Well, worse case scenario if you do get banned...You can come back as Mark Martin :thumbsup:

If you choose your reincarnation correctly you could finally get that beautiful and trained assassin you always wanted!

It has been pointed out that if someone goes to your profile and hits refresh it will increase the visits by 1, so someone could sit and hit refresh and run it up quickly. It doesn't work on yourself since you can't visit yourself in stats.

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

so are you saying I should forget it?

so are you saying I should forget it?

Don't lose any sleep over it, it is just stats on profile visits, that and a $1.00 may get you a cup of coffee if your lucky..

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

not losing sleep, sleep is what I do best.
I just don't want to break any rules without getting the full enjoyment on my own!

Jeff Gorden, it's probably me....the e-challenged one. Many times when I want to click on the title I "some how" hit the person and their page thingy pops up, then I have to try to get back to the actually thing I was trying to view, and if you could see all the errors I made with the help of auto correct (which is a joke in my life) just trying to write this you would completely understand how this could happen.

Now can some one pleeeeeaaaasssssssseeeeeeee help me! I had an incoming friend request which I tried to accept but some how seemed to freeze in limbo, it's there but always as an incoming friend request,
even tho I have tried to accept it many times. HHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEELLLPP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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when you go to it you have to check on their avatar then the save or accept button

That does work by refreshing when I'm on your page. I can watch the number go up. Gets kinda boring after a while but it beats the heck out of that home remodel show the wifey has on upstairs.
????????? Maybe next time honey is watching soaps I will play with Jeffs page too! So if I just refresh while on the page is that good enough?

My theory is you might have gotten all of those hits when your avatar was in drag awhile back. Lol

All the hits came in last couple days and would be from one of last visitors still on your profile not that it really matters...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
― James Madison

The Constitution of the United States of America

Jeff wanted a record. He will never know...if he has the "profile visits" record. Because....you would have to visit all 80,000+/-
T net members for comparison!


Jeff wanted legit stats, not manipulated stats, he is honest. The stats want mean anything now...... That was why he pm me, he knew the stats weren't legit...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

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Hey!! It wasn't me...I just went there tonight to see what all the hollerin' was about!!:dontknow:
All the hits came in last couple days and would be from one of last visitors still on your profile not that it really matters...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
― James Madison

The Constitution of the United States of America

I'm not blaming anyone...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
― James Madison

The Constitution of the United States of America

'Twasn't me, Sir T_H, I prefer a Full Frontal approach...as you already know...having spanked me previously. :wink:

I was merely blowing Jeff a kiss as I leave the battlefield in my previous post.

:-* Later, Gladiator

careful with those kisses Lady, others may get jealous

I bet its the ALIENS!!!

I think just posting this thread made everyone want to click your profile to see for themselves how many visits you really had lol, I know I did. I do not know why someone would take the time refresh your profile a billion and one times, I think they would better things to do but you never know. I have to admit, I would get annoyed, that happened to my youtube. I made a video which was getting real views, than someone did the same thing they did to you on my video and youtube stopped coutning due to hacking

I tried doing that Jeff, it just goes dim then back to the way it is now.

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