Ancient Aztec/Myan, Spanish, and KGC trail.

Casca Thank You for your comments
I will have to check that Out

That face rock has some recent digging on the right there. Was that you?
Just curious. 8-)

Hello Shortstack that is very interesting I see what you are seeing and no that wasn't me. I don't no if that is where the rain runs of the side of the hill around the Monument or what. Shortstack what do you think about the Scale's?

Dogthetreasurehunter and Casca had some very good suggestions and I have nothing to add. You have some very interesting finds these last few photos. Busy place isn't it??

Shortstack yes indeed this is a very busy place. This place was a power point of some sort and it seems to me that it has been used for thousands of year.

Shortstack yes indeed this is a very busy place. This place was a power point of some sort and it seems to me that it has been used for thousands of year.

So you're thinking it's on a junction of 2 or more Ley lines?? Very interesting. How close is it to the 30th parallel? The 30th is the line that runs through the Gaza Strip and other well known locations.......including Point Pleasant , Louisiana.

on the hunt, It looks like it may a location to weigh some thing, I see a cross ( church ) , a symbol for a league, ( 2.5 Miles ) another symbol of a league ( 1 " hack mark ) long part of the upside down T shows a direction and perhaps 20 leagues showing distance you have traveled since it is below the cross arm of the T, you need to travel another league, The weight symbol may indicate a smelter

research 079.JPG Look at this Beautiful Work of Art here Guys.

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Thank you for the kind words Crosse De Sign! Shortstack going back to the Spirits if you will take a look at that last Pic I posted you will see in the lower left hand side of the Pic a Shadow of a Grim Reaper holding a Wand that he has resting on his shoulder and he looks like he is about to knock the hell out of me with that Wand! I don't think I have done anything around there to bring out the Grim Reaper! LOL

Maybe that's a witch holding her broom over her shoulder..........or a wizard and his wand. Why think it's a Grim Reaper? He's a little SMALL to be reaping anything....unless he's going to trim your toenails. LOL

Just to bump the thread and see whats new out there I wanted to go ahead and share two facts that I have proven to be true. One is you need to dig directly under a sun spot. See my picture of the sunspot, well its just off to the right of what looks like a filled in mine. But thats a decoy, the real mine is actually in a hollowed out part of rock your looking at. You can see the real mine wine with the bulkhead. The second picture is of the mine and its instructions. Now above the sunspot under the helmet of the soldier is a half moon hidden there. That tells me its a silver mine. There is also a slab of stone just inside the entrance with the number 5 also meaning silver. I was hoping for gold. Now I cant go into too much about the owl, but it is true if you look behind the owl you will find something also. So to sum it up, yes under a sun sign is hole of some sort. Also if you look over the owls shoulder you will see what you need to see.


So many people show pictures with no solutions of how they used the signs. You cant walk anywhere here without finding sign.

Casca, that is an excellent example of being at the right spot to see the clues and I personally believe the Spanish just were not that able to assemble such items to compile a photo. I'm thinking that whoever assembled the intricate collages were the same people who produced the photo quality "paintings" of faces. You've seen examples of what I'm talking about. I've wondered for the longest time, just HOW did the sculptors communicated with their bosses when those large, DISTANT things were made. There were no radios back then and Indian smoke signals were just a Hollywood invention and the Morris Code had not been invented then. (side note, Samuel Morris did not invent the code either. His helper did and Morris put his own name on it.)

Logistics and communication are the two big "unknowns" of the west and south west.

Casca, that is an excellent example of being at the right spot to see the clues and I personally believe the Spanish just were not that able to assemble such items to compile a photo. I'm thinking that whoever assembled the intricate collages were the same people who produced the photo quality "paintings" of faces. You've seen examples of what I'm talking about. I've wondered for the longest time, just HOW did the sculptors communicated with their bosses when those large, DISTANT things were made. There were no radios back then and Indian smoke signals were just a Hollywood invention and the Morris Code had not been invented then. (side note, Samuel Morris did not invent the code either. His helper did and Morris put his own name on it.)

Logistics and communication are the two big "unknowns" of the west and south west.

They had chairs, we all seen the rocks of stone and they viewed the areas from about a 1/4 mile out. The only thing you see from the trail is a eye catcher. Once you get closer you start seeing large monuments and shadow markers. If you follow the trail, hearts, turtles, and such you will find in the trail these hidden images. Now once on the trail very few signs will be head on, those signs I stop in my tracks when I first see them. Most signs I find are off to the left or right at 45' and 90' to include 180' degree angles. SS find the area behind a lil mound nestled in the fold of the mountain and thats where they like to work. They could see you, but you could not see them. There is op set starting at the base of the mountain, they could see you coming for miles though.

Now you asked how they communicated? I would say depends on the range. But Flags and mirrors would work great. I also have found in the ledges fist sized holes that a candle was placed in. It could only be seen from a certain angle. Also they most likely used runners, I dont see the Spanish running around the desert, they had slaves.

I suspect a camp was close by the work area and a main tent set up for day to day operations. I have found areas that would be work areas, grinding the ore to dust. I found areas of where one would bath, I found areas where they would pray. I am certain there was a routine, one knew his place then.

I also found simple signs for the peon to follow, and signs for the clergy to follow. This includes some hidden and clever signs by the sight owner along with all the new signs from the Mexicans, indians, and such. Im pretty sure a master would set and supervise workers from a few feet to miles away depending on the sign and what they wanted you to see. I spot Spanish stuff out several miles, there is a lot of it. But not every rock or place has marks. The Spanish like the Mayan looked for certian areas that produced gold/silver and such.

I dont mean to dumb this down, but I keep it simple. Thats my take on communications and control. Well some of it lol.

Well Casca, That looks like the best bit of information that I have ever seen posted ever, I have seen on what I consider the 90 and 180 degrees to point to square leagues, however that about all we have with a trail marker here and there so I really don't know much about mines and such. Consider this a Like, don't know how to do the other

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