This is the absolute truth.


Bronze Member
Jan 4, 2010
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I talked with a friend of a friends sister who knows somebody that lives next to a driver for Garda.

Garda does cull all silver but they have realized by doing so they are cutting into their profits as banks are not ordering them anymore and they are stuck with a worthless pallet
of clad. They have hired a "Silver" place in each coin vault location. Each day, except Friday because of union matters, the "Silver" placer locates one box on each pallet of Half dollars
and inserts 3, that is correct, 3 40% silver half dollars. He/She is also responsible for placing 1 90% Quarter in the bottom box at the far right hand corner of the pallet, the "Silver" placer's assistant does likewise for the dime pallet but inserts 1 90% dime into at least 15 boxes on each pallet. The War Nickels are treated the same.

There, this should settle the argument for Garda. I am searching my family tree for any relatives or friends that might know somebody who could possibly be an acquantice of a former/current Brinks Employee.

Will Keep Everyone Updated.



Brinks only culls pennies after 1986 according to my Aunt's great Uncle's son who is a mechanic that services all Brinks Armored Cars in New Jersey. They feel that copper is not something special and are going after the new makeup of the penny. They have built a storage facility in Hackensack to accomodate all the pennies they are culling. I asked if they
had any 2009's and he gave me a very strange look and asked "Why do you want to know?". I said that I was just curious and his response was "Curiousity Killed The Cat", do not
be a cat. And then he started working on another Armored Car......

Hopefully Loomis might be more forthcoming with information than Brinks was.
Will keep everyone updated.


Found a source tonight after tons of internet searching and have confirmed that Strings has outsourced all of the half dollars to India. In India, each worker carefully unwraps the shotgun rolls and searches each roll for silver. They do not, I repeat, DO NOT put a half dollar back in when they cull silver. Once the process is complete they ship the boxes back to the USA and are distributed to unwary souls who do not know about this practice. For those of you who had boxes that appear to be searched, you would be correct. The India government has been instructed to leave only 1 half dollar of 40 % heritage in a box if more than one is found. All 90% halfs are to be kept and sent back to the Canadian Federal Repository for melting and returned to a local online dealer as bullion.

That is all for this evening as my head hurts and my fingers are numb from typing.
Enjoy the week-end and hope you find a box that hasn't been tampered with.

Oh, as a side note, I did find that all of the major banks in the USA instruct their tellers to cull all silver coming into their station. They are also directed to keep this in plain sight and deny any customer who asks for it by stating that it belongs to them and they cannot sell according to bank policy.

There you have it folks, we should see no more posts about anybody culling anything from here on out.

And that is the end of the story.

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This is working out great!! I had a 28 26 21 silver count in 3 of my boxes this week.

This is working out great!! I had a 28 26 21 silver count in 3 of my boxes this week.

The silver placers had "Cinco De Mayo" off as a nationally declared holiday per their contract with the union. Basically you just robbed somebody of their silver as they are now culling all silver today, Monday, to make up for what went out the door during the week-end and Fridays when everyone was gossiping about the upcoming holiday and not doing their job. :laughing7:

Found a source tonight after tons of internet searching and have confirmed that Strings has outsourced all of the half dollars to India. In India, each worker carefully unwraps the shotgun rolls and searches each roll for silver. They do not, I repeat, DO NOT put a half dollar back in when they cull silver. Once the process is complete they ship the boxes back to the USA and are distributed to unwary souls who do not know about this practice. For those of you who had boxes that appear to be searched, you would be correct. The India government has been instructed to leave only 1 half dollar of 40 % heritage in a box if more than one is found. All 90% halfs are to be kept and sent back to the Canadian Federal Repository for melting and returned to a local online dealer as bullion.

So they are shipping those heavy boxes of halves to India, paying someone to search through them and then shipping them to back to the states...?

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but it might account for the price of gas being so high :tongue3:

So they are shipping those heavy boxes of halves to India, paying someone to search through them and then shipping them to back to the states...?

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but it might account for the price of gas being so high :tongue3:

NO, Strings has moved their coin Vault to India. No company would be that stupid to ship them over and then ship them back. They do load up Ocean Barges with raw coin on its way back to India from dropping
off the load coming from India. India then in turns, sorts, rolls, then un-does the MWR to make you think that they have already been searched. The "Silver Placers" requested thru the Union Steward, for Strings
to hire the UnWrapper/Unroller people as their workload is starting to increase. There was an article about California and having to dedicate one Ocean going vessel a day to the port of Los Angeles just to cover
Southern California coin roll hunters.....

It was a very good read and very enlightening as well.....

hell, doesn't dunbar cull silver too? the dunbar facility actually hires seasonal workers who come to the US for the summer, just to sift through dime after dime in search of silver. I don't know how true this is, but my grandfather's brother's son's friend's father's son's cousin who happens to work at dunbar told me. they are paid under the table to avoid taxes.

lol you sure it wasn't your grandfather's brother's son's friend fathers son's cousins brother's uncle??

lol you sure it wasn't your grandfather's brother's son's friend fathers son's cousins brother's uncle??

C'Mon Coop, everyone knows that the IRS watches this sight to catch Tax Cheats on half dollars that are silver. He is only protecting his family and now you spilled the beans. Oh My.......
BB, sorry for bringing this pain on you and your loved ones, I was merely substantiating rumours that seem to crop up on TNET every Tuesday.

C'Mon Coop, everyone knows that the IRS watches this sight to catch Tax Cheats on half dollars that are silver. He is only protecting his family and now you spilled the beans. Oh My.......
BB, sorry for bringing this pain on you and your loved ones, I was merely substantiating rumours that seem to crop up on TNET every Tuesday.
But I wonder how they can tax something that's been taxed already?? If I receive a silver coin in change that i paid taxes on its worth face value at least that's what the bank tells me. :)

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But I wonder how they can tax something that's been taxed already?? If I receive a silver coin in change that i paid taxes on its worth face value at least that's what the bank tells me. :)

Only if you use it as a .50 cent piece. If you turn it in for Silver then the minature transmitter that the "Silver Placers" put in your box will start to transmit a signal that tells the 3 letter company that you just
sold it for melt.

Have to be careful here, oh by the way, it is TUESDAY.......


Come on guys. Do you really think you can pull silver after silver year after year forever? This forum is part of the problem. There is only so much coming back into the system and you guys snap it up immediately.

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