Today three hour yard hunt=3 Indian Heads 3 Wheats


Bronze Member
Sep 30, 2012
Bloomington Indiana
Detector(s) used
E-TRAC & TESORO GOLDEN SABRE II---ETRAC COILS :SEF 10x12, SEF 6x8, X-5, Detech 8" concentric, ,--- TESORO COILS- 12x10 TOOLS: Lesche, Profind 25, Garrett Propointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
So for this one small yard I've been hunting I have a Walking Liberty half, Barber quarter, 3 Indian Heads and 5 Wheats: not bad! File28.jpg Love the Etrac!

Upvote 3
Same here. I keep going out if there are small breaks in the weather: today it was 43 degrees here in Bloomington IN. There is a snowstorm approaching us right now! The time before (last Monday) it was 50 degrees but by early evening it was raining (on me)and by the next morning it was in the 30's!
Nice! I can't wait to get out hunting!

Somehow, "not bad", just doesn't seem to cover it. :)

Great saves!


Them IH pennies are a sweet find anytime. Keep up the great work.

Yes probably so. :laughing7: I will say the Walking Liberty was an exciting find: thought it was a cheap aluminum token when I saw the edge sticking out of the dirt.:laughing7:
Somehow, "not bad", just doesn't seem to cover it. :)

Great saves!


6 nice coins... love IH !!

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