which are prettier, blondes or brunettes?


  • gyp.gif
    9.4 KB · Views: 234
  • gyp.gif
    9.4 KB · Views: 202
Hey Gypsy! You forgot this one, and it's one of my favorites:

Red-Headed Restaurant Cashier

Shake back your hair, O red-headed girl.
Let go your laughter and keep your two proud freckles on your chin.
Somewhere is a man looking for a red-headed girl and some day maybe he will look into your eyes for a resaurant cashier
and find a lover maybe.
Around and around go ten thousand men hunting a red-headed girl with two freckles on her chin.
I have seen them hunting, hunting.
Shake back your hair; let go your laughter.

-Carl Sandburg

Of course, my personal preferences lie elsewhere...but I'm glad Sandburg didn't sympathize. I don't know about "Shake back your hair, O pitch-black headed gothic girl with piercings in interesting locations and hot tattoos..." Just doesn't roll off the tongue as well. :D


WOW loaded question. That's like asking which bullet will kill you first, the one in the gun or the behind the rolling pin

BuckleBoy said:
Of course, my personal preferences lie elsewhere...but I'm glad Sandburg didn't sympathize. I don't know about "Shake back your hair, O pitch-black headed gothic girl with piercings in interesting locations and hot tattoos..." Just doesn't roll off the tongue as well. :D

Heeeyyyyy! My kinda guy! Tattoos and piercings.......mmmmmmm 8)

What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?
A redhead!

What's safer: a redhead or a piranha?
The piranha. They only attack in schools.

How do you get a redhead's mood to change?
Wait 10 seconds ;D

What do you call a Redhead with an attitude?

Only two things are necessary to keep a redhead happy.
One is to let her think she is having her own way,
and the other is to let her have it.

A young man marrying a redhead asked his father for some marital advice. The father said, "Just remind her who wears the pants in your family." The evening arrived, the new husband tossed his pants to his bride and said, "Here put these on." She did and said "I don't fit into these." "That's right!" he said, "and don't you forget who wears the pants in this family!"

With that she flipped him her panties and said, "Try these on." He looked at them and said, "I can't get into your panties!" She said, "That's right - and you won't until your attitude changes!" ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

What's the Redhead Dating Motto?
The fastest way to a man's heart is through his ribcage.

What's the true definition of a blonde?
Redhead with the fire of passion missing.

How do you get a redhead's mood to change?
Wait 10 seconds :D

One morning while making breakfast, a man walked up to his redheaded wife and pinched her on her butt and said, "You know if you firmed this up we could get rid of your girdle."
While this was on the edge of intolerable, she thought herself better and replied with silence.

The next morning the man woke his redhead with a pinch on the breast and said, "You know if you firmed these up we could get rid of your bra."

This was beyond a silence response, so she rolled over and grabbed him by the penis. With a death grip in place she said, "You know if you firmed this up we could get rid of the postman, the gardener, the poolman, and your brother." ;D

How do you know when a redhead has been using a computer?
There's a hammer embedded in the monitor

Only two things are necessary to keep a redhead happy.
One is to let her think she is having her own way,
and the other is to let her have it.

What's the difference between a blonde and a redhead in bed
A blonde let's you leave the bed when you are satisfied - a redhead
let's you leave the bed when SHE is satisfied.

What do you get when you cross Raggedy Ann with the Pillsbury Doughboy?
ANGRY redhead with a yeast infection


  • greenchainsaw.gif
    19.9 KB · Views: 209
Both are lovley examples of GOD"S gift to mankind sigh

Tropical Tramp

I will never be able to understand why you americans are so obsessed with blondes. It may be because of the media hype. Hollywood has conditioned you to think that blondes are better, ever since that Marilyn Monroe movie. But are they really? Blondes have more noticeable hair, and thats it. Brunettes on the other hand have more noticeable facial features, and in most cases they dont even need make up. But blondes have washed out facial features. If they dont put make up on, they look like corpses. Their eyebrows are almost inexistent, and so are their eyelashes. Whats so pretty about the lack of pigment? Whats so pretty about looking anemic? Its unfair that no matter how beautiful brunettes are, you american will still prefer blondes. Why? Would you take a blonde over Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrossio, Olivia Wilde etc? There are so many super sexy beautiful brunettes and you americans are blind to that. Apparently you think that whatever shines must be gold.

Mona Lisa is a brunette. Settles it for me.

But Spitfire Reddie is a redhead.

I don't know what Gypsy is.

Ashleen is a blonde.

Never Mind.


And Rene Zellwegger is a blonde. That too settles it for me. Monica Belluci is a BRUNNETTE and she is the most beautiful women in the world. Most men in the world prefer brunettes. Only american idiots prefer blondes who are so washed out they look like they have all of their blood drained out of their body

You resurrected a 10 year old thread to insult Americans with your first two posts?

RATHER be moved by a black hair Native American young women... why I go to Pow Wows. THOSE girls dancing in The Circle are HOT! Wife is NOT amused...

And Rene Zellwegger is a blonde. That too settles it for me. Monica Belluci is a BRUNNETTE and she is the most beautiful women in the world. Most men in the world prefer brunettes. Only american idiots prefer blondes who are so washed out they look like they have all of their blood drained out of their body
"American Idiots"...? !!!

Hey Reb! Mom used to attend those pow wows religiously. Somewhere way back in time I have a Native American ancestor. She and my brother have continued to try to convince me to attend one, and I've always laughed it off. I'm like somewhere in 1/32 or less... Not!!!

However, now that you mention it :)

I do prefer dark haired girls!

GREAT! I am of the Monacan Nation (1/4)... AND! Descended from Pocahontas (LOVE her daddy, POWHATAN!) via the Bolling/Bowling "line". Col. John Bolling changed his name to Bowling, to prove to Gov. Thomas Jefferson, that he (Bowling) was a PATRIOT, not a Loyalist/Tory. Col. John Bowling was married to TJ's OLDEST sister, Mary Martha. I LOVE those Pow-Wows; Martinville has a BIG Pow-Wow, every year; Monacan Nation Pow-Wow is May 20-21, 2016... costs $ 8 a person, and WELL WORTH IT! GOOD ppl, food, venders & "gifts" from Va., N.C., Georgia, W.Va... LIVE Eagles, Buffalos, Wolves... GO FOR IT!

I've been waiting for a dead thread to blow up out of the blue....thanks person who loves brunettes, this is gonna be great!

Hey Hey Hey .....Spitfire and I are redheads!!!!
Some one better vote for the Reds!!!!

Hey....I was class of "83"!:headbang:
I notice a couple of thee.... red haired ladies, haven't posted in a long time.

Hey, I was a ....dirty blonde. mustache and goatee are still blondish.

I dated a Redhead once...
She was famous...

Playboy playmate of the year. :P

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