Treasure of Italian Caves - Julesburg Colo.


Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
"Treasure of the Italian Caves" is a good one. Back in the 60's it was a popular picnic spot for Julesburg Colo residents. There are a few stories about it: Mostly about Jules Beni and "Black Jack" Slade (love the name). Beni operated s tore in the area and was a part time bandit. Holding up people on the highway. It is rumored that Beni hid much of his loot in the Italian Caves. His trading post was also stage stop.

Guess who was the division chief of the stage line: Jack Slade himself. Slade thought Beni was stealing money from his stage line at his expense. That was Slade and his crew's job. Slade was an expert whipper-snapper. Could cut through a cowboy's belt to drop his chaps. (Pronounced Shapps)

Anyway Slade ended up whipping the ears off Beni. Beni swore revenge but ended up getting killed first. Beni was Slade's third kill and Mark Twain called Slade "the cruelest-looking man" he ever met! Oh boy. After killing Beni Slade left Dodge in a hurry. A posse chased him and he ended up hanged in New Mexico.

Italian Caves has been a popular detecting spot but if you get up around Julesburg try detecting the old forts.

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