64 Silver coins for 2013: 5 halves,9 quarter 5 war nickels & 45 dimes.


Bronze Member
Sep 30, 2012
Bloomington Indiana
Detector(s) used
E-TRAC & TESORO GOLDEN SABRE II---ETRAC COILS :SEF 10x12, SEF 6x8, X-5, Detech 8" concentric, ,--- TESORO COILS- 12x10 TOOLS: Lesche, Profind 25, Garrett Propointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
All from private property except 6 coins: lots of detecting to get these and the best silver year I've had.


Upvote 5
Thats awesome.......alota silver.

Your most common silver coin is the Merc, huh? That's the most common silver coin I have found too. But in 5 years I have only found 6 Mercs. I'm in California, but maybe the ratio of different coins types is independent of location within America. I've never found that standing liberty quarter. I want to find that one!

Some serious silver there. :icon_thumleft:

That's a lot of shiny!

Awesome year SE, congrats!

Awesome Job.... looking through everyones 2013 totals, I'm amazed at the finds I see. people loose so many coins. Geez, Thank Goodness :)


5 halves is awesome

Been a slow year this year only 16 silver so far. And most of what I have found last year was from private yards. Found this beauty this year: 1908-O Barber half Fine+ if not VF. May18finds2014.jpgMay18finds2014II.jpg

Your most common silver coin is the Merc, huh? That's the most common silver coin I have found too. But in 5 years I have only found 6 Mercs. I'm in California, but maybe the ratio of different coins types is independent of location within America. I've never found that standing liberty quarter. I want to find that one!

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