
yeah, my friend is still itching from 2 weeks ago....when is the end of chigger season?

They never go away, they just hide for the winter! :tongue3: Seriously, if it gets close to a frost or the first frost should do it!! :hello:

cntrydncr1 said:
yeah, my friend is still itching from 2 weeks ago....when is the end of chigger season?

I have been doing some research (with one hand while I scratch with the other). These tiny creatures are actually mite larvae that feed on the flesh of animals.

They are active when temps are in the 60-90 degree range, so by October they should be dormant.

thanks for the info 60 to 90 :thumbsup:

Rub sulfur powder on your skin at all points of close clothing contact and entry places . They hate sulfur.

tertiaryjim said:
Rub sulfur powder on your skin at all points of close clothing contact and entry places . They hate sulfur.

^ That and more that. Worked great in the blackberry patches.

I thought there were greater dangers in blackberry patches than chiggers? Does the word "BEAR!" come to mind?.........NGE

nowgittineverything said:
I thought there were greater dangers in blackberry patches than chiggers? Does the word "BEAR!" come to mind?.........NGE

Not here in Southern New Jersey, although they are working their way back here. One was seen in Trenton, about 30 miles north.

I'm near St. Louis, MO. so bears aren't that much of a problem. Local police and newspapers had a report of a brownie hanging out near the tracks in O'fallon a few years back.

GopherDaGold said:
I'm near St. Louis, MO. so bears aren't that much of a problem. Local police and newspapers had a report of a brownie hanging out near the tracks in O'fallon a few years back.

Yeah, they can be dangerous, especially when traveling in packs!


I wish those brownies would attack me with frozen thin mints!!! ;D

Ok chiggers.
The best way is to spray your ankles/socks with deet and then duct tape the bottom of your pants to your boot tops. Sounds crazy I know but it works. Spray the rest of your clothes with peramone. They are awful this year and tagged me earlier really bad. Old farmer told me this trick from working in his chigger infested fields. It a pain but its worth it. I still get hammered on my arms and am scratching now!! :help: They tend to land where the pressure of your clothes is greatest like waste bands,socks,gloves etc.

Do You Know These Chigger Facts?
What are Chiggers?

Chiggers are known by a variety of names. Some of them are unmentionable in a "G" rated article. Some of the more common ones are Harvest Mite and Red Bug. It all depends on what part of the world you may hale from.

What do chiggers look like?

Chiggers look like a monster from dinosaur days. Adult chigger have eight legs and rounded body. The larval has only six legs and has a rounded body. An egg looks like an egg. Adult chiggers come in a variety of colors. Some are red, thus Red Bug. Some are amber or gray. Chiggers largely resemble spiders, of which clan they are a part of.

How large are chiggers?

Chiggers come in three sizes. Small and smaller. If adult chiggers are lined up side by side it takes about 20 of them to stretch across an inch. The larval lined up would require approximately 120 of the little guys to span an inch. In short, if you expect to see one you probably won't without a microscope or a very good magnifying glass.

What do chigger bites look like?

Since the chigger is so small it difficult to see a chigger bite. But the after affects are much easier to see. Once the bite has been become noticeable they are a small red spot looking like a blister. Sometimes with a small red dot at the top.

How long does it take before chigger bites become noticeable?

It normally takes about 12 to 24 hours after the bite before the itching begins. They commence in a a very subtle way. Something that is not really noticed or annoying. It is just like a very faint sound in the distance. You know it is there, but you don't really pay any attention to it.

Within 24 hours of being bit a something appears like a rash. It depends on how contaminated you are as to how much you can be affected.

Where do chiggers like to hang out?

Chiggers love heavily wooded places with lots of brush and tall grass. They live where it is moist and warm and dark. They like piles of rotting leaves or old rotting wood piles. They also park on the tips of leaves and the ends of long grass stems.

Where do chiggers bite most often?

Most folks have a problem with chiggers around their ankles, waist and under their arms. Chiggers like to get in close and personal. They will crawl around until they find some tight fitting clothing, I.e. the waist line, bra strap and socks, all of which hold clothing tight to the body.

Do chiggers bore under the skin and suck out the blood?

No. Chiggers are bitters, not borers. They do not suck blood. They bite a hole in the skin next to a hair follicle and place sipping straw in. Then they spit into the hole an special little enzyme that will rot the flesh away. Then the chigger will suck up the rotted flesh in the little straw.

How long does the itch last from chigger bites?

Itching varies from person to person. Itching can last from a few days or week up to two weeks or more.

Can that horrible itch chigger bites cause ever be stopped?

Yes they can. There are few treatments that will cure chigger bites and the terrible itch going along with it. Most suggestions do not work but a few do and work very well.

Does nail polish stop itching chigger bites and kill the chigger?

No. The chigger is long gone by the time nail polish is applied. Nail polish does nothing to stop the itching of chigger bites or any other kind of bite. It is an old wives tail.

I feel ya. I got a bad case of em this summer, and I still have the scars on my legs. :-\

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