American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare

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American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare Plan
December 27, 2012

California Democrat Dianne Feinstein will introduce legislation in January calling for the fingerprinting and registering of all gun owners in the United States.

On her Senate web page, Feinstein states her proposed legislation will add fingerprinting and photo identification to the National Firearms Act.

A firearms seller must currently submit Form 4473 to the government containing the name, address, driver license information, NICS background check transaction number, serial number and model of the firearm, and a short federal affidavit stating that the purchaser is eligible to purchase firearms under federal law. Feinstein’s bill will add a substantial layer of bureaucracy to the existing regulations.

The effort to expand firearms registration will include weapons grandfathered prior to the enactment of Feinstein’s proposed legislation. In other words, all gun owners will be required to register their constitutionally guaranteed firearms with a federal government inimical to the Second Amendment.

Feinstein’s registration process will likely surpass New York City’s handgun permit process, which is a bureaucratic nightmare. In addition to non-refundable fees totaling over $500, the permit process demands two recent color photos, a birth certificate, proof of citizenship and residence, a blizzard of affidavits, and other red-tape hurdles. Applications are routinely denied for spurious reasons, including non-violent misdemeanors and depression.

As Dean Weingarten notes, gun registration is de facto gun confiscation. Following mandatory gun registration, the government “will know who has legal possession of each firearm. They will know where the firearm is stored. When physical possession of the gun is desired, they can order you to turn it in. This has happened repeatedly,” most notably in Nazi Germany, Red China and Soviet Russia.

More recently, it has occurred in Kosovo, Great Britain, Australia, New York, and California. If Feinstein has her way next month, it will happen across America.

Democrats and their Republican co-conspirators are going all out to ban firearms. Feinstein’s bill will ban the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of 120 specifically-named firearms, including semiautomatic rifles, handguns, and shotguns that can accept detachable and fixed magazines and have “one military characteristic.”

In addition, Feinstein’s bill will outlaw flash suppressors, bayonet mounts, thumbhole stocks and bullet buttons on firearms.

Make no mistake about it. Obama and his anti-Second Amendment allies in Congress are coming for your guns. If they have their way, the only legal firearms in America will be rifles with 10 round magazines and single shot and bolt-action rifles – and those firearms will be registered with the government and may be confiscated at any moment.

This article was posted: Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 1:15 pm

Have a Doctor who believes in the 2nd. and have a note that your allergic to ink:laughing9: And back to the post hole and a 8 in pipe.

Most of you will become instant criminals when they finally ban your arsenals because of the gung-ho "from my cold dead hand" BS mentallity you all suffer from, so why not just bury all your weapons now and buy a new one when this new law comes in? That way they can only take that weapon from you and you'll still have your illegal arsenal to play with!

I have a better idea. Why not collect all the guns. Then finger print them. And charge those people with attempted murder of a politician/attorney. Oh.... and don't give anybody their guns back.

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I'm lost cat;)

Most of you will become instant criminals when they finally ban your arsenals because of the gung-ho "from my cold dead hand" BS mentallity you all suffer from, so why not just bury all your weapons now and buy a new one when this new law comes in? That way they can only take that weapon from you and you'll still have your illegal arsenal to play with!

It is every American's patrotic duty to stand up and resist any law that violates the Bill of Rights and Constitution...

Under our constitutional form of government, the Constitution is the Supreme Law, it is superior to any statutes or other official acts that may be adopted later, if there should be a conflict between the Constitution and such statutes or laws, statutes, acts or laws not based on Constitution orin conflict with our Bill of Rights or our Constitution are null and void from their inception.

"The Right of the People to Petition the government for Redress of Grievances is part of the 1st amendment....
The Right to Petition is not, as our government would have us believe, a redundantly stated Right of Free Speech or a Right to send paper the government. The Right to Petition is a procedural vehicle, in the law, and available to all -- even individuals, to serve formal Notice & Demand upon the government that it must provide substantive response and Redress for the constitutional violations so alleged – or suffer the consequences. This is the essence of the exercise of the Right of Popular Sovereignty.

The Founding Fathers expressly told us that should any government fail to provide such Redress the People are left with only two practicable options to secure Redress: violent Revolution or the withholding of taxes.

The first option is not a path any conscious American would wish to undertake at this time. The second option remains the most potent arrow in a quill of possible tools of non-violent resistance the People may need to employ soon if we are to secure the survival of the Republic and our Freedom.

In short, if we are to peacefully reverse the tide of tyranny before our Liberty is irretrievably lost, we must look well beyond the limited paradigm of electoral party politics and begin to organize to discover -- and EXERCISE -- the profound, but little known unalienable Rights protected by the Petition clause (and Ninth Amendment) as bequeathed to us by our Founders through the divinely inspired Constitution.

These little known Rights – the Right of Petition and the Right to Secure Redress are, in fact, the practical exercise of Popular Sovereignty and the natural means of insuring that government forever remains the servant of The People. "
-We The People Congress

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …"
-Samuel Adams

"The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution."
-Thomas Jefferson


I'm kind of proud of you for the above post TH.:occasion14:I'm going to buy you a beer.

I have a better idea. Why not collect all the guns. Then finger print them. And charge those people with attempted murder of a politician/attorney. Oh.... and don't give anybody their guns back.

OR, a more sane option is to forcibly ARM EVERYONE. Makes more sense than what you posted.

You can side with attorneys and politicians (both are of the worst variety of bottom feeder ever) but you want to imprison LAW ABIDING CITIZENS?

Just hang all the lawyers, even if they are politicians, and the world will be a better place.


@TH --- Thanks for that post.

I'm kind of proud of you for the above post TH.:occasion14:I'm going to buy you a beer.

Red I mention a long time ago that some would be surprised at my views..... I enforce TN rules based on the rules not on my personal views, if I only enforced the rules against posts I disagreed with I would not be a good moderator.......

:censored: They will continue to chip away at the Second Amendment until it becomes a distant memory. They think they know what is best for us, the unwashed masses, towards a more civilized (manageable) society that resembles Europe. In spite of Feinstein and others like her, I will support those who believe in the Constitution.

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Please pardon my ignorance on this subject, but I don't see what the big deal is with thumb hole stocks. I have used several of these since I was 13, and they were all over priced small bore single shot target rifles. Also, I have no idea what a bullet button is. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

If members start using liberal vs conservative, dem vs rep, right vs left I will lock thread, keep it generic and party politics out of it.

Politics are not allowed, as long as threads and posts remain generic we will allow, otherwise they get locked and or deleted.

Most of you will become instant criminals when they finally ban your arsenals because of the gung-ho "from my cold dead hand" BS mentallity you all suffer from,!

I don't call it "gung-ho from my dead fingers BS" it is a way of LIFE!!! it is why we fought the British not once, but twice for these "ways of life"

again... You can't impeach someone simply because you don't agree with their policies.
Only when it violates the law or the constitution.

So, let's see what this brilliant requirement will help. Oh, I see. Like this recent school shooting, they will also have the fingerprints of the mother that the shooter took the guns from. BRILLIANT!! America, as a native Californian, I apologize for Pelosi and Feinstein. Problem is, California has a long line of them just waiting to go to Washington to change the world. I don't care if they take stool samples from gun buyers, if their guns are somehow taken from them by a nutjob, what good could it possibly do?

So, let's see what this brilliant requirement will help. Oh, I see. Like this recent school shooting, they will also have the fingerprints of the mother that the shooter took the guns from. BRILLIANT!! America, as a native Californian, I apologize for Pelosi and Feinstein. Problem is, California has a long line of them just waiting to go to Washington to change the world. I don't care if they take stool samples from gun buyers, if their guns are somehow taken from them by a nutjob, what good could it possibly do?

I think the real notion behind the law is to put more pressure and responsibility on the original gun owner. Over the years I've sold some of my firearms to people and I couldn't even begin to tell you where those firearms are now. I think, "they think" it might present a better means of tracking firearms and I would guess it also opens the door a bit wider to possible negligence issues in regards to the original owner. i.e, guns get stolen and not reported, I loan my shotgun to a friend and an accident happens, a child accesses my firearms, etc. One way or another they are going to create ways to apply the pressure on the issue of better gun control. If not directly, then indirectly. I don't think it can be prevented now.

I think the real notion behind the law is to put more pressure and responsibility on the original gun owner. Over the years I've sold some of my firearms to people and I couldn't even begin to tell you where those firearms are now. I think, "they think" it might present a better means of tracking firearms and I would guess it also opens the door a bit wider to possible negligence issues in regards to the original owner. i.e, guns get stolen and not reported, I loan my shotgun to a friend and an accident happens, a child accesses my firearms, etc. One way or another they are going to create ways to apply the pressure on the issue of better gun control. If not directly, then indirectly. I don't think it can be prevented now.

It can be prevented and addressed. The proposed new regulations are an attack on the 2nd Amendment, it is like saying well they have repealed free speech in the 1st amendment guess we can't do anything now.....

There were less than 9,000 deaths in 2011 by guns, why are they addressing that and not the 500,000 deaths related to tobacco? There were over 3 times as many people killed in car accidents than by guns but they are not addressing that issue, there were over 10 times as many alcohol related deaths but they are not adressing thoses issues, only trying to take our rights away guaranteed in the Bill of Rights..........

As citizens we have the right, the duty and the obligation to resist attacks on our Bill of Rights, good men and women laid their lives down on the battlefields to give us those rights, are we suppose to just sit by and say "oh well nothing we can do".....

There are several possibilities facing this country in the coming years including god forbid, armed conflict to address it, before something that drastic happens we have another strong option, the option of "petition for redress" as written in the 1st admendment in the Bill of Rights......

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The best way to do a petition for redress is to withhold taxes...... Imagine what would happen if the 80+ million gun owners in this country just failed to file taxes this next year as a protest........

I have already written both of my Senators and Congressional rep on the new "proposed" gun laws and made it very clear that it is a direct attack on our rights in the Bill of Rights and they had better understand there are millions of us that feel this way........

If we allow them to gut the 2ND amendment, which amendment is next, which freedom are you willing to give up next time? Remember it is always easier and more tempting to do something a 2nd time if you have already gotten away with it once.... Next time is it our freedom of speech, religion, the right to a trail, quartering troops in our homes that your willing to surrender:dontknow:.... I know what my choice is... NONE!

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