Years Of Experience Collecting Native American Artifacts


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
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All Treasure Hunting
Thread is for information only, trying to get total years experience of forum.

How many years experience collecting Native American artifacts do you have?

I will start off, I started collecting in 1981 when I found my first point in a corn field.

Please end post with total years.

39 years.

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Started as a kid around 8 years old wondering the fresh plowed fields barefoot after a good rain ........ I guess that was about 25 years ago but there was definitely some big gaps in there where I got occupied with school, sports , motorcycles and women but I never lost that hunger to find the next point !

Cold turkey, very young and without a mentor, I began surface hunting in the 70s.
For 2 decades, I casually pressed on with nothing show, but a box full of cool rocks.
By and by, I crossed paths with an old collector.
He happily showed me a preform (1st time hearing the term) and explained it’s features. He gave me a few helpful hints regarding the area, logistics, and favorable conditions for success and wished me luck.
I found my first artifact not long after. I’ve walked hundreds of miles, studied archeological bulletins, books, photos, videos and have successfully hunted and collected artifacts ever since.
Thank you -Unknown Old Timer!
Knowledge is power!
25+ years since meeting you!

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As soon as I could walk my mom had me hunting a gravel road that had bridge crossed the James River. The bridge was washed away before my time and road was rutted and impassable. I can remember climbing out of a rut with these four objects and how exited mom was when I handed them to her. My next find was with my grandpa a blade from Dry creek. Both spots in Webster County Missouri. The year would have been 1984. So 36 years roughly.

I found my first arrowhead when I was about 10 and I was hooked right then and there. Thoughts raced thru my head like this projectile has been laying here for 100’s if not 1000’s of years. Did the point get dropped? Was it shoot at game and lost? Or maybe was they a heated battle between a couple of groups and this point was shoot and passed thru flesh maybe killing its intended target? That might sound gruesome but that is what I still think when I find a big killer piece out in a freshly plowed field.

27 years

Probably been finding stuff since I was a little kid, but didn't slow down with it until 1970 when I started finding NA stuff and had studied enough to know what it was!

50 years

I've spent years tracking down and cataloging tens-of-thousands of pictographs and petroglyphs, as well as numerous habitation sites and villages. I've come across TONS of artifacts (points, pottery sherds, twig figures, etc.), but never take them...I leave them where I found them and only take a picture. Some of my finds have been previously unknown / undocumented and I've been in-touch with various archaeologists about them. For me, the fun is in the hunt...get my boots on and go explore. Whether I come across something, or not, is secondary to being out in the mountains and desert. Happy hunting!

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