What do you all DO with your non-money finds?

Haven't really decided yet. My oldest daughter was up yesterday, gave her the choice of everything. She chose one bracelet. I have thousands of dollars worth pure junk, and a few very nice things.

When my cork pops and she has to come up here to take care of my possessions, I suspect most will go into the trash - things which delight me are past her age group.

All the toys that are usable I give to kids. Junk broken jewelry goes in the trash. Any tools and knives, nuts, bolts, etc. are unusable go in the trash. Money gets spent. Relics, now that's a different story. I keep most relics. As I am still in my massive downsize of the ages, good,old coins post Civil War get sold. So I keep CW and colonial only.

I display much of my finds, I have 4 printer drawers, 3 are on the wall in the craft room an another small shelf in the garage.

I also have a Plastic Beanie Baby display case I keep on my desk ate work as a conversation starter


Here is the small shelf in the garage that is my 1st display


A buddy I met here Relic-nut sent me a civil war 3 ringer and told me where he found it so I found a cool frame at Goodwill and a map of the battle and cretaed this (also sits in my office at work)


The majority of my coins are in coin folders and my tokens are in plastic coin display sheets that hold about 20 items and are in a binder.

I have only sold one item and that was my 1877 Indian Head cent, sold it to my brother-in-law at a family discount which still covered all the costs of my main detecting & gear purchase when I upgraded from my F4 to the F75LTD.

I display everything of interest. I have over 35 display cases (modern and vintage) in my home. If its garbage, then it goes in the garbage. But if its worth displaying !

The clad that cleans up well in a tumbler gets donated to the local food pantry, toys that are ok for kids to play with get given to little family brats, I mean nieces and nephews, scrap metal gets tossed into the scrap metal bin at work, interesting, but worthless, stuff gets put on a shelf, and items of value or historical pieces are displayed in the house or at my office.

In the garage, I have a LOT of crap in boxes and buckets that the kids can fight over once they inherit the detectors and tools.

I let my wife pick through the stuff. She's taken some of the costume jewelry, but nothing else. I suspect one day I'll just get tired of it all and toss it...

I melt all lead bullets and broken lead toys and cast them into fishing sinkers. All broken iron objects go in the trash. A lot of copper and brass junk goes in the trash, broken metal cars go to the trash. I have detected too long and accumulated too much junk that has no monetary value or real historical value, I don't need any horse shoes or rusty bits or harness parts. Now most of what I dig goes in the trash. Many here seem to like old broken junk but if you hunt for forty-fifty years the pile becomes ridiculously big and I just don't need it and neither does anybody else. I like precious metals and historical relics like buttons and shoe buckles in decent shape, I still like to think I am "treasure hunting".

old pic (this is when I first got it when I moved into my house - its full now)
- my coffee table
silver in the middle - one side is late 1800s early 1900s and up and the other side is 1600s to like Civil war items

i have an endtable with 4 compartments with finds - CW - indian - coppers and nickels -shield, V's , and buffalos
I have ryker cases with finds - and ring cases - one with gold one with silver and one with junkers
got finds all over the house
and then my man cave

High dollar stuff is in a safe , other relics are on a display shelf . I never throw any metal in the trash, scrap metal is saved in buckets and taken to the scrap yard once a year .
most years I get enough for a nice dinner and some beer . some times more , sometimes less. copper brings the best money and brass is good too.
I even recycle the shotgun shell brass.

High dollar stuff is in a safe , other relics are on a display shelf . I never throw any metal in the trash, scrap metal is saved in buckets and taken to the scrap yard once a year .
most years I get enough for a nice dinner and some beer . some times more , sometimes less. copper brings the best money and brass is good too.
I even recycle the shotgun shell brass.

I have buckets and boxes in my cellar with brass and copper and then of course i have my lead - just some of it - think 400+ lbs. here


I have a great mountain of junk I am saving to make junk birdhouses, feeders, plant hangers ect. The problem is I get more excited to go detecting than make stuff so the mountain just grows!! I have thought about filling jars with interesting stuff and selling it at my little shop, also filling old picture frames with similar finds. Good luck getting rid of your junk finds:)

What do you all DO with your non-money finds? I mean jewelry, relics, toys, tools, knives.

Do you keep them?
Give them away?
Display them?
Return to owner?

Sell them on Ebay?
What are the different things you do?

to answer your question - ive done all of the above over the yrs
been detecting since 1975 - age 12

Good question, I usually keep all coins until worthy enough to cash in and keep the silver, usually sell the jewelry if it's substantial enough, toys go to the grandkids. HH Oh, the iron and/of relics I generally do not keep unless it's something that's interesting.

Being a relic myself then other that horse shoes, I have no use for relics, so into the recycle bin and then to the scrap yard when it is full. lead is melted, but I have kept a few 3 ringers, brass the same off the the recycle, matchbook cars go to a friend.Pull tabs, aluminum cans,tops-recycle.

You know this year, for me its the "what's a find"? I hope fall is better. It's too hot here to do much of anything.

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