What’s the difference between an original Deus and a D2?

I have both of the Deus machines. The Deus I was a step ahead when it came to digging in "hot" ground. It had problems around a salt water (wet) beach. There was chatter and falsing. It went deep but problems with big iron. Target separation was a cut above the competition.

The Deus II has improved things over the Deus I. It is deeper in the hot ground, with at least 2" deeper which is remarkable in the hot Virginia red dirt. Last time I was there I was pulling out small brass buttons I had gone over repeatedly with both an Equinox 800 and the Deus I. Vferrari and I had gone over the same exact spots and I was able to pull out more relics with the Deus II.

On a "normal" field I can get 2-3" more depth. The iron separation is better, you can pretty much tell, with one or two exceptions, what is under the coil, iron or not, before you dig. There is less guessing. Hand forged large iron nails WHICH ARE BENT 90 degrees still keep you guessing, fortunately more nails aren't bent like that.

The wet beach is no longer an issue since its multi frequency. No chattering or falsing.

But you might want to buy something else. I don't want any real competition:laughing7:

I have GPX’s for that hot red dirt so am not worried about it for that. A couple of my buddies have the original Deus and I know they struggle with target ID and target depth at times so am mostly wondering how much improvement there is in those areas.

I have 8 years experience with Deus 1 (I'm pretty sure I got it in 2014)
I have only a few hunts experience with Deus 2. Winter put an end to my detecting season (I don't like hunting below 45deg.)

Michigan, soil here is mild so I cannot speak for hot ground. But I have to disagree with Smokeythecat.
I don't see any greater depth with the D2 over the D1 on a "normal" field.

On both detectors, I set my Disc tones for low, medium, and high, so I can quickly discern whether to dig or not. I use TID very sparingly in farm fields as my main quest is to dig anything that isn't iron.
I dig based on what I hear and that's where I feel the D2 was a step backwards.

The D1 sounds off on iron as a grunt or a high conductor above 90, never in between. So, it was easy to decide to dig or not based on what I heard. Most of the time there would be a small non-ferrous target next to the iron.

When there's iron under the D2, it can produce a tone/TID in the medium conductor range. Because of that, I've dug a lot more iron-only targets with the D2 while relic hunting.

When air testing (which is the raw detection depth), my D1 outperforms the D2 by a minimum of 1 inch on a dime (even with the D2 in single frequency). I believe that's because the D2 coil has to be able to span a frequency range from 4-40KHz where the (original) D1 coil only has to span 4-18KHz. Performance of an RF circuit is better with an antenna tuned to one frequency. The D1 has a smaller frequency range that it must span thus it performs better in air.

In air testing, the D1 detects a nickel about 2 inches further at 12 and 18KHz than at 4-8KHZ. If you are searching at 4-8KHz for best depth on Silver or copper, you are reducing your chances of finding a deep nickel by as much as 2 inches or more. That's where the D2 could outperform the D1 in mild soil.

I've had several detectors in my time. Besides doing what they were designed to do, I was never impressed.
When I got my hands on the D1, I was instantly blown away by its design and performance in my mild soil.
It was a game changer. The D2 didn't make me feel that way. In fact, its performance reminded me of my Minelab Sovereign sans the weight.

The D2 is worth the asking price IMO, but you should test drive it first.

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Our "normal" field here is HOT most places. The "hot" places here are just a little cooler than the sun. Lots of mineralized soils. Makes all the difference.

Hmmm How you running the Deus II ??? So your saying the Deus II is not as deep as the Deus I...User error imo...Air testing is in error on the Deus II need two be tested in ground..

As I understand it the multi-frequency feature bring advantages to the Deus II that the Deus I did not have.
Being a new technology (to Deus) it remains to be seen if the other upgraded features prove worthy in the field. Stability, detection depth, discrimination are key factors and if they improved any of them it is worth it.
Minelab has had the multi-frequency (broadband spectrum) thing locked up for many years. Now that other makers have it perhaps we will see new breakthroughs and advancements to our machines.

D2 has changed the game..

Yes, it has. Fortunately for me, because I can only detect MAYBE an hour before I need some serious pain medicine for the knees and back, I will probably never have to purchase another machine. For me for curiosity sake only, I'd like to know how the new Minelabs stack up, for my preferences I like a machine that is dead quiet before you hit a target.

D2 has changed the game..
They say that about every new detector that comes out.
I do believe the Deus II is now the top performer ... even better than my E-Trac or my Equinox ... but only if you spend the time learning all the menu commands and how to perfectly tune it to the current hunting conditions and set the ideal frequency. :dontknow:
At this time I don't want to spend the time learning all that and take the time at the field tuning it in. One that has not been perfectly tuned will preform about like all the other Multi-Frequency detectors with pre-set programs. I can manage ground balance, sensitivity, background, and a few other basic controls but that advanced stuff is more than want to invest. ???
I'll leave a few good items in the ground for you advanced guys to come along behind me and find. :thumbsup:

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