We are returning to our claim.

Mad Machinist

Silver Member
Aug 18, 2010
Southeast Arizona
Primary Interest:
This post isn't so much for the forum but for those that lurk here gleaning info.

We are returning to our claim. We know where the mine is. If you choose to start flinging lead at us again, THIS IS YOUR WARNING.

I will be on over watch with a M82A1 Barret and I am well versed in it's use. If you are close enough to start flinging lead, your well within range and I DON'T miss.

We checked and we are well within our rights to return fire.

Enough is enough.

I do apologize to the forum members here for this post but after talking to numerous people in the area we are in, we are not the only ones who have experienced this and this crap is going to stop one way or the other. What we do is dangerous enough without having to dodge lead like the 1850's.

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ALWAYS keep a seperate list/picture of your weapon/papers/etc. with you and at home for proof of ownership to get your. my pictures show the ser.# and all paper work. if you dont have this you wont get them back.

Gold tramp, essentially he was saying he's smart enough not to flag you and your kids with a loaded weapon should you cross paths. It's there for defense against valid threats. Stay safe guys.


I take what I am about to do EXTREMELY seriously. I won't fire unless I absolutely have to because once you fire, you give away your hide. And for the record, I REALLY detest the fact that it has come to this, but we are going to protect the amount of time, effort, and work we have into this from a bunch of lowlife leeches who would probably get lost in a Wal-Mart parking lot and would rather steal from someone else than find something on their own.

The really sad and disturbing thing is the fact that if they would have simply come to our campfire, we would have given them a lot of guidance and help on finding another area.

don't really know of any of this 12b or ROE Active, I am an active miner don't time have for political stuff as working this land consumes the bulk my time, And my body will only hold up for a few more years, documenting the way of life of the 21st century gold miner, prospecting and mining is a bit more important than all this other crap, yes I am at ease in my mind Sir, I am doing what the hell I want to do with my life and property, got no one telling me what to do or where I can or cant dig.

Its to bad your are having such a bad time with your mining claim maybe you should come out to Calif get a claim here. I don't hear much of that stuff happening in our district its fairly peacefull don't even see BLM.............

gold tramp,

I'm not bagging on you, but if you are current or former military, you'll understand this. I'll sum me up like this.......

"Sappers in the wire!!!!!"


Be ever vigilant--keep your ammo dry---and a clear mind when packn'-John oops almost forgot-NEVER MISS


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Will do brother and thank you for the offer. With the 750 grain A-Max, I can hit a watermelon at 2 miles. Can you spot that far? :laughing7:

Depends on the terrain and the available optics. Been too many years for me to be behind the sights anymore but I still remember a thing or two.

For the Sappers in the wire we had "Special" welcome mats. Claymores and Foosgas are great for deterring their friends from trying the same stunt. Yes... I was taught to fight dirty and do the most damage for the least amount of effort.

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Depends on the terrain and the available optics. Been too many years for me to be behind the sights anymore but I still remember a thing or two.

For the Sappers in the wire we had "Special" welcome mats. Claymores and Foosgas are great for deterring their friends from trying the same stunt. Yes... I was taught to fight dirty and do the most damage for the least amount of effort.

Remember one thing, ALWAYS look at things from the "attackers" point of view. Claymores, front toward enemy, wanna guess which way their gonna face when I am done? Bodies, beware of the spoon flying. Ignorant but effective.

I've got a set of these. You good with these?

Steiner 10x42mm Night-Hunter XP Roof Prism Hunting Binocular w/ HD Optics FREE S&H 5421, 5421-DEMO. Steiner Binoculars.

Remember one thing, ALWAYS look at things from the "attackers" point of view. Claymores, front toward enemy, wanna guess which way their gonna face when I am done? Bodies, beware of the spoon flying. Ignorant but effective.

I've got a set of these. You good with these?

Steiner 10x42mm Night-Hunter XP Roof Prism Hunting Binocular w/ HD Optics FREE S&H 5421, 5421-DEMO. Steiner Binoculars.

I prefer using a pair of these (Zeiss 15x60) mounted on a very sturdy tripod. I can spot anything from miles out. The light gathering of these is second to non. Heavy yes, eye fatigue no. To damn bad Zeiss no longer makes these binos.


I prefer using a pair of these (Zeiss 15x60) mounted on a very sturdy tripod.
I can spot anything from miles out. The light gathering of these is second to non. Heavy yes,
eye fatigue no. To damn bad Zeiss no longer makes these binos.

Nice bino's Az! Those must be incredible for stargazing, and with that 60mm objective
a tripod would be a must-have item. Unfortunately, they cost a just bit above my pay grade..:angry2:

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Nice bino's Az! Those must be incredible for stargazing, and with that 60mm objective
a tripod would be a must-have item. Unfortunately, they cost a just bit above my pay grade..:angry2:

They are outstanding if you can locate a pair. I bought mine 20 plus years ago new when I was at my peak hunting Coues Deer, Now the used binos are selling twice what I paid. When I say heavy maybe 3.5 pounds. 1998 was the last year Zeiss made these outstanding binos. Why Zeiss decided to discontinue these binos is anyone guess but I suppose the cost most likely had something behind their decision.

Yeah... It's a shame they quit making things that are so good. Legend has it that Harley quit the Knuckle Head engine design because they made it too good and were not making anything off of replacement parts.

Years ago I did a network upgrade for the division of Zeiss that did the optics for Satellite imaging. They had some shots taken from space up on the walls that make what you can get from Google Earth look like nothing!

MM As long as they have a good offset adjustment to comp for the difference between the eyes focus they'll work just fine. As I've gotten older my eyes have drifted further in their difference. On my pair of binos I just barely have enough adjustment to get both eyes in focus anymore. Getting older sux at times!!!!

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A little update.

The rifle has barked a few times and there is now a 40X target optic sitting on the rifle.

You'd be surprised at how far off you can read a plate number with one of those. The problem should be solved as we found the people responsible and confronted them. The look on their faces was priceless when I asked them how they liked rounds impacting a couple of feet above their heads. They were also told the next time they won't impact above their heads, they'll be in their heads.

Local PD was also informed.


I take what I am about to do EXTREMELY seriously. I won't fire unless I absolutely have to because once you fire, you give away your hide. And for the record, I REALLY detest the fact that it has come to this, but we are going to protect the amount of time, effort, and work we have into this from a bunch of lowlife leeches who would probably get lost in a Wal-Mart parking lot and would rather steal from someone else than find something on their own.

The really sad and disturbing thing is the fact that if they would have simply come to our campfire, we would have given them a lot of guidance and help on finding another area.

2 Miles huh, that is one heck of a claim. How does one work a 2 mile gold claim effectively?

See guns were made for one thing, shooting people. If you own one, you are a nut waiting to shoot your fellow man. Your really dont need a excuse, Im sure your claim is as good a reason as any.

Now having been there, I can tell you those who bragg most likely werent there at all. Its a ugly buisness not anything one should be proud of. I am proud I served, but take no enjoyment in the death of others.

I have friends who protect their claims without gun fire. If you have it in your head to shoot someone your gonna do it. Get out of the mine you have been breathing bad air for too long. There is always going to be a bad egg out there. Just because your smart enough to squeeze the trigger does not make you smart enough to own a gun.

If you really need a gun to go dig dirt I would find another hobby. I dont carry, would rather not have to babysit the thing. Just added weight. Seriously, how many times did you really shoot someone out on your claim?????

See guns were made for one thing, shooting people.

Not true, guess bow and arrow were made for the same? Your logic is flawed. Thank you for your service. I served too. Whatever you do don't listen to Alex Jones.

Mad machinist, keep on keeping on. They show up again... poke holes in their equipment.

Oh, how I wish that I had seen this Thread earlier! I have no problem with being a spotter for you or even a shooter if needed. I served in the U.S. Army and they only honed a skill that my dad taught me when I started hunting with him at 6 years old. Growing up somewhat poor, dad also taught me to make every shot count since even back then (late 1950's and 1960's), ammunition was expensive to us. Being an Armorer in the U.S. Army and obtaining "Expert" with the M-16 and other weapons, had it's perks. I was allowed to fire most of the West German Army's weapons and one of those was the West German Army's, G-3 Combat Rifle which was accurate to 3,000 meters. We (myself and some chosen others) were invited to fire them on two different occasions on one the Firing Ranges from 50 meters to 1,500 meters at half silhouettes with only open graded sights. There were no optics used with the exception of the Spotters who called in the hits as well as misses when there were any. By the time we got back to the 1,500 meter firing line, quite a few Shooters had dropped out because they could not see or clearly make out (identify) the target at that distance. However, being gifted by God with almost 20-05 eyesight, I could have kept on walking back the distance but this Firing Range was only built for shots back to 1,500 meters. At 1,500 meters with open graded sights, I put 4 out of 5 rounds (shots) in the sweet spot of the half silhoutte. If it had not been for an errant limb of a tree that had fell partially over into the firing lane I was shooting in, I am sure that I would have gotten 5 out of 5! Although my' eyesight has waned in recent years when it comes to reading things up close, my' long range eyesight (vision) has never failed me and I can still spot a man or woman in a field at more than a mile and I am now 61 years old. Even though I don't need a scope for seeing a target, I had to start using them when I began hunting for deer, so I could clearly identify that they were legal bucks at longer ranges. Both of my' hunting rifles (both Remington Model 700's), a 7mm Rem. Mag. and a 7mm Rem. Ultra Mag., have Leupold Vari-X III 4.5-14x50mm Tactical Scopes sitting on top of them and they both are deadly accurate.

I am sorry to read that you are having to defend not only your' claim but your' life as well and I commend you for doing so! You have every right to do so accorded by the Constitution of the United States of America and by the Mining Laws and don't ever let any amount of naysaying here on these forums or elsewhere, deter you from your' task and rights.


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Now having been there, I can tell you those who bragg most likely werent there at all.

Casca I'm surprised that those who brag don't realize this.

Just out of curiosity Mad Machinist, what 'type' of person started this? Did they fit the profile of what you expected?
Glad you are well.

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