Turtle possible gold? Magic Box on belly maybe Free Masons? 1715 ship?


Jun 13, 2016
Treasure Coast
Detector(s) used
Whites Coinmaster PRO, Whites Treasure PRO, Whites Beach Hunter 300
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

I found this detecting one of my favorite beaches in South Florida... I detect from above Cocoa Beach the whole way down to Miami and I found this in between those two spots is all I will say on that note...

HOWEVER I would love some help with identification... The numbers on the belly are from what I have learned in a little research and talking to people is that it could possibly be free mason magic box... or older... Several ships sank on the coast of Florida and I believe I may have found something that is off one of them... If anyone could help me to identify it or give me some more input or insight on it I would greatly appreciate it!! Thank you... And I am not sure if it is gold or not but it sure seems like it ... the one picture is of it on a 1896 morgan silver dollar for comparison and it weighs 1.25 oz.....

Thank you everyone for input and I hope to get some more knowledge of what I have found!

Upvote 7
Crudely made brass trinket. Not related to shipwrecks, masons, or anything else. If it came from a beach it was probably only there a few hours by the complete lack of any hint of corrosion.

I never seen one but still a great find and it seems that everyone thinks it is modern piece - anyway thanks for sharing your find with us & wish you some old treasure while out detecting the shore line.

Texas ED

You have to continue the math.

15 ..... 1+5 = ?

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