15th silver coin for 2013: 1908-D Barber quarter also an 1884 Indian cent and a wheat


Bronze Member
Sep 30, 2012
Bloomington Indiana
Detector(s) used
E-TRAC & TESORO GOLDEN SABRE II---ETRAC COILS :SEF 10x12, SEF 6x8, X-5, Detech 8" concentric, ,--- TESORO COILS- 12x10 TOOLS: Lesche, Profind 25, Garrett Propointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
15th silver coin for 2013: 1908-D Barber quarter. Also an 1884 Indian cent and a wheat cent. (22 actual silver items this year) My friend Jan and I hunted a yard I had permission for but it was a complete bust, not even a wheat cent. After he headed home I walked around the corner to an 1890's house I had knocked at several times. Someone was home this time. Found both coins in the front yard which was loaded with clad dimes and memorial cents. Had a great time and the weather was perfect. Thanks Etrac.


Upvote 4
sweet finds man congrats HH

Nice coins

:icon_thumright: ​Congrats! Especially like your green-toned Indian cent. Looking forward to what you post next time! Andi

awesome finds! killer barber

Barbers are so few and far between for me. Infact, I've only dug one Barber Quarter and one Barber Half to date. (A very small handful of the dimes.)

Congrats on some great finds. Funny, when I saw the pics I didn't realize there were two pics, so when I saw the reverse of the Barber I said, "Good Lord what is that giant silver!?" Then I came back to earth.

Same here, found first Barber half and quarter this year(almost worn smooth!)...this is my second Barber quarter. I have 3 Barber dimes from previous years.
Barbers are so few and far between for me. Infact, I've only dug one Barber Quarter and one Barber Half to date. (A very small handful of the dimes.)

Yes I guess the way I cropped it made one seem larger :tongue3:
Congrats on some great finds. Funny, when I saw the pics I didn't realize there were two pics, so when I saw the reverse of the Barber I said, "Good Lord what is that giant silver!?" Then I came back to earth.

Thanks...first silver coin I've found in the last few weeks. I did find a big silver Moose lodge silver ring and a smaller silver ladies ring.

Thanks, a lot of the Indians around here come out with beautiful green patinas. This one actually looks better than the pic.

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