What is this? Odd Blue Rock/Mineral/Agate??


Nov 6, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
I have had this for a while now, I can't even remember where it came from. But I have no idea what it is.
Any ideas? It's about 2" by 1" and has a lot of detail in the lines etc.

Screen Shot 2014-11-07 at 1.21.07 pm.pngScreen Shot 2014-11-07 at 1.21.27 pm.png

Thanks :) Any idea on value? Not sure if I want to part with it but it might deserve a better home than the top of my cupboard :P

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It appears to be in my opinion a type of Laguna Agate. I have honestly seen similar pieces go for $25-$40. It's a very nice pendant. :occasion14:

Welcome to TreasureNet!

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Thanks, I've done a bit more searching and think it might be some kind of mexican crazy lace agate. Seems to be an unusual color, most of the blues are lighter and are less tightly waved.
The photos don't do it justice. I'll have to try and get a better one.

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It looks like agate that has been dyed to me, not a natural stone. On top of your cupboard is probably a good enough place for it, I see very little value in a tumbled dyed piece of agate with a glued on piece for necklace attachment. See these at flea markets fairly often for a buck or two.

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It could be dyed but that saturation of blue is not unheard of. Agate value is always in the eye of the beholder and patterns like yours are highly sought after.

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Nice color....what about the gold part? Is it real gold or just gold colored metal? That would make a difference in the value if it is gold.

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Nice color....what about the gold part? Is it real gold or just gold colored metal? That would make a difference in the value if it is gold.

The "gold part" is called a "finding" in the jewelry trade and they are machine made and are not made of real gold. They don't make real gold glue-on findings. As to the agate color, just google dyed agate, click on images, and you will see lots of examples of dyed agate and a lot of deep blues. Agate monetary value is not really in the eye of the beholder, rather in the rarity of the agate. One may think common dyed Brazilian agate is beautiful, yet it is inexpensive since it is so common, so beauty of the beholder has little to do with real value in the market. The item salty has here is pretty, but it has little monetary value. True higher value agates are set in sterling or even real gold and set well with soldered bezels and backs, not set with a glued on finding.

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