Ugh…. I got laid off.


Gold Member
Nov 22, 2013
Mountain Maryland
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Welp, who’s hiring?
Boss laid me off today, dammit man.
I gotta admit selling cheese isn’t my life’s calling, I just kinda fell into it. 3 years doing the easiest job I ever had, and BAM! Gimmie your keys. Guess I need to find a real job.
Saw it coming too…. They cut back everyone’s hours, skimping on production, not paying bills, etc…and also stopped contributions into 401k, and cancelled the health insurance. Obviously they are trimming the fat, making the company an attractive buy for when the owners sell and retire. My resume is kinda stale, so I gotta tighten that up.
Wish me luck Tnet, my detecting hours are about to increase!

Working sucks, but NOT working really sucks. Hope you find something you enjoy because money isn't everything. Money certainly helps, but your physical health and mental happiness is worth a whole lot.

Oh man BWD, we're always hirin and can't get no help and somewhere they're layin people off? Well, doesn't sound like anything you did to piss them off, which I thought would have been pretty cool, just a corporate profitability move, first place you go to cut expenses is payroll, sorry about that, we appreciate your years of service, blah, blah blah.

I wish really you the best of luck. I have been down that road way way too many times. None of the current crop of CEO'S have no balls to sack people face to face these days they hide behind emails as weak as piss.

There is no rewards for loyalty. But that is the way the world is amigo. If money is not being made those hard decisions must be made. Some times its just as traumatizing to fire people than be fired. We live in a world everyone is expendable. As you get older you get discriminated on pretext your a health risk and it hard to get employed. Legally they cannot say it. So either say nothing or just say over or under qualified.

Best knock back for job I went for they said I was under qualified even when quoting out of a training manual I wrote. It was a big F you. I always remembered it.

So I revolted I stopped being the whipping donkey and sized the whip. I am now master of my own destiny.

I ended up working for my self and managed my investments and projects and retired at 49 with millions. the boss who last fired me is still busting his ass off.

Who is looking through the round window now? 8-)

So take it as a lesson and opportunity for new adventure and challenges. you never know where you end up in this world. You might even surprise yourself?

Take care


Sorry to hear about you losing your job. I was out of work for 3 months and it sucked. Got a job 3 months later. A few tips.

1. Get ready to file for unemployment.
2. Get your resume together ASAP
3. See if anyone you know is hiring (leverage your network)
4. Optional - Sign up for Uber Eats or something similar. Can put some extra cash in your pocket ASAP
5. Apply for jobs online.

I was let go on the 11th of this month due to some conditions that put an unexpected stain on the company. I applied for SS and I've been saving for retirement for more than 40 years. I'll be 68 this year, so maybe it's time to just go and be old I'm thinking and not give a damn so much anymore. The thought of that really does make me happy. I've been where your at before BW Dave and don't worry much, because we're Americans where anyone can land on their feet by just wanting to.

Welp, who’s hiring?
Boss laid me off today, dammit man.
I gotta admit selling cheese isn’t my life’s calling, I just kinda fell into it. 3 years doing the easiest job I ever had, and BAM! Gimmie your keys. Guess I need to find a real job.
Saw it coming too…. They cut back everyone’s hours, skimping on production, not paying bills, etc…and also stopped contributions into 401k, and cancelled the health insurance. Obviously they are trimming the fat, making the company an attractive buy for when the owners sell and retire. My resume is kinda stale, so I gotta tighten that up.
Wish me luck Tnet, my detecting hours are about to increase!
Where are you located?

Welp, who’s hiring?
Boss laid me off today, dammit man.
I gotta admit selling cheese isn’t my life’s calling, I just kinda fell into it. 3 years doing the easiest job I ever had, and BAM! Gimmie your keys. Guess I need to find a real job.
Saw it coming too…. They cut back everyone’s hours, skimping on production, not paying bills, etc…and also stopped contributions into 401k, and cancelled the health insurance. Obviously they are trimming the fat, making the company an attractive buy for when the owners sell and retire. My resume is kinda stale, so I gotta tighten that up.
Wish me luck Tnet, my detecting hours are about to increase!
Been there man…. It gets stressful but you’ll pull through. Good luck!

There was a stretch of several years in my life where I was hired and fired three times by the same company. After the third time I'd had enough of that roller coaster so ventured out on my own. Perhaps I should have done that after the first or second firing. All is well now. Good luck.
Don in SoCal

Help is hard to find in much of the country, good help is even harder.
By displaying a desire and willingness to work, you are already way ahead of the competition. I dealt with a lot of “my mom said I have to get a job types”. It was painful to witness.
Best wishes!👍🏼

I’m 67, Started working at 12 newspaper boy, door to door leaf raking specialist then store candy store hand , soda jerk then grocery store stock boy, then started at lowest end learning technical trade at 21 and still at same company today. Never layed off never unemployed. Good luck

Sorry to hear this my friend. Been thru this 5 times in my life and I'm only 54. It's scary when you're raising a family and paying all the bills that come with life.

As a printer the industry isn't what it used to be. Once what was an art is now a commodity.

I will say that while I'm not that old l do feel that I want more time for me and looking to semi-retire to a job where I can work 4 days a week.

Perhaps this is a sign that you can find something that gives you more time for yourself.

I wish you all the best.

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