Concealing Firearms While Detecting

Just my 2 bits here, first off I realize the people on tn are detectorists/ prospectors enjoying plying there hobby or maybe making there living at it. I must say that living in Canada I envy my neighbors to the south that are able to carry side arms in open view or concieled where the law allows. Here in Canada when I venture into the woods where my hunts take me I am not permitted to carrry a side arm. I am reduced to carrying bear bangers, bear spray, hatchet, knife, shovel, etc. I also carry a modified rem. 870 defender which I have to lean against a tree when I find an area that I concentrate on. My faithfull dog is always with me and always alert, no matter how much I am concentrating on what I am doing I will always be loud to let any animals know that I am in the area (HELLO BEAR...) Dogs are great but if they don't wind or hear anything you could still surprise a predator. Point is, a side arm at close range gives the holder a much better chance of survival in such situations.

The thing I see wrong with Canadian gun law is it punishes the innocent by denieing them the right of self defense. I imagine they have other laws against the misuse of firearms. Hay, that rifle will kill a person just as dead as a pistol, and with more range. just a thought, Frank...-
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There isn't much gun violence there as here. I would not be surprised if there was pistols in Canada. Actually I'm 99% sure some have been smuggled in I'm sure they are worth a ton on the black market. Sort of like bringing ammo into NY and selling it 5x what you played. Protection against animals the spray is better I'd guess.

The point is up there you don't have to really worry and need a gun. Say all the criminals in the States didn't have a gun would you still need to have one? I'm pretty sure the only people up there that could afford a illegal pistol are upper middle class or a successful fellow that sells products illegally. The working man wouldn't use the gun for bad. The fellow would most likely just use it as protection.
I don't own one not much of anything that can kill you. The "thugs" won't pull the trigger. A cop told me 70% of the guns they get from them have no ammo in it.

When Gov sayes you can't own a pistol, it's just one more control they place on you. I have a 100 yard range on my farm for my target shooting. I really don't want the Gov saying you can't have a gun because we don't want you to. Just a thought, Frank...-
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Please keep politics out of thread so it doesn't have to be moved or locked...

As long as discussion is just about carrying while detecting and not about gov restrictions on guns thread is okay here..

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I couldn't care less what the government says...if I want to carry when out detecting I will.

sent from a potato...

That's a good way to go to jail lol
Only if they pass some illegal law prohibiting it like Canada has...
don't get me wrong I do everything within the law. I'm speaking hypothetical...

sent from a potato...

Sounds like my favorite knife; RAPALA!! I use to show off by shaving the hair off of my arm with mine.

Reminds me of when I was growing up. Most of us had pocket knives and kept them sharp enough to shave the hair off of our arms and legs. At least those of us that were able to grow hair. lol Yes, I'm talking about pre-teen. My dad swapped knives often where he worked. He got some really nice ones. Sure wish I had some of them now. I like to keep my knives sharp; but I don't try to keep them sharp enough to shave with anymore. The edge is just a bit too thin when it's shaving sharp; too easy to get 'nicks' in the blades.

That's one thing I'm actually good at, gimme a knife, even filet, which I learned on, with my oil stones, then you can split a hair.
Speaking of knives, on my 21st birthday, got pulled over, rookie cop, had to search everything, well in my tackle box I had a boot knife, the kind with a blade on both sides...didn't know that its a felony to have one like and learn I guess.


That's one thing I'm actually good at, gimme a knife, even filet, which I learned on, with my oil stones, then you can split a hair.
Speaking of knives, on my 21st birthday, got pulled over, rookie cop, had to search everything, well in my tackle box I had a boot knife, the kind with a blade on both sides...didn't know that its a felony to have one like and learn I guess.


I like my butterfly knife haha. Cut myself a couple of times playing with it

Everyone should excersize their second amendment rights, the world would be a much safer and a far more polite place. <3

From my cold dead hands...

Please keep comments non political so thread doesn't get locked or moved.

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Don't let remote areas give you the thought that it's safe... it isn't.

Old people like me are targets...
Old people like me are targets in remote places even more...
Old people like me are targets unless they carry...
you don't want to mess with old people like me!!:icon_thumright:

Weight loss is easy, if you have the determination to do what I did..I lost 231 pounds over a 18 month period, all I ate was boiled cabbage, and one slim fast a day for the vitamins and carbs/protein.


I'd just as soon amputate with a dull chain saw ..................................

Weight loss is easy, if you have the determination to do what I did..I lost 231 pounds over a 18 month period, all I ate was boiled cabbage, and one slim fast a day for the vitamins and carbs/protein.


Lots of way to lose weight. I lost over 30 pounds when I gave up processed sugar..

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Yeah it was drastic I admit, but I didn't have a choice, you see I was sick for that time period, anything I ate I threw up only boiled cabbage would stay down, even plain water made me sick, took a long time to figure out, but it was my gallbladder, was full of stones, they removed it, nausea went away, for 6 months anyway, still get nausea not like before though.


Yeah it was drastic I admit, but I didn't have a choice, you see I was sick for that time period, anything I ate I threw up only boiled cabbage would stay down, even plain water made me sick, took a long time to figure out, but it was my gallbladder, was full of stones, they removed it, nausea went away, for 6 months anyway, still get nausea not like before though.


Mike, if I was to eat boiled cabbage it would come up.Lol

sent from a potato...

carry unless I'm in the water then I just get ya with my scoop :laughing7:

Depending on the location, absolutely. Never leave home without it.
"When seconds count, cops are minutes away"

First gun I carried was a glock 40, didn't do it for me.
Then I scaled it up a bit, Kimber. 1911, still have it, sweet pistol...
Scaled it up another notch with an Ed Brown custom Kobra Carry .45...perfection at last!

Have faith in Ed Brown. .

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