To WHOMEVER still doesnt understand, the plan for us common folk !

Meh! Politics again! pffttt

I'll say one thing though...this thread has taught me that the biggest issue that should be being pushed (very hard) into being, is- "REALLY hard background and mental stability checks"- before being allowed to even be in the same state as a gun...never mind own one!!

Lordy! :o

Thank GOD opinions cant change the

You know that was set in place for every human in this country, I see that others opinions do bother you especially if there is facts to back them....God wants us all to think for ideas are gonna very


Too late, he already signed up for our list. You can't have him.

LOL....get back to your LIST and start honing your skills my friend..its gonna be a ruff ride...

I have a lot of prepper friends and a few that think preppers are crazy...but the ones that said we are crazy said if anything does happen we will be heading to your house..( I said to those friends, if it comes to a time that you feel you need to do that, that is fine but before I take the food and security from my kids you WILL be turned away, with force if you dont listen).please dont let your self become one of those people....plan ahead....






Not sure what all the videos prove other than a bunch of people get hurt or killed in the's a little video to illustrate the point.....did anyone win in the end......your call.


The guns are always taken before crap hits the fan....its wrote in history for many country's....founding fathers came from land like that and planned ahead..then!!!!

This shouldnt be somthing read about the U.S. in 15+ years in a school book....please help the cause...there isnt a 2nd time around for this...if the constitution falls it will never be brought up again..God is on your side...


Not sure what all the videos prove other than a bunch of people get hurt or killed in the's a little video to illustrate the point.....did anyone win in the end......your call.

Good video...even better whole movie...and if most of us had the GRIT and ounce of being as the scrip axpected for the people of this movie..our KING would running for the hills..notice how there is no TV, Internet, even news paper in this anyone wins, but if your willing to stand your ground for the right cause...people survive quit will until it starts happening there and anywhere..

Its digging your heels in and looking evil in the eye and knowing you are on Gods side makes good the world in the long run..

For showing so many videos, I want people to see...there are many standing for the right or die....if your afraid to truly do not follow the word of friend...peace

For the people that are afraid to die for the right reason...what are you wanting to stick around for buy more stuff, to go some where, or to have more material things...ask yourself this queation every day, untill you know your own truth....

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People wrap your mind around this....member the movie Titanic... member how the band kept playing even knowing it was going down...thats the mass media...just to help calm the people.thats 50% of the U.S. Then you have 10%-20%..that know something is wrong but cant put their thumb on it..then you have our That says WTF.....are you kidding...dig your heels in...the 2nd amendemet will give the ability to have that choice...God is backing you...

Funny part is though, I truly think its 50/50 as of now....when the scale tips....either have fath in God or a gun in your hand...LOL

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....Go ALEX.....

WOW...what a great video... If you watch only one video of this thread...PLEASE make it this one...

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There is an Agenda being pushed by a few off shore elite bankers, they have sculpted this planet for over the last 100 years give or take a few. Their main agenda is agenda 21. Which wants to depopulate the planet by 80% and run the remaining 20% like a well greased machine....might sound good to some but the 20% allowed to live isnt me or even YOU. it is off spring of the 1% pushing this whole idea in the first place...I can almost be certain our king right now doesn't even have a cabin on that land , he is ONLY a puppet for the time and culture we live in. NOW, if I sound crazy, you are in the sheep category and a few of you are on this list but I mean NO HARM ...I only push what is truly happening right now and years to come...the GUN GRAB going on RIGHT now is the start of this agenda moving in high gear....that's on record....court papers and such...but back to the story of our life. Right now the elites are wanting all guns removed and they really don't know how to go about it....they will cause a 2nd civil war its coming....might not be nation wide, might only be state to state but it is and will happen...the people that back the Constitution will be singled out and dealt with before the Agenda gets put in to place..Things have been put in our water and food for the last 40+ years..FACT...its on record...I CAN SHOW you ALL of this...I'm NOT pushing MY idea....I am stating FACTS and only them...I love living and being able to live Healthy and long and want my children to do the same...but it is getting ruff to just survive...I will add to this from time to time if it doesn't get locked by a MOD and I hope the 1st amendment still has a little strength up in here where the free people still can reside, but who knows our "lord and king" has an internet security bill in action that might make this a terrorist act to speak the truth....only time will tell...

There is true facts and proof of all of this....I even have Government videos I can add to this to prove it...but I wont just so this stays unlocked, but I can send them to

Most of this thread is going to be VIDEOS...seems today people like to watch more than

Well it does sound like we're all doomed and we are going to die rich or poor but the rich don't want to build
There own houses wire them frame paint pave they don't want to work in the factory's that build the toys they love
There to lazy to mow there own lawns and why kill off the good little tax payers there leaching off
No I think they want to keep us where we are well beneath them so if your quiet and don't cause a fuss
They'll probably let you live

Well it does sound like we're all doomed and we are going to die rich or poor but the rich don't want to build
There own houses wire them frame paint pave they don't want to work in the factory's that build the toys they love
There to lazy to mow there own lawns and why kill off the good little tax payers there leaching off
No I think they want to keep us where we are well beneath them so if your quiet and don't cause a fuss
They'll probably let you live

Yes they want slaves, but with as many people as there is knowing this ^^^ and waking up to the future to come, they are worrying now. They want to wipe out some of the mass so the resistance is always weaker than the people pushing their ideas...when they make you slower, sicker, and dumber....why wouldn't people listen to them for help...not knowing they made the problem to begin with. about explaining it all out for the common man to understand...GREAT VIDEO..its like your sitting with them as they explain it while its all being wrote out the first time in history..EXCELLENT

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There is only ONE network NOT in the tank for the current administration, and that is why it drives some folks nuts! How dare they attempt to unmask the folks in Washington?!!

Those "mainstream" networks and other news outlets have been shaping political understanding for decades, long before Fox News came on the scene. They are in bed with one side so of course they are ubercritical of anyone that threatens their "relationship".

The mainstream media DOES CONTROL THE LANGUAGE.

I don't know about it because Fox reported it, I know about it because I used to be part of it. If you shape the language, you control the debate because your opponent is somewhat crippled by the perceptions of those listening to the discussion.

And there you go with the "controlling" spiel. You paint anyone who doesn't agree with your views as being "old fashioned" rather than describing them as practical. We've been doing the "very fast" thing, and that is how we have gotten to a 17 TRILLION dollar deficit and a 3.2 TRILLION annual budget in Washington.

Why not use "common sense" and go back to the things that worked for decades?

Simple. Government was smaller, it was constrained by the Constitution, and there was LESS GRAFT going on -- i.e. less money for politicians.

You probably have lots of friends that are CALLED conservative, but there are actually very few of us left. The great majority of those who are today called "conservative" are actually LIBERALS, some even bordering on RADICALS. It has been so long since most have met a true conservative . . . and that's a shame.

That is how the media has altered the language. Today Ted Kennedy would be called a conservative by many in the media. John Kerry, Bill Clinton and Al Gore are seen as middle of the road. As Hitler's propaganda minister said, 'tell the same lie often enough and loud enough and it becomes the truth.' Today the media live by that statement.

Wow, insults rather than discussion. Great way to handle this. So, since conservatism is stupid in your eyes, please explain one thing and I'll cede the argument to your side:

How does one borrow their way out of debt?

I'll be waiting for the explanation, would be nice to know how to borrow my way out of debt!

I'm not going to waste much more time on this, but:

Well, instead of "The mainstream media DOES CONTROL THE LANGUAGE.", how about that's really what "reality" looks like? So - which is it for your "reality" - Rense, Alec Jones, or the tinfoil

Why not use "common sense" and go back to the things that worked for decades?

Like what can you go back to? You can NEVER "go back".

The money is gone, most of it to the same Big Money that is putting out the Obama Hate stuff as a diversion so they can continue to suck the system dry. I suppose you've conveniently forgotten the Credit Default Swap Heist that about brought down the world economy. No one's gone to jail - are you kidding?

Here's just another example of what's REALLY going on behind the Oz curtain: Offshore tax loopholes cost the US economy at least $150 Billion a year, and states another $40 Billion: Offshore Tax Loopholes Cost States $40 Billion

Per Year.

Bank of America, American Express and American International Group (AIG) are among hundreds of mega-corporations that accounted for nearly two thirds of the $39.8 billion in tax revenue that slipped through the fingers of state tax departments in 2011, the most recent year for which data is available. These corporations not only avoid paying federal tax but are also immune to paying taxes in states where they operate.

Let's see - if you've ever run a business, you know that it succeed by cutting revenue - or even expenses alone. You have to have revenue. In government, that comes largely from taxes. Allowing companies like AIG, American Express, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo to avoid paying their share of taxes may work for the congressmen they bribe, but it hurts the rest of us small potatoes that can't (or won't) do it.

Anything else is a shell game.

Talk about "shaping political understanding".

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