Treasure Signs-Symbols 101 from "Rangler"


Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting

The west has a lot of signs and markings. They were put there for a reason. They are Not Graffiti. They were as important then as highway and street markers are now. Most are ambiguous. Why are some different? Why does that mountain top have a hole or slot?

Spaniards had maybe one voyage a year to North America. And had maybe 4 months supplies for their crews while exploring and mining gold or silver. Having run out of supplies they ALWAYS covered up the diggings. And ALWAYS had death-traps protecting the site. And they ALWAYS made maps so future crews could locate it again. Spanish bills-of-lading often showed coded directions to the treasure. Maybe a number 100 meant feet, miles, straight up a hillside or maybe straight through the hill. Only the crew actually knew how to interpret the symbols. Two days, two weeks, two months, two hours? Makes a big difference.

Fortunately we have an expert source for interpreting signs and symbols. Here on the T-Net site.

It is so interesting I bought some books on the subject.

Here are a couple very interesting books for you serious Spanish treasure hunters. There are a lot of signs and they were all used by the Spaniards. Official signs that must be used. Pay attention to the few Death Signs. If you see one of these signs anywhere turn around and back away. There is a death trap somewhere. Could be the whole hillside will bury you and twenty men. Could be a underground trapdoor the tilts on you body weight, you fall in and it closes. These really are fun to read and leave it on your caffee table to amaze your friends about the dangers you face while coin shooting! :)

Here is a picture wonder if you could help? More pictures on Druid gold thread. image.jpg

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