up with no glasses again and with perfect sight.

This obviously flies in the face of conventional science. So the seed of unconformity was sown. The payoff was when I developed 3 Cancers and decided to do my own research which culminated with my refusing conventional treatment. I treated myself, and right or wrong, I no longer have the slightest trace of cancer.
Monday I was officially informed that I had had a miraculous remission, hmmm.

Since the first happy announcement on my Birthday that I had advanced cancer, I probably have perhaps
1000+ hrs of study on the physiology and yes, psychology of cancer. I have read every bit of information available from medical papers to weird alternate treatments.

As we go along, if sufficiently people are actually interested, i will show why I do not blindly believe in conventional science, including their present assessment on dowsing, as well as many other things.. I will show by repeatable experiments, which you personally can do, things that will fly in the face of present scientific shibboleths.

Tropical Tramp

Don Jose de La Mancha


I've never questioned your opinion of what I refer to as "modern science."

However it is my contention that "modern science" has been politically corrupted, in all fields, for the most part. For example, the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth are some of the few who have not been corrupted. And there are others.

But the Scientific Method still exists, even though it is being ignored and overrun by political influence.


This a great forum for researching human nature.

`EE THr~
I've never questioned your opinion of what I refer to as "modern science."
However it is my contention that "modern science" has been politically corrupted, in all fields, for the most part. For example, the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth are some of the few who have not been corrupted. And there are others.
But the Scientific Method still exists, even though it is being ignored and overrun by political influence.
Yes it is a good forum to research human nature…We have learned all about pseudoscience and how important it is to the Skeptics Logic…This is amazing stuff..Art

Immediately you can detect gold, silver and other precious metals with the same ten-second process

~EE THr~
Ditto to you, artie.
It says you can detect gold....
Not that the machine will detect gold....
Wake up!

You say that this is false advertisement and proof that the devices is a Dowsing Rod..

So now..Is every tool that has an advertisement with the word you in it false or are all of them Dowsing Devices ?


  • Untitled.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 207
aarthrj3811 said:
So now..Is every tool that has an advertisement with the word you in it false or are all of them Dowsing Devices ?


But nobody is contesting that this detector will sense metals, and predictably perform the same every time.

Because it actually does. And for everyone.


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