X-Rated finds.......

Suit your self.
I'n not trying to fall out with you, the point was about being offended on a family forum...a two way street as you put it, you can't have one rule for one, and another for someone else. I respect any hunter who kills clean, and uses the meat to feed his family, I don't like the trophy shots...that's all.


Yes phallic art goes way back in time.
This printing plate has 6 large phallic images, 3 pairs of breasts, 2 female genitalia, and a couple of bums.
There's 5 couples about to do something and Hans Solo (streetcar driver) with one hand on the gearshift and the other on.......
Let's just say he has a date with Palmala Handerson!
Could I post the picture on my profile page for April 1st and leave it just for the day or a certain hour?
If not, then I will take requests for a P.M. and show those interested on April 1st.
So far CoilyGirl, S.S. and Liftloop. Joe Hunter? Anyone else?

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that will be fine

Put me on the list...I would have like to have seen your face when you first got a look at that plate...found it with detector or surface find?

Why do people get so tied in knots over sex? Without it none of us would be here!

About the hunting thing being family friendly: Not really! when i see a trophy shot of a hunter with his freshly killed big buck i think sportsman doing what sportman do. Most of these people are responsible hunters and use the meat from their kills. Not counting hunting ranches it takes a lot of skill to hunt down a large animal and kill it cleanly. That's what i see. Unfortunately, my six year old grand daughter sees Bambi and asks what's wrong with the deer. So, though deemed acceptable, not really family friendly.

OTOH sex is never acceptable. Larry Flynt, of all people, made one of the best anti pornography cases that has ever been published. He did it to show how twisted the laws were at the time . At the time he was being prosecuted for publishing pornographic material. To make is point he used his magazine to publish pics of beautiful naked women. Utitlizing full frontal nudity. A big no no! Exactly what the government was prosecuting him over. Juxed opposed to those pictures were crime scene and war time photos of totally nude woman. Again full frontal nudity, with nothing left to the imagination. of course, most of them were dead. Some, very dead! Underneath the beautiful woman photos were captions that said, the government says this Photograph is pornographic, they do not want you to see it or me to publish it. Doing either is punishable by law. Under the grizzly crime scene and war photos the caption read - the government says this photo is Ok to publish. it can be published anywhere, including your local paper. Your kids can see it. He then asked some questions. Do you see a difference in the photos? Which photos do you think are are objectionable? Which photos would you rather view? And not to get too graphic here the crime scene photos were horrific.

At the time, publishing a picture of a naked beautiful woman was a crime. Blow her arm off, or partially decapitate her, and then take the picture, that was Ok.

He published these pictures to show how screwed up the laws were at the time. His point was well made. The laws are still screwed up. Mostly, when it comes to sex, we are still staked to the Puritans who God only know how they reproduced at all.

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Yes phallic art goes way back in time.
This printing plate has 6 large phallic images, 3 pairs of breasts, 2 female genitalia, and a couple of bums.
There's 5 couples about to do something and Hans Solo (streetcar driver) with one hand on the gearshift and the other on.......
Let's just say he has a date with Palmala Handerson!
Could I post the picture on my profile page for April 1st and leave it just for the day or a certain hour?
If not, then I will take requests for a P.M. and show those interested on April 1st.
So far CoilyGirl, S.S. and Liftloop. Joe Hunter? Anyone else?

Heck yeah I want to see it. And no not for the "porno", I can get all of that on the internet. I want to see it for future ID purposes.

I believe a couple of years back a Georgian pipe tamper was shown here, revealing womans genitalia.


Why do people get so tied in knots over sex? Without it none of us would be here!

About the hunting thing being family friendly: Not really! when i see a trophy shot of a hunter with his freshly killed big buck i think sportsman doing what sportman do. Most of these people are responsible hunters and use the meat from their kills. Not counting hunting ranches it takes a lot of skill to hunt down a large animal and kill it cleanly. That's what i see. Unfortunately, my six year old grand daughter sees Bambi and asks what's wrong with the deer. So, though deemed acceptable, not really family friendly.

OTOH sex is never acceptable. Larry Flynt, of all people, made one of the best anti pornography cases that has ever been published. He did it to show how twisted the laws were at the time . At the time he was being prosecuted for publishing pornographic material. To make is point he used his magazine to publish pics of beautiful naked women. Utitlizing full frontal nudity. A big no no! Exactly what the government was prosecuting him over. Juxed opposed to those pictures were crime scene and war time photos of totally nude woman. Again full frontal nudity, with nothing left to the imagination. of course, most of them were dead. Some, very dead! Underneath the beautiful woman photos were captions that said, the government says this Photograph is pornographic, they do not want you to see it or me to publish it. Doing either is punishable by law. Under the grizzly crime scene and war photos the caption read - the government says this photo is Ok to publish. it can be published anywhere, including your local paper. Your kids can see it. He then asked some questions. Do you see a difference in the photos? Which photos do you think are are objectionable? Which photos would you rather view? And not to get too graphic here the crime scene photos were horrific.

At the time, publishing a picture of a naked beautiful woman was a crime. Blow her arm off, or partially decapitate her, and then take the picture, that was Ok.

He published these pictures to show how screwed up the laws were at the time. His point was well made. The laws are still screwed up. Mostly, when it comes to sex, we are still staked to the Puritans who God only know how they reproduced at all.

I agree with the point of your post.

I would rather see porn on TV then war movies.
un-edited Spring Break films, Rather then Fox TV News reports
of murder and mayhem.

But unfortunately that is not how things work.
& I'm not in the place to make the call to let something that is universally considered
not family friendly in the U.s. slide.

I believe a couple of years back a Georgian pipe tamper was shown here, revealing womans genitalia.


I suppose if it was not Explicit, it probably wasn't noticed.
Heads or Tales tokens get posted with no complaint.
but they are not depicting explicit acts or details.

there is even a chance if Dave just went ahead & posted it,
nothing would have been said :dontknow:
however 20/20 hindsight & the fact posting it now would draw even closer attention,
again I would have to say , I can't say it's considered family friendly

Oh,all right Dave,I will look if your gonna make me :laughing7: This post got me thinking of a find I made many moons ago,that I have no idea where it went?It was a key chain of a man and a woman that had moving parts....ingenious little machine really

Yes phallic art goes way back in time.
This printing plate has 6 large phallic images, 3 pairs of breasts, 2 female genitalia, and a couple of bums.
There's 5 couples about to do something and Hans Solo (streetcar driver) with one hand on the gearshift and the other on.......
Let's just say he has a date with Palmala Handerson!
Could I post the picture on my profile page for April 1st and leave it just for the day or a certain hour?
If not, then I will take requests for a P.M. and show those interested on April 1st.
So far CoilyGirl, S.S. and Liftloop. Joe Hunter? Anyone else?

Aw thanks muddy you rock

Is it wrong to say the plate is a piece of art, and how can art be wrong even if it's displayed in a museum? The belt is cinched so tight in today's society and behind the scenes it's morally corrupt to the point that folks just scratch their noodles. So maybe loan it to the Smithsonian Institute and we can catch on the next tour Muddy. :)

Put me on the list...I would have like to have seen your face when you first got a look at that plate...found it with detector or surface find?

Saying WTF out loud is putting it mildly! It was behind an old garage about 2 inches down with most of that being leaf mold.
It was a pretty clean find so I don't know how long it was buried but the spot was high and dry.
I'll put you on the list.

Yes phallic art goes way back in time.
This printing plate has 6 large phallic images, 3 pairs of breasts, 2 female genitalia, and a couple of bums.
There's 5 couples about to do something and Hans Solo (streetcar driver) with one hand on the gearshift and the other on.......
Let's just say he has a date with Palmala Handerson!
Could I post the picture on my profile page for April 1st and leave it just for the day or a certain hour?
If not, then I will take requests for a P.M. and show those interested on April 1st.
So far CoilyGirl, S.S. and Liftloop. Joe Hunter? Anyone else?

Well, for yourself, you could get the ink and roller and print a copy, or you could gently, lay it on a flat top copier and set the contrast high and copy it. It's always good to enjoy your finds. lol Frank

111-1 profilecracked.jpg

found behind the garage ? right where the little boy had it playing with .......uhh ,, it .
as for posting it ,, where i for 1 would love to see it i also do not want my 12 year old son to see it , since he scans these forums from time to time , i can understand the Mods being hesitant . now my 12 year old mainly looks at the daily finds and i doubt he would come here .

as for the hunting comments , i can understand 100 % where people may get offended , and i have always tried to make my trophy shots clean with little to no blood out of respect , becasue most people even if they do not hunt will be polite and look when shown and give the obligitory compliment " wow nice one " and move on,,,lol but i agree with SS i know what he meant .

i think muddy needs to post the picture to another site and put a link here so we can see it and it wont be posted here .

found behind the garage ? right where the little boy had it playing with .......uhh ,, it .
as for posting it ,, where i for 1 would love to see it i also do not want my 12 year old son to see it , since he scans these forums from time to time , i can understand the Mods being hesitant . now my 12 year old mainly looks at the daily finds and i doubt he would come here .

as for the hunting comments , i can understand 100 % where people may get offended , and i have always tried to make my trophy shots clean with little to no blood out of respect , becasue most people even if they do not hunt will be polite and look when shown and give the obligitory compliment " wow nice one " and move on,,,lol but i agree with SS i know what he meant .

i think muddy needs to post the picture to another site and put a link here so we can see it and it wont be posted here .
In the early years of me being on T.Net, I got into some huge battles about the hunting and trapping pictures posted, and the way they had been displayed on here. Marc the former owner of T.net hated it and usually removed the offensive pictures, seems the new owners have lower standards, when it comes to this.

Once again I respect you that hunt professionally, this is how I became close friends with Kugar, we would battle for ages on here, untill he told me the way that he operated...totally professioally, and did'nt brag about it, and respected the animals, even the ones he had to keep under control.


I think it sounds interesting, and I'd like to see it. Think it might perk up my 81` year old body?????LOL

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