$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

aarthrj3811 said:
Gee af1733....Your right...I could pass Carls test any day of the week. The question is WHY...I see no reason to prove anything to anyone except myself. I would rather be looking for the big one than playing a silly game with you skeptics...Art

WHY? I think you answered your own question. The "big one" you made reference to could be out there in an infinite number of possible locations. I think most any one you might explain this situation to, would consider Carl's $25K as a "Big One", and IT is not located in an infinite number of locations. IT is a single target in only 1 of 10 finite locations.

If you see no reason to prove anything to any one but yourself, why do you spend so much time trying to prove to the masses here on this forum that you can dowse a gold nugget at 100% accuracy? But let's say you JUST want to prove something to yourself, like you just said. Then make a deal to try for his $25K (that you can do any day of the week), and ask Carl if he will keep the results just between you and him.

If you can do what you claim you can do (any day of the week) then taking Carl's $25K (not the Big One) could verify to yourself that you really do have a special dowsing talent, and the $25K could finance one heck of an expedition to "find the big one".


aarthrj3811 said:
I would rather be looking for the big one than playing a silly game with you skeptics...Art

25k doesn't count as a big one for doing something you do all the time anyway? Hell 25k would finance many trips to find the "big one" you speak of if you use it as an investment. You're waiting for something that you have to "look" for versus something that is already there. Good luck with that.

Your right...I could pass Carls test any day of the week. The question is WHY...I see no reason to prove anything to anyone except myself. I would rather be looking for the big one than playing a silly game with you skeptics...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Your right...I could pass Carls test any day of the week. The question is WHY...I see no reason to prove anything to anyone except myself. I would rather be looking for the big one than playing a silly game with you skeptics...Art

I see Art read my How To Dowse tutorial in the other thread, specifically #2:

xupz said:
2) Should a skeptic persist to ask you to show you can actually perform better than random, avoid the issue by stating you don't need to prove anything to anyone because you know for a fact it works, and of course, you do. The joke is on the skeptic for not believing you, so enjoy a nice laugh at the skeptics expense.


Oh yea, from now on I think I'll just post which tutorial # applies to an excuse, no sense in rewriting it over and over. Cut and paste!

aarthrj3811 said:
Your right...I could pass Carls test any day of the week. The question is WHY...I see no reason to prove anything to anyone except myself.

$25,000. That's Twenty Five Thousand Dollars, in case you missed it. Now, in all your dowsing last week, did you manage to earn $25,000 doing it? If I offered you $25,000 to whistle, would you whistle, or argue that you have nothing to prove?

- Carl

aarthrj3811 said:
Your right...I could pass Carls test any day of the week. The question is WHY...I see no reason to prove anything to anyone except myself. I would rather be looking for the big one than playing a silly game with you skeptics...Art
"Why I Should Take Carl's Dowsing Test" by aarthrj3811.

This practically writes itself, Art. Why should you take the challenge?
Okay, so you're not proving anything to yourself, but there are reasons, I assure you.

1. To make a quick $25K.
2. It's Carl's $25K!
3. To bring dowsing away from the paranormal realm and into the forefront of the scientific community.
4. To help bring all the dowsers out of the woodwork who are afraid to make themselves known because of all us nasty skeptics.
5. To shut up the skeptics.
6. To shoot down Carl's "publicity stunt" once and for all.
7. To take one giant feather and stick it into your dowsing cap, and commence to become the most famous and successful dowser of all time. Think of the "big one" that would be! Book and movie deals, sponsorships, television specials, the list is endless.
8. Or, as Jean pointed out, just take the money and don't release the results. Then, every time Carl brought up his skepticism, you could just remind him of "the test."

Reasons against taking Carl's challenge?

At worst, all that will happen is you'll prove that one person cannot dowse.... ;)

Good morning room
Sheehs I leave for a few days to conclude a mining contract that may well give me a few million over the next few years and when I return I see that the mice have come out of their holes and are running amok, squealing and fighting over "look at me, see how brilliant I am".

However, I still see that not one of them has even attempted to address the data in the now infamous posts #6 & #88. So the obvious conclusion must be that they simply cannot, so they just run away from it by ignoring it or simply using the "ignore " button, which is exactly the same thing..

I will, go over the past few days posts and address those that are not too silly or plain dumb. <- (polite)

As for my statement in post #1120 in the 1,000,000 series , no-one seems to have understood what I was saying apparently from the recent posts.

Carl very clearly wrote "Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - carl". In any court of Law that I have ever attended or practiced that is a complete, legally binding, statement with no modifiers or ambiguities.

He flatly states that dowsing exists, so all that the incredibly flawed statistic tests, or any of the others can show is only what that "particular dowsers ABILITIES are", nothing more.

Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl

Tropical Tramp

beale said:
Sure dowsing exist so does guessing? Since you are looking for answers to #6 and #88 as you so politely have given them for umpteenth time, how about posting them again. I can't go back that far, my computer doesn't have enough reverse. All I have is full speed ahead.

As for you silly and plain dumb (polite) why don't you post something that makes sense?

By the way posting on nine different dowsing threads within and under 12 minutes takes a lot of thought.

By the way posting on nine different dowsing threads within and under 12 minutes takes a lot of thought.

Just consider the source.


K I will post them. as for posting in so many threads, it is simply in this way no-one can say that they didn't see it
hi CARL, Yes to minimize, not "ELIMINATE" , hence all such tests are subject to question and intimate review, especially when the emotional/mental/physical aspects of the people are involved. In this type of case, it is impossible to do so. Even if all try to the best of their ability to be impartial or to succeed, it is still impossible, due to what you called "self delusional beliefs" triggered by perhaps the subconscience from a past experience or reading, or even in being subjected to a feeling of inferiority because of present surrounding and type or attitude of the testers. Hence any conclusions based upon pure statistics in this type of test, is at best a semi-educated guess.

For a dowsing test to be "VALID", the SAME dowser should be subjected to a large no. of tests in the same exact manner in many different conditions and under (A) all testers that believe in Dowsing , (B) All of those that do not, plus (C) an equally divided group. Only under these conditions can one draw a "reasonable" idea.

Anything less is completely unacceptable as true Scientific testing since we are dealing with a complex interwoven group of Psychlogical as well a Physiological feeds all modulating each other.. Any of which can be altered easily by the present testing conditions.

Incidentally, please do not continue to post the same past flawed results which in no way can be considered as truly scientific, unless you have set up a very low set of standards for yourself..

Tropical Tramp

Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl

Tropical Tramp

[=Jean310 s for you silly and plain dumb (polite) why don't you post something that makes sense?

Still can't get outside of your liltle box love?
]By the way posting on nine different dowsing threads within and under 12 minutes takes a lot of thought
I thought so love, thanks, but no smoooch? snifff
Just consider the source.
Again thank you for the compliment, comming from you, you know that I value it highly, sigh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl

Tropical Tramp

So, RealdeTayopa, what exactly is the question? All I see is raving about dowsers can't dowse:
You can read no? None of your post is applicable to my post #6 nor what is in post # 1146 in this thread which presumably, you are answering?. Also Read below again.

Carl has stated flatly that dowsing exists, so all that any test can do is to check on the abilities of "that particular dowser"

Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
"Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl " <--- Especially this Beale

Tropical Tramp

Where is all of this going and what is it going to prove? Everyone knows Art being in California and Carl in North Carolina, Art is never coming out to North Carolina to take a test. Is Art the only dowser on this forum? Is he the martyr for all dowsers? I don't think so.

Your right beale...I will not expose myself to the chance of being cheated in any test. I have saw the skeptics in action and they will do anything to stop a dowser from having an honest test.

1. Because a skeptic is within a mile of the dowsing rods.
2. A power line is nearby
3. Someone turned a microwave oven or a cell phone on
4. The sun had some flareups today
5. The moon wasn't full today
6. My dowsing signal was blocked by a jamming device
7. I was upset today and did not feel right
8. There are too many skeptic thoughts around........................................... ....................

Good Lord the excuses are endless. Can you dowse and can you dowse proficently? A metal detector never has an excuse--------turn it on and it beeps when it finds the target. Turn a dowser on and he says he is not connected? Hell, someone needs to plug him into the power source?
If you read this forum....Most of the excuses have been offered by the skeptics. The one about jamming devices has been written by me. I can jam my rods and have wittness others rods being jammed. This not an excuse. It is a fact....Art

aarthrj3811 said:
If you read this forum....Most of the excuses have been offered by the skeptics. The one about jamming devices has been written by me. I can jam my rods and have wittness others rods being jammed. This not an excuse. It is a fact....Art

I believe it is a fact that you can jam your dowsing rods. You would do it through wilful mind-control to physically block the ideomotor response from allowing your hands and wrists to cause movement in the rods.

It is the same wilful mind-control the map dowser used in the recent video we saw, where that dowser emulated an ideomotor response by forcing the movement of the bobber.


JudyH said:
Are there any dowsers out there, who are interested in allowing James Randi or Carl Moreland test their abilities, and are willing to accept their judgement as to what is considered proof? Apparently not....

I guess the person you addressed this to, Beale, is not considered a dowser who was interested enough to allow Carl to test his abilities. In any case, I don't ask anyone to consider my "judgement" as "proof," never ever. I have said for years, "Don't take my word for it... Look, and see for yourself." All I offer are spectacles that lack rose-coloring... a method of evaluation that is fair and reveals the realities of dowsing. It is entirely up to the dowser to recognize the realities.

- Carl

No, it is what it is. Carl has never once said that his challenge is a scientific study carried out to discover the causes of dowsing, and some here would like to believe.
Then what IS it's purpose?
Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl

Tropical Tramp

author=af1733 link=At worst, all that will happen is you'll prove that one person cannot dowse.... ;)
Geeze you have just admitted that dowsing could exist. I don't suppose that you have ever heard of stage fright or of the high blood pressure syndrome whenever many enter a hospital for a blood test?

This is covered in the infamous posts # 6 & #88

Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl

Tropical Tramp

JudyH said:
af1733 said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Your right...I could pass Carls test any day of the week. The question is WHY...I see no reason to prove anything to anyone except myself. I would rather be looking for the big one than playing a silly game with you skeptics...Art
"Why I Should Take Carl's Dowsing Test" by aarthrj3811.

This practically writes itself, Art. Why should you take the challenge?
Okay, so you're not proving anything to yourself, but there are reasons, I assure you.

1. To make a quick $25K.
2. It's Carl's $25K!
3. To bring dowsing away from the paranormal realm and into the forefront of the scientific community.
4. To help bring all the dowsers out of the woodwork who are afraid to make themselves known because of all us nasty skeptics.
5. To shut up the skeptics.
6. To shoot down Carl's "publicity stunt" once and for all.
7. To take one giant feather and stick it into your dowsing cap, and commence to become the most famous and successful dowser of all time. Think of the "big one" that would be! Book and movie deals, sponsorships, television specials, the list is endless.
8. Or, as Jean pointed out, just take the money and don't release the results. Then, every time Carl brought up his skepticism, you could just remind him of "the test."

Reasons against taking Carl's challenge?

At worst, all that will happen is you'll prove that one person cannot dowse.... ;)

This is your best post yet, AF.... :D :D :D ....oh my..snicker.. :D :D :D...you have really outdone yourself this time.

"..To bring dowsing away from the paranormal realm and into the forefront of the scientific community.."
"..To help bring all the dowsers out of the woodwork who are afraid to make themselves known because of all us nasty skeptics.."
".. To take one giant feather and stick it into your dowsing cap, and commence to become the most famous and successful dowser of all time. Think of the "big one" that would be! Book and movie deals, sponsorships, television specials, the list is endless.."

How Grandiose of you....snicker....who is deluding themselves now?
I wonder why no one is lining up for such stardom and infamy?

:D :D :D :D :D

Art stated, quite forwardly, that he could take Carl's challenge and defeat it, but he just couldn't think of a reason why. I gave him some reasons, and all of them are well within the realm of possiblity, unlike most dowser's claims on this forum...

(Don't tell me you wouldn't watch a TV program featuring a guy who could find gold no matter where it was hidden, 100% of the time, using two sticks.)

RealdeTayopa said:
author=af1733 link=At worst, all that will happen is you'll prove that one person cannot dowse.... ;)
Geeze you have just admitted that dowsing could exist.

Tropical Tramp
This is one of Art's favorite excuses to not take the dowsing challenges, if you'd bother to read the posts before responding. No one expects that from a dowser, though. We expect you to latch onto a quote taken out of it's context and repeat it till it loses all meaning, and you haven't let us down yet.

And of course I'm willing to admit dowsing exists, just like Carl did. You say you dowse, Art says he dowses, so as far as I'm concerned when you walk around holding two sticks waiting for them to magically cross, you can call it dowsing and I'll believe you. For all intents and purposes, dowsing exists because it was given a name. That doesn't mean I believe dowsing can lead the way to hidden riches.

I'm saying dowsing does not work the way you claim.

RealdeTayopa said:
I don't suppose that you have ever heard of stage fright or of the high blood pressure syndrome whenever many enter a hospital for a blood test?

Tropical Tramp
Sure I have, and I believe the same thing happens to dowsers when they come into contact with double-blind protocol. They suddenly lose all ability to dowse. Funny world, ain't it?

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