Where to buy Large Loads of Pay Dirt?


Jr. Member
Jul 30, 2020
Alaska and Colorado
Primary Interest:
I don’t buy Pay Dirt very often, but my wife has been really sick the past few months with 5 different Autoimmune Diseases (MCAS, APS, EDS, POTS, Lupus). I’m the main caretaker and with that full plate I really don’t get to the mountains often enough.

I’m set up to run a lot of material in my shop. It’s gotta be good Pay or it’s not worth my time though.

I’m in Colorado and have a Silverado 3500…so I can haul quite a bit and I don’t mind driving a few hundred miles if necessary.
With all that being said, do you guys know where I might find a couple yards of decent pay in larger quantities?

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Often considered doing the same, as I am somewhat in your same situation.

Best I could come up with was to go to one of my local sites, and using my hand-crank trommel I filled up five 30 gal. tubs. with 3/8- material.

Yukon99669 Hope your wife get's feeling better soon ! I'm in the same boat with my wife (CLL) and I don't want to leave her alone during this time ! Try contacting someone that has a producing mine in Colorado if they would consider responding to your request for a truck load of unscreened material that you could travel to get yourself ! The cost for someone to haul this would almost be a deal breaker ! GOOD LUCK and a prayer out to you and your wife ! :icon_thumleft:

Honestly, I would find a working mine in your area and ask them or pm @KevinInColorado for info.
On the other side, we moved to Arizona because one of the leading Advanced Specialists DO's that deal with complex autoimmune diseases practices here.
There are a couple in Colorado, but if given a choice, I would take my wife here -
Johnathan W. Singer, who is a DO, or a doctor of osteopathic medicine where an MD doesn't have the schooling needed to properly diagnose. Here's his web page -

I'd drive across the state if needed to see this guy...
Hashimoto's and Celiac's diseases also have many of the same symptoms that you listed above. My wife has Hashimoto's and has been able to cure it with the right diet. Good Luck 🤠🍻👍

Thanks very much you guys for the compassion and encouragement on all fronts!
On the autoimmune issues…my wife’s doctor is Dr. Jill Schofield..,she’s an immunologist and she is great at what she does. She might not be enough though. We moved back to Colorado from Alaska to be able to be near her.
She is often a training physician and speaker at the Mayo Clinic. She is a leading IVIG researcher which is what my wife was doing when her MCAS was kicked into high gear. She then spent 3 weeks in ICU going through constant non-epileptic seizures brought on by fillers/dyes/excipients in meds that they were giving. She spent the next 6 months on Home IV hydration and IV diphenhydramine (benedryl). It’s just an all day, everyday, challenge. So I definitely will look into your suggestion.

I have calls and emails into a few contacts regarding some Pay.
Freddy Dodge owes me a huge favor (long story). He doesn’t live far away, and I’m assuming that he can help in this department.
Kevin in Colorado and Colorado Gold Camp might be helpful too.
Also, panmoregold.com isn’t far away and has a subscription plan…even for big loads.

On top of all this we just bought a house near Sedalia, Co and are selling our Evergreen, CO house to get my wife to lower elevation.
So if anyone knows of anything near Rampart Range that might not be a waste of time, please let me know!

Thanks again you guys!

Yukon99669, Best wishes to you and your wife. I don't have experience with such diseases, but I have a weak immune system myself. I have to be careful, as even the common cold can put me down, far worse than most people.

I hope you can find somewhere that you can quickly load up some paydirt or ore, to haul home. The suggestion of a working mine sounds pretty good, if you can connect with someone. Good luck. Keep asking questions. Hopefully someone may know of a good location in your area.

You guys are amazing! Your posts and comments are super helpful and encouraging.

…so beyond that I have a call into RCG. I’ll drive over for a load of pay if it’s reasonable.

Im gonna need a break and a significant distraction. My wife has had some mental issues lately and probably for a longer amount of time than “lately”. She was admitted today for a 72 hour MH eval. She called 911 saying that I was passed out and in Critical Condition. (I was and am fine).

She was calling for herself. She has a family history of mental health issues and her mom is bipolar. The ER doc said he is seeing (not diagnosing) Bipolar w/ extreme Mania.

We have 3 boys 13, 9, and 7. She took them out of school last month on her own. She was citing some random teacher/student issues and claiming that she and our boys are “visionaries” and that they are misunderstood. She claims to hear people’s prayers and knows when people are dying (from afar). … she is very delusional.

I’ve been by her side and have protected her every moment through these issues. I absolutely can’t keep this up and for the sake of our boys I have to close this chapter. I’ve been beyond compassionate and I’m only human and can only handle so much.

I have to stand up in a solid way for my boys, which I always have. But, I need to put them 1st right now before this crushes them anymore.

This is beyond difficult! We are her only family, but we really can’t do this anymore.

I wish I had the words to tell you how moved I am. It breaks my heart, I wish I could help you somehow get through this. It may not seem much, but you know this and don't let no one take it from you... God sees and He loves you and your wife so much. No matter what don't you dare let anything steal that from you. He loves YOU. His Son was given all power over everything we know. You pray to Him, you talk to Him. Tell Him your heart. He wants that. He can do what no one else can. When all hope seems lost, He can find the way. He was prepared for this problem you have, just reach out to Him and let Him take care of her. You gotta believe me, He's very real. Talk to Him. Please don't give up. She is your joy.

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I wish I had the words to tell you how moved I am. It breaks my heart, I wish I could help you somehow get through this. It may not see much, but you know this and don't let no one take it from you... God sees and He loves you and your wife so much. No matter what don't you dare let anything steal that from you. He loves YOU. His Son was given all power over everything we know. You pray to Him, you talk to Him. Tell Him your heart. He wants that. He can do what no one else can. When all hope seems lost, He can find the way. He was prepared for this problem you have, just reach out to Him and let Him take care of her. You gotta believe me, He's very real. Talk to Him. Please don't give up. She is your joy.
God bless bro!
We are solid Christians, and of course deeply flawed and sinful humans.
… Jesus knows.
My wife is an insanely solid Christian, but she is MAD at God like no other right now. I don’t blame her.
If you saw her today, …she looks horrific from a Med. SP….. she is 90 pounds and looks like she’s been drug thru hell, and she has been.

She has medical trauma like no other, sexual abuse since age 0, and still praises God for all her blessings.
However, she takes everything personal, and she verbally beats me up over everything out of her control…,which is currently EVERYTHING.
…I totally can’t do it.

God bless bro!
We are solid Christians, and of course deeply flawed and sinful humans.
… Jesus knows.
My wife is an insanely solid Christian, but she is MAD at God like no other right now. I don’t blame her.
If you saw her today, …she looks horrific from a Med. SP….. she is 90 pounds and looks like she’s been drug thru hell, and she has been.

She has medical trauma like no other, sexual abuse since age 0, and still praises God for all her blessings.
However, she takes everything personal, and she verbally beats me up over everything out of her control…,which is currently EVERYTHING.
…I totally can’t do it.

Have you guys ever really listened to this song ?
Slipknot….but really Corey Taylor’s song:
Errrrrr…this really is kind of where I’m at…,errrr


Sent PM

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God bless bro!
We are solid Christians, and of course deeply flawed and sinful humans.
… Jesus knows.
My wife is an insanely solid Christian, but she is MAD at God like no other right now. I don’t blame her.
If you saw her today, …she looks horrific from a Med. SP….. she is 90 pounds and looks like she’s been drug thru hell, and she has been.

She has medical trauma like no other, sexual abuse since age 0, and still praises God for all her blessings.
However, she takes everything personal, and she verbally beats me up over everything out of her control…,which is currently EVERYTHING.
…I totally can’t do it.
The strongest power man has is words. There is nothing stronger, especially with God. Repent and Pray.

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