???????????????WHAT TYPE OF PERSON ARE YOU???????????????

Pat, I love your self description. It brings up a point I failed to mention in the OP. The old saying,"nothing is constant but change." In other words, only use peel off labels. Your thoughts touched some of my own memories and thoughts like I use to rough it in the boonies in a sleeping bag, but as the bones aged, I much prefer to be on that 6" foam bead with the security of a locked door in my MH, but still in the boonies. Frank...

-puzzle poster-1-2.jpgLife's a puzzle, you just have to arrange the parts.


I to believe that we are the happiest when near water. My house sits on the shore of Lake Champlain in Vt, and we vacation in the Fla. Keys.....Life began in water, and continues to revolve around it. Gary


I to believe that we are the happiest when near water. My house sits on the shore of Lake Champlain in Vt, and we vacation in the Fla. Keys.....Life began in water, and continues to revolve around it. Gary
I hate to say it, but I will, having grown up in the higher deserts I always thought the beach was overrated, but, I now have 2 Excals and we have built a house by the ocean(well 200 yrds). I am turning into a beach bum! If only my old cowboy and rodeo buddies could see me now! I haven't picked up a rope in 10 years and I have 4 saddles on stands. What, pray tell will I do with them now?

My wife thinks it is a hoot. I even bought flip flops, Heck, I can't get my spurs to stay on em for nothing. Road Notch. Nope , no jingle. Too much sand.


That's what is so good about being here on the Lake, within 30 mins. I can be deep in the Green Mtns. or the Adirondacks.....The best of both worlds....also less people in the Mtns.......Gary

Well, ya know frankn, ppl are always finding such great pride in who and what they label themselves as; I'm an Italian, I'm a policeman, I'm a bodybuilder, I'm this, I'm that....... Unless one has experience at shedding off these labels, how easy do you think it will be, when the ultimate of "letting go" comes, when you have to let go and turn away from all you have ever known?

Having worked in healthcare, I saw and counseled many men, who their whole world was wrapped up in their identity of being the breadwinner, the hard worker, etc, etc...... It was usually harder for men to accept, when life and health knocked them down or back a few notches, to "let go" of that self image. I would remind them, they are so much MORE, than just a limiting label, and in everything, there are lessons to be learned.

People are the greatest treasure this earth has and no matter what one might want consider themselves or labels themselves as, just don't hold on to that ideal too tightly, as your defining image. It is better to be the willow, that can sway and bend when the strong winds blow, than be the mighty oak, that is so rigid, the wind can destroy and topple it.


That's what is so good about being here on the Lake, within 30 mins. I can be deep in the Green Mtns. or the Adirondacks.....The best of both worlds....also less people in the Mtns.......Gary

Bears EAT 'em...

Well, ya know frankn, ppl are always finding such great pride in who and what they label themselves as; I'm an Italian, I'm a policeman, I'm a bodybuilder, I'm this, I'm that....... Unless one has experience at shedding off these labels, how easy do you think it will be, when the ultimate of "letting go" comes, when you have to let go and turn away from all you have ever known?

Having worked in healthcare, I saw and counseled many men, who their whole world was wrapped up in their identity of being the breadwinner, the hard worker, etc, etc...... It was usually harder for men to accept, when life and health knocked them down or back a few notches, to "let go" of that self image. I would remind them, they are so much MORE, than just a limiting label, and in everything, there are lessons to be learned.

People are the greatest treasure this earth has and no matter what one might want consider themselves or labels themselves as, just don't hold on to that ideal too tightly, as your defining image. It is better to be the willow, that can sway and bend when the strong winds blow, than be the mighty oak, that is so rigid, the wind can destroy and topple it.

A BUDDHIST, you are!

Outdoor all the way. Live in the country, have two very remote ranches, spend time on our boat in remote areas of the coast and in the gulf. Love it!

Well, ya know frankn, ppl are always finding such great pride in who and what they label themselves as; I'm an Italian, I'm a policeman, I'm a bodybuilder, I'm this, I'm that....... Unless one has experience at shedding off these labels, how easy do you think it will be, when the ultimate of "letting go" comes, when you have to let go and turn away from all you have ever known?

Having worked in healthcare, I saw and counseled many men, who their whole world was wrapped up in their identity of being the breadwinner, the hard worker, etc, etc...... It was usually harder for men to accept, when life and health knocked them down or back a few notches, to "let go" of that self image. I would remind them, they are so much MORE, than just a limiting label, and in everything, there are lessons to be learned.

People are the greatest treasure this earth has and no matter what one might want consider themselves or labels themselves as, just don't hold on to that ideal too tightly, as your defining image. It is better to be the willow, that can sway and bend when the strong winds blow, than be the mighty oak, that is so rigid, the wind can destroy and topple it.

Like I said, peel off labels. I have worked in electronics, Photography and art like painting, Pyrography, frescos, etc. I have also worked at all the building trades. The thing is, that is all knowledge which no one can take from me. Now as you say, the physical capacity fades. I use to be able to get over 200# over my head, now I am lucky to get 100# off the ground. So those labels fade, but the knowledge lingers on. It's part of what I am. Just my thoughts, Frank...

6 06-1 Yellowstone 119-2.jpg

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Any place where four people in a group is considered a big crowd. I can handle that, since I'm a shy, meek person. <lol> Aside from my first name, most people never find anything about me, my past, etc. That's what makes traveling around the country in an RV so attractive.

Any place where four people in a group is considered a big crowd. I can handle that, since I'm a shy, meek person. <lol> Aside from my first name, most people never find anything about me, my past, etc. That's what makes traveling around the country in an RV so attractive.
Yep, the big MH advantage, Being instantly able to move away from grief. Frank...


Well here's another view of me. I am a dreamer. I visualize things and try to make them come true, but the realist side of me puts limits on my effort. I also have visions or dreams as I sleep. Last night I had one. In it My father was beside me and I was a youngster of maybe 4. He handed me a silver tube or container not unlike a flashlight, about 2.5" in dia. and app. 10" long. It had two raised inscriptions on it. I couldn't remember the one near the bottom but the one , about 2" down from the top stands out in my mine. There were 3 letters laid out similar to Ohms law, that is in an almost circular pattern. on the left was the letter X on the right was the letter R and in the middle and slightly elevated was the letter I . Any ideas as to the meaning? Frank...

111-1 profileblk.jpg

Frankn, sometimes it is a clue to see if you can remember how you were feeling!
I am struck by the letters xri. .wonder what the x is symbolic of?

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Interesting this thread is what type person are you? XRI. .maybe says what are I?
Hummm! just a thought..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

A BUDDHIST, you are!
SEE, there ya go........ LABELS!
How DARE you Sir! :violent1:

hehehehe :laughing7: j/k, they didn't have a simple "slap" icon! :laughing7:
No worries Rebel-KGC, I've actually gone BB,
Beyond Buddha! :laughing7: (NOT buffalo bob), LOL!

Frankn, very interesting dream. You should read the story of Postmaster Cheval, who built the Palais Ideal in France. He too had a dream vision, tripped over a rock, and built a magnificent temple by the plans given to him in his dream. I've even shown it to Marc, since he is closer to it than us, here in US, still wondering if he ever made it there.
I will contemplate on those letters of your dream and inquire, again, very interesting.

Oh, and Frankn, that MH looks familiar. Did we run in to each other on US 27 at the boat ramps, here in Florida a yr or more ago? I was the little brown headed girl, dumping out a trapped opossum or raccoon, back in to the wild.

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Rock & Roll :tongue3:

It's XIR with the I slightly elevated as if they were in a circle and all touching the circle. The letters also had what appeared to be an enameled coating of a reddish brown. In an equation, X is usually a stand-in for an unknown quantity.
Perhaps the letters are initials. since the I was raised, that would be XRI as proposed above. Or perhaps they are a corporation or social group. Perhaps some chemical formula, chemistry is one of my weak points. Frank...

111-1 profileblk.jpg

Oh, and Frankn, that MH looks familiar. Did we run in to each other on US 27 at the boat ramps, here in Florida a yr or more ago? I was the little brown headed girl, dumping out a trapped opossum or raccoon, back in to the wild.

I don't remember that, my misfortune I guess. I have been to Florida many times, Key West, Daytona, Disney several times, The Dark Continent theme park. Frank...Flordia 07-disney.jpgHere's a shot from Disney.

Here is the lettering as visioned There is no circle around them. I just used the circle to show the layout. Frank...

xir dream image.jpgI have thought about the dream. I can remember asking my father what they were and he said they stood for writing and.......... I woke before he finished. The silver cylinder they were on looked like it might have held a document.

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