To WHOMEVER still doesnt understand, the plan for us common folk !

Alex Jones..2/26/2013....Guest... Michael Savage..Gun Debate...[video][/video]

If any one wants to watch daily news videos of ALEX JONES....ConspiracyScope puts them up a few hours after the show airs live....everyday..

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......This guy is on a roll....PUSH THE TRUTH...


Now just a minute here ...

I do more than type I also think and from what I see it's you that need to prove your right and posting video's from the web or any other organization doesn't make them truthful . And I believe the group your referring to is or was once called the Bloomberg Group or something similar . They do exist and have power but removing 500 Million people is a stretch and a tall tale indeed . But you need to prove your facts before you call on someone else to prove wrong . IMHO ,
You seem to like to just type...lets do me (facts) of what im saying is want me to name You asking to be SPOON fed again and I will have to pass..I could open the eyes of a few good people while im wasting my time with your knowledge of history,Gods word,seeing reality how it is,or just being a better human being..have a great life, I am!

300pages..that must be the one with all the big words taken

....and she has carried a gun for a lot of years...

I do more than type I also think and from what I see it's you that need to prove your right and posting video's from the web or any other organization doesn't make them truthful . And I believe the group your referring to is or was once called the Bloomberg Group or something similar . They do exist and have power but removing 500 Million people is a stretch and a tall tale indeed . But you need to prove your facts before you call on someone else to prove wrong . IMHO ,

Thank you, for your opinion....please buy or borrow a proud to have it in your hand and remember how this country was formed....The constitution is a real thing, you better back will be your own fault if you dont, not mine....peace be with you

I have noticed something in my 36 years of life.....the nail that sticks out the most, WILL get hammered the hardest....Im not here for anyone to change my views or way of life, I am not arguing with people that are against our freedom and survival, I am not here for that... but if any of this opens the eyes of just on person...I have done my part...God Bless you all, we are gonna need it.

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Keep in mind...opinions and ideas against the God givin rights to the people of this country is what we are really fighting, not just a person....

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Here's a tune from Ice T's second album "The Iceberg". Listen to the lyrics in this video please, everyone or anyone? I would also encourage everyone to listen and read the lyrics from his first album "OG" as well as all the lyrics from the (his second) album "The Iceberg". I thought this was the kind of crap y'all didn't like? Sorry Blue.... This drug addict is not a very good spokesman for the "cause" either, so to speak. We should converse about magnet fishing sometime though. I have developed a keen interest in the subject recently.

I remember that song very well...keep in mind how many years ago that Im 36 now and remember when I was around I think 16 when I heard these beats...yes I said beats...none of us corn fed white kids cared about the words...we danced to this CRAP, cause on TV ...Michael Jackson..was king and he could glide across the floor, forward, backward and side to I lived in the middle of a corn field on a farm my whole life and even my high school was on a long road surrounded by This beat was the best around, parents did not like RAP at all and I could only play it out side, so I busted out my piece of cardboard and got to it like every other misinformed kid my crew was another hot beat sound back then as well..(crazy amounts of bad words though)..My point to all this is, no matter what this guy said, did, or how he lived....He was asked 15+ years after this recording of him acting a fool and saying stuff he wouldn't say to his own mother..( would taking away guns stop the killings and he said NO )..I bet he would take a few of his raps back if he could...every single person of this country has a right to understand how we made it here and how it still can be, even if they dont teach it in schools anymore....That is my point...God bless you all

This is how we all tried to guy in the green shirt is the OLD SCHOOL way we all tried to learn of foot work...peace

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Please stay on TOPIC...I cant control people and what they post but people can control themselves....:BangHead:

I dunno - ever wonder where your thoughts come from? I can't control mine .............

woodstock said:
I do more than type I also think and from what I see it's you that need to prove your right and posting video's from the web or any other organization doesn't make them truthful . And I believe the group your referring to is or was once called the Bloomberg Group or something similar . They do exist and have power but removing 500 Million people is a stretch and a tall tale indeed . But you need to prove your facts before you call on someone else to prove wrong . IMHO ,

You are correct Woodstock - you do not prove negatives. It's illogical.

Looks like blue is getting a good start.

Thank the dance video I just will grin..even if everything else is fuzzy to you..keep an eye on the guy in green

You are correct Woodstock - you do not prove negatives. It's illogical.

You were hoping and praying some one else would read that...LOL

What else is illogical is changing the 2nd amendment or any part of the Constitution..

Stockpicker, I have to say Im starting to like might just be for the grit of your persistence but if a few of us up in here could show you the right path, you would be VERY valuable on the side of freedom for the people..:thumbsup:

OK, perfect example.....this is a fact, she is saying this...I am not making this stuff up, they want/wanted the guns this whole time, then other things will fall into place....but if we STOP this, all the other crap you think im saying wont happen either way....but this is the turning point of it all...

If it was just the guns that was the problem, dont you think they would came to that conclusion over 100+ years ago in the United

Technology is killing us faster than you can pull the trigger of ANY gun....

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B1u3Dr4g0n1 said:
You were hoping and praying some one else would read that...LOL

What else is illogical is changing the 2nd amendment or any part of the Constitution..

I didnt say your point was illogical. I said proving a negative is illogical. Have you never studied rules of logic and debate?

Never mind the fact that the Founding Fathers were considered the leading LIBERALS of their day!!

I thought liberal as an insult went out of fashion around 20 or 30 years ago?? Or has rush kept it alive?

It's not Liberal - it's pronounced Liibar-ull, with a tebakky spit at the end. Ain't yu watchin' Faux News, kid?

It's kept alive by Rupert Murdoch - an old guy who is spending the rest of his life on Earth going out on the limb of rationality. The epitome of Jesus.

Here's his latest move:
Rupert Murdoch Emerges as Winning Bidder for Richard III's Bones : The New Yorker

Here's the non-Liibar-ull version of the story (ignore the commie comment at the end):
Rupert Murdoch Emerges as Winning Bidder for Richard III's Bones - Stormfront

Here's his stand favoring gun control:

He now has a Chinese wife............. just saying . ..........

This was a bizarre trip through the backwaters of the internet, by the way. I'm heading for the range in the basement to get normal.

I didnt say your point was illogical. I said proving a negative is illogical. Have you never studied rules of logic and debate?

NOPE...:headbang:...Im a very common man, my friend...I live by the word of GOD and research the history of this great country..I might not bring the word across the best but GOD knows I mean college here...not even 12th grade if it even matters..growing things and raising things were more important and if you want to stay healthy it is still more important today...Logic is a warm gun, when the phone becomes cold waiting on the police...I have only been to church two times and have never been in prison, before you even well...Im only here to push the truth, but if it is dumbed down to much for you I am truly sorry...but im doing my best..and I have not one problem standing infront of GOD...even after this message...can you truly say the same, hearing everything I say...peace be with you...

I raise rabbbits, chickens and pigeons..and live better than any one that has money and no brains...and I have an Aquaponics greenhouse that grows all round year, here in Indiana...wondering how I do that ...just ask......I'll smarten it up as much as I can for some of you people...even though you can be handi capped and unable to talk to live healthy...(which my father is now at 86, yes he had me late in life) but drank like a fish, did I say I can run a steel like I live in its all about the length of the copper.....LOL... If your hording seeds and GUNS, your smarter than most....that is the truth help me GOD..

Stockpicker this is straight for you...and im not trying to be rude in any way..but I dont have the education you have as I can see...but I know how to survive more than people that do have a better education and know how to survive..I am willing to say the crap going on now.....I truly want to help you..Ill live a long life will you...I want to banter with you many years...please back the 2nd amendment.....people want to live...

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