were do our finds go when were gone


Sr. Member
Feb 7, 2010
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
ctx 3030 deus excalibur sovern but used gp4500 sd2200 whites nd a few fisher. Nox 800
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Just think of our treasures we love and when we go,what happens to them.I love showing off my finds and talking about them. i was even going to make a coffee table with a glass top and a sliding drawer so as to put my finds their under glass so people could see and talk about.But then i was thinking about all these forums on detecting and what if we all put our collections together,what we would have.we could start a museum.We could start it off as a traveling museum which could just be a extra side event,untill it got big enought where we could charge money.We could use the money for metal detecting project,laywers, or useful things ,plus i think it would help show out past. we could have our names on our finds with information on locations and we would go down in history like our finds.so what do you think.we dont need priceless iteams and it would be a tax write off

All I can say is there in going to be a big Friends vs Family fight when I Die over my Pulltab collection.

If I have a little advanced notice I'd sell it all to write my family a nice fat check. They don't have any real interest in what I find other than what it's worth so there's not much point giving them a bunch of stuff they have no use for.

I like those cuff links you found with the anchor on one of them. ;D I'm just sayin. ::) ::)

mainer said:
I like those cuff links you found with the anchor on one of them. ;D I'm just sayin. ::) ::)

Is that to me? No anchor cufflinks here... do you mean the ship ones? I have planty of anchor buttons though. :tongue3:

Yeah I meant the ship one's was having a brain cramp, there for a second. So what do ya say? I would even buy them off you. Ofcoarse we would have to see what the exchange rate is first. :laughing7:

mainer said:
Yeah I meant the ship one's was having a brain cramp, there for a second. So what do ya say? I would even buy them off you. Ofcoarse we would have to see what the exchange rate is first. :laughing7:

Call me when I'm dead and we'll talk about it then. ;D

In the mean time we both have lots of holes to dig! :thumbsup:

Will do buddy! Waiting for you to start I keep looking everyday for a post. Hopfully you will get at it soon. :thumbsup:

mainer said:
Will do buddy! Waiting for you to start I keep looking everyday for a post. Hopfully you will get at it soon. :thumbsup:

Have a hunt set for April 9th. I might get a couple practice runs in before that.

Good deal. I'll be watching for the posts. :icon_thumright:

To the original post, it seems the stuff will get sold off. Large collectors end up with professional sellers doing the job as an estate sale and so on. I know this because I have done a few of such estate sales as well as brought from such.
Now days a lot ends up on Ebay.

I suppose some of my finds maybe be kept by my heirs but I'll instruct them to take what they dont want and bury them in some huge park so they can be found again.

I have a rather strange fantasy :o about what I would do with 25 years worth of silver coins, gold jewelry, tokens, and other valuables that I've dug up over the years. Lets say 40 years from now when I'm too old to hunt I'll take my entire collection of finds and bury them in a elementary school sand/wood chip box. Sit back and wait for some guy with a metal detector who I do not know to show up and have the time of his life! Can you imagine finding thousands of silver coins, hundreds of gold rings in a sand/woodchip box, the look on that guys face!? :laughing9:

boy you guys are having fun with my topic.really, people will eather sell the good stuff,keep what they like.i like it as a conversation topic when people come over. but most of my friends have seen everything.but just think of all the stuff you have and plus other peoples stuff that you know detect.we see it on the site here.if we put it all together,it would be really interesting and maybe we could keep this hobby alive.history is getting covered up every day with new buildings or we cant dig on certain lands because of regulations.anyway just a thought. ive even heard of people donating things to some of these places and they end up in yard sales.hows that happens ,i dont know. but its reall sad that our kids can touch their past or see the real thing.even our animals are disappearing.i would be the first to give my stuff away if my name was put on it and it was out everyday for people to see,and not put in a cellar.we laugh,but why are we digging it. something to do, money,fun,mystery.we put alot of time and money into this and if i got paid per hour from what ive found,then my detectors would be paid for but my house wouldnt be.i guess my hourly rate would be 50 cents a hour.now if i could work out a deal with the town with all the trash i pick up,then i would be more in the $10.00 an hour bracket

sounds great. when does the next house go in on your spots.

Ive been scattering all of my coins....jewelry...etc. over a very private woodlot for years.
Im leaving a detector and a map to the site to each of my survivors. ;D

:icon_thumright: Kewel Idea, Get a pirate looking chest and bury all the old finds on some beach, island or someplace out of the way and start circulating an old looking treasure map. "Old Treasure Hunter burries a lifetime of loot and leaves a treasure map." Awesome concept. Get a bigger chest and several MDer's get together and bury a chest worth finding. Then bury tha map and clues someplace else. Say a public beach or underwater at an old swimming hole not used for years. Maybe under some abandoned house, barn or church. Kewel idea.
Everybody who contributes can have a list added to the chest with the items they contributed and a short history of their life and when it's found they will research those who donated. Hopefully the secret will remain for many years or become a treasure story passed down through all the families of the people involved. Like; " My grandfather once burried a chest full of gold, silver, rings along with treasure from 20 or 30 other treasure hunters who had hunted many years and collected hundreds of pounds of treasure." Another urban legend is born! Suppose something like that went a couple of hundred years before being discovered. It would be like us finding Captain Kidd's treasure today. Awesome concept!

Okay, What are we going to do about it?


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The majority of it will find its way back into the local landfill. It may mean a lot to you, but Hey, most of it is junk. And 2500 years from now, when some local yokel pokes a stick in the ground and find this precious whats-it, it will be declared a national worship center where "OUR ANCIENTS WORSHIPPED." If you have a 'precious' that you want passed on, you better do it now. After you're gone, all bets are off. Your treasures will either be sold, given away, or dumped in the landfill to be worshipped later on.

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