To WHOMEVER still doesnt understand, the plan for us common folk !

I believe that EVERYONE has something to teach and something to learn. I try and do both everyday and I consider myself fortunate when I can learn from someone who feels the same way. Best

Dude I do like you came at me , like I touched your wife, just walking by...not many men do that ...face to face with me...but we are ALL key board ninjas in this place...I like that , I look for that....but man, you need to really look deep I dont mean you have no idea whats going on but man......its crazier than you give it credit for....just keep looking, I cant help you, im here for the NEW sheep...thats wondering for info..thats why so many all I mean.... good if you can understand me, if he can keep hes cool.....he knows more anti government than me..but if you want to know how to ask...

I still get carded for alcohol.. ALL...chicks that hit on me think im under almost 37....LOL live from the GROUND...period

People ask if I lift do what I do everyday..... IMG_1003.jpg.I do punch a bag...and had 6 years...shore rea roue...if I spelled it right....Korean Karate....Got to 2nd degree brown belt..21 years chubby from the beer..I dont have time to make....LOL

Stockpicker....I would like to shake your name is Steve..and if your ever in Northern Indiana....I got some spots to md...civil war stuff...yep books dont even mention all few camps came this far...peace

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Never mind the fact that the Founding Fathers were considered the leading LIBERALS of their day!!

I thought liberal as an insult went out of fashion around 20 or 30 years ago?? Or has rush kept it alive?

I saw this quoted in someone's post and thought I would respond with a simple explanation . . . hope it doesn't offend, but it was high school civics curriculum when I was growing up, and it is in the frame of reference from when I was in highschool. Terms today are not the same.

Conservative: Tends to be set in their ways, pulls in the reins on spending, dislikes trying "new" ideas promoted by others because they are popular. Very few of these left.

Liberal: This group is willing to try "new" ideas, but if the ideas don't work, they are willing to go back to the tried and true. They are willing to spend money to cure ills, but will withdraw funding if the ideas do not produce desired results. Today this person would be called a "Conservative" because they do not continue an ill conceived policy once it is proven not to work.

Radical: This person has an agenda to follow, without regard to the effect of their actions on other peoples. Believes that they know better than anyone else how to spend money. The spending of other peoples' monies is important as the spending of money is used as a measure of their power. Today these persons are called "Liberals" or "Progressives".

I know the definitions are not the same as today. If this were 1976, the persons culture calls "Liberals" would have been called "Radicals". You will notice that many who are today called "Liberals" are the same persons who were considered "Radicals" in the 1960's and 1970's. For example, Bill Ayers was considered a "Radical" in the 70's when he ran the "Weather Underground". Today he is called a "Liberal".

When you control the political speak, you control the argument. I wish that we could go back to calling a spade (original meaning was "Shovel", and is how it was originally meant in this expression) a spade.

Last edited: good if you can understand me, if he can keep hes cool.....he knows more anti government than me..but if you want to know how to ask...

Dont worry about me pal I always keep my cool.Loosing ones temper is a weakness,I'm not weak lol.I live quite alright,I never had a major sickness,I havent even had a cold for years.The last time I had to go to the hospital for anything major i was 9 years old,broken arm broken leg.I can still hike all day.I prospect in the mountains.I dont eat junk food or fast food.I do alright.

When you control the political speak, you control the argument.

Excellent example of your own point. Faux News has been doing just that, and also assigning negative associations with those words.

I'm old enough to remember those days, and conservatives are still wearing bow ties, but they're still the same. They essentially want life to return to the wonderful days of yesterday (whatever they think they are), but the fact of today's world is that it moves very fast (and no, I don't think that's all a good thing either). There is NO way we can return to anything - I defy anyone to point out any example of just where it happened.

This group is willing to try "new" ideas, but if the ideas don't work, they are willing to go back to the tried and true. They are willing to spend money to cure ills, but will withdraw funding if the ideas do not produce desired results. Today this person would be called a "Conservative" because they do not continue an ill conceived policy once it is proven not to work.

It's a good thing I didn't have a mouthful of soda when I read that! I have lots of conservative friends and acquaintances, but not a ONE of them refers to himself as an old liberal. Today's conservatives have been seduced into gullibility that panders to their prejudices by word associations or "political speak", as you call it - primarily through fear, which is the strongest primal response.

I call them "lizard brains" since that (the amygdala) is the part of the brain that we have had since we were lizards. Its responses are limited to eat, attack, run away, or mate. We've evolved our conscious brain in the millions of years since then. We've acquired a cortex, and - wonder of wonders - a neo-cortex; welcome to the class Mammalia and species Homo Sapiens. Human - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The trick is to manage the relationship between the two. Actually, there is a trick to managing your brain since it didn't really evolve into a rational thought machine. You won't see squirrels playing chess or deer doing calculus. The brain can be trained for rational thought, but it doesn't come issued pre-wired for that. That's the function of education, along with acquiring mere facts. Of course, we can ignore that training - I do it myself, calling it "reverting to my inner redneck". I do not take it seriously though and keep it in perspective. Darn martial arts.....

A lot of conservatives I know think we should "continue an ill conceived policy once it is proven not to work".

Nice try.

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Excellent example of your own point. Faux News has been doing just that, and also assigning negative associations with those words.

There is only ONE network NOT in the tank for the current administration, and that is why it drives some folks nuts! How dare they attempt to unmask the folks in Washington?!!

Those "mainstream" networks and other news outlets have been shaping political understanding for decades, long before Fox News came on the scene. They are in bed with one side so of course they are ubercritical of anyone that threatens their "relationship".

The mainstream media DOES CONTROL THE LANGUAGE.

I don't know about it because Fox reported it, I know about it because I used to be part of it. If you shape the language, you control the debate because your opponent is somewhat crippled by the perceptions of those listening to the discussion.

I'm old enough to remember those days, and conservatives are still wearing bow ties, but they're still the same. They essentially want life to return to the wonderful days of yesterday (whatever they think they are), but the fact of today's world is that it moves very fast (and no, I don't think that's all a good thing either). There is NO way we can return to anything - I defy anyone to point out any example of just where it happened.

And there you go with the "controlling" spiel. You paint anyone who doesn't agree with your views as being "old fashioned" rather than describing them as practical. We've been doing the "very fast" thing, and that is how we have gotten to a 17 TRILLION dollar deficit and a 3.2 TRILLION annual budget in Washington.

Why not use "common sense" and go back to the things that worked for decades?

Simple. Government was smaller, it was constrained by the Constitution, and there was LESS GRAFT going on -- i.e. less money for politicians.

It's a good thing I didn't have a mouthful of soda when I read that! I have lots of conservative friends and acquaintances, but not a ONE of them refers to himself as an old liberal. Today's conservatives have been seduced into gullibility that panders to their prejudices by word associations or "political speak", as you call it - primarily through fear, which is the strongest primal response.

You probably have lots of friends that are CALLED conservative, but there are actually very few of us left. The great majority of those who are today called "conservative" are actually LIBERALS, some even bordering on RADICALS. It has been so long since most have met a true conservative . . . and that's a shame.

That is how the media has altered the language. Today Ted Kennedy would be called a conservative by many in the media. John Kerry, Bill Clinton and Al Gore are seen as middle of the road. As Hitler's propaganda minister said, 'tell the same lie often enough and loud enough and it becomes the truth.' Today the media live by that statement.

I call them "lizard brains" since that (the amygdala) is the part of the brain that we have had since we were lizards. Its responses are limited to eat, attack, run away, or mate. We've evolved our conscious brain in the millions of years since then. We've acquired a cortex, and - wonder of wonders - a neo-cortex; welcome to the class Mammalia and species Homo Sapiens. Human - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The trick is to manage the relationship between the two. Actually, there is a trick to managing your brain since it didn't really evolve into a rational thought machine. You won't see squirrels playing chess or deer doing calculus. The brain can be trained for rational thought, but it doesn't come issued pre-wired for that. That's the function of education, along with acquiring mere facts. Of course, we can ignore that training - I do it myself, calling it "reverting to my inner redneck". I do not take it seriously though and keep it in perspective. Darn martial arts.....

A lot of conservatives I know think we should "continue an ill conceived policy once it is proven not to work".

Nice try.

Wow, insults rather than discussion. Great way to handle this. So, since conservatism is stupid in your eyes, please explain one thing and I'll cede the argument to your side:

How does one borrow their way out of debt?

I'll be waiting for the explanation, would be nice to know how to borrow my way out of debt!

Lets not forget that bush also did a very fine job putting this country in debt. Personally I think both parties have lost their "fiscal way". And both parties should be called out. No one should get a free pass on this one. I had high hoped that the tea party would have stayed focussed on fiscal responsibility as its primary platform but they ended up getting very sidetracked by way too many side issues - all just my 2 cents.

Meh! Politics again! pffttt

I'll say one thing though...this thread has taught me that the biggest issue that should be being pushed (very hard) into being, is- "REALLY hard background and mental stability checks"- before being allowed to even be in the same state as a gun...never mind own one!!

Lordy! :o

Lets not forget that bush also did a very fine job putting this country in debt. Personally I think both parties have lost their "fiscal way". And both parties should be called out. No one should get a free pass on this one. I had high hoped that the tea party would have stayed focussed on fiscal responsibility as its primary platform but they ended up getting very sidetracked by way too many side issues - all just my 2 cents.

Stockpicker, you are DEAD ON RIGHT. Of course, I don't believe I've said that GW was a true conservative. I also agree that BOTH PARTIES should be called out, and the irresponsible ones outed for what they are.

Tea Party has stayed on message, but again, the media has corrupted the language in such a way that they are always perceived by the uninformed people as radicals when they are actually conservative.

Meh! Politics again! pffttt

I'll say one thing though...this thread has taught me that the biggest issue that should be being pushed (very hard) into being, is- "REALLY hard background and mental stability checks"- before being allowed to even be in the same state as a gun...never mind own one!!

Lordy! :o

Well, there is a great way to avoid anything you don't like . . .

If it's a tv program or radio show, change the station.

If it's a conversation, leave the room.

If it's a forum thread, don't go there. If you're already there, leave that thread.

Problem solved.

I know it makes too much sense for some, but it works for me and I'm pretty happy with the results ---

For instance, I don't like Howard Stern so I turn him off . . . then he doesn't bother me.

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Chadeaux said:
Stockpicker, you are DEAD ON RIGHT. Of course, I don't believe I've said that GW was a true conservative. I also agree that BOTH PARTIES should be called out, and the irresponsible ones outed for what they are.

Tea Party has stayed on message, but again, the media has corrupted the language in such a way that they are always perceived by the uninformed people as radicals when they are actually conservative.

The good and bad about the tea party is that its grassroots. I'm a huge fan of any bottoms up organization. On the flip side without a leadership structure etc it is tough for an "organization" itself to stay in message. Tea party could be viewed as thousands of small individual organization as opposed to 1 cohesive org. Hopefully the movement can find a happy medium.

Stockpicker, I have to say Im starting to like might just be for the grit of your persistence but if a few of us up in here could show you the right path, you would be VERY valuable on the side of freedom for the people..:thumbsup:

Too late, he already signed up for our list. You can't have him.

Guiness sure sounds good Crispin, but out of a can???

Yeah, it tastes different from the tap but it is a heck of a lot better than in the bottle. Bottles let some light through and that disrupts something or other I am not quite sure of...but I read it once. ;)


The Guinness in the cans also have that little gas cartridge thingy inside when you pop it open......after a few of those it does strange things to the brain......oops maybe it's already to late.....sorry the devil made me post this

Yeah, it tastes different from the tap but it is a heck of a lot better than in the bottle. Bottles let some light through and that disrupts something or other I am not quite sure of...but I read it once. ;)

Dont worry about me pal I always keep my cool.Loosing ones temper is a weakness,I'm not weak lol.I live quite alright,I never had a major sickness,I havent even had a cold for years.The last time I had to go to the hospital for anything major i was 9 years old,broken arm broken leg.I can still hike all day.I prospect in the mountains.I dont eat junk food or fast food.I do alright.

I wasnt meaning any of that in a bad way, just you know the fight more than me...iv been in my green house to long and all this internet stuff im not up to speed as much as you...

OK..back on topic people....we are starting to slide down a slope...dig your heels in ....

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