American Gun Owners to be Fingerprinted and Registered: Feinstein Announces Nightmare

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AND! We DO have to remember... T-Net is viewed WORLD-WIDE; WHO would want to come to USA after ALL this anti-Obama/US Gov't rantings by DOMESTIC terrorists; we NEED tourists to buy AMERICA! We NEED to bring back our "out-sourced" bizs... BUT! WHO would WANT to come back to the "land of the FREE"? HA!

Please leave politics out of this thread. It is not about politics, it is about the law. What is so hard to understand about that ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
Thomas Jefferson

Our forefathers put the 2ND Amendment in our constitution for a very specific reason, nothing today has changed that reasoning.

" I hold it, that a little rebellion,niw and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical"
-Thomas Jefferson

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive..........better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere."
-Thomas Jefferson

"Today we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who reguard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrificefor that freedom."
-John F Kennedy

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"
-Adolph Hitler, 1935, on The Weapons Act of Nazi Germany

Hummmm, how did that work out for the average citizen living in Germany in 1936-1944? Seems to me when they came to take them to concentration camps and death camps they had no way to defend theirselves or to resist at all....

Hummmm, how did that work out for the average citizen living in Germany in 1936-1944? Seems to me when they came to take them to concentration camps and death camps they had no way to defend theirselves or to resist at all

They did what all good little slaves tried to do at one point or another TH,run and hide and die.The first two didnt work out to good.

Anyone thinks that a revolution will solve problems is gravely mistaken. It worked long ago. Times are a wee bit different.
To say the least. If anything, it will take away rights from everyone if they fail. They have 3 possible outcomes. Their liberty, their death or charged with treason. The first, in my opinion. I find highly improbable. Since 9/11 the intelligence community has indulged itself into this nations possible threats. People are going to do, what they want to do. When it effects my family or myself. My decision will be made. In all reality. What can they do but threaten ? Stop paying taxes ? Commit crimes ? Hold hostages ? kill random people ? In all, enhancing the reason for their opposition to want and have gun control.

Anyone thinks that a revolution will solve problems is gravely mistaken. It worked long ago. Times are a wee bit different.
To say the least. If anything, it will take away rights from everyone if they fail. They have 3 possible outcomes. Their liberty, their death or charged with treason. The first, in my opinion. I find highly improbable. Since 9/11 the intelligence community has indulged itself into this nations possible threats. People are going to do, what they want to do. When it effects my family or myself. My decision will be made. In all reality. What can they do but threaten ? Stop paying taxes ? Commit crimes ? Hold hostages ? kill random people ? In all, enhancing the reason for their opposition to want and have gun control.

The commit crimes, hold hostages, and killing random people sounds a lot like the people from the occupy movement.......just making a obvious observation.

Their argument about not allowing teachers to have guns in school, or even having an armed guard at each school seems ironic, since the Sidwell Friends school in Washington, D.C., has 11 armed guards and is in the process of hiring another one. This is not counting all the secret service agents assigned to protect the Obama children. It seems that they are not worried about something happening at their school. rockhound


What are you even talking about?:icon_scratch:

dieselram94 said:
The commit crimes, hold hostages, and killing random people sounds a lot like the people from the occupy movement.......just making a obvious observation.

"Well give me liberty or give me death"!! John Hancock was my great great grand father and I will die for my family's beliefs

Read your history Rebel.It is an American citizens job to question their government time to time.Also,for that matter,those who support a known and proven corrupt and dishonest government are just as corrupt and dishonest themselves.Think man think.

Our US Gov't is CORRUPT? How so...?

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"Well give me liberty or give me death"!! John Hancock was my great great grand father and I will die for my family's beliefs

"Give me Liberty... or give me death" was THUNDERED by Patrick Henry, who had his plantation @ 40 miles, south from here.

AND! We DO have school teachers, some staff... trained & armed in Virginia... AND! Even LIBERTY UNIVERSITY (Jerry Falwell U) teachers, staff, and STUDENTS are "packing HEAT"; A CHRISTIAN University! Send yer kids here.. we would love the $$$$$$$$...

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How about the way they claimed the attack in Libya was because of a youtube video when they clearly had evidence it was terrorism. Then Hillary was supposed to testify about this ordeal and suddenly came down with a concussion ....seems kind of fishy and corrupt to me.
Our US Gov't is CORRUPT? How so...?

Yes sir I know who I quoted. I have been studying my American history since I found that my family helped found this country and as far as how is our government corrupt well first one that comes to mind is the federal gov imposing on state rites.

Sometimes we need to think out of the box. Step back and look at the issues at hand. Could it be... a plan to destroy ourselves ? Psychological warfare (PSYWAR), or the basic aspects of modern psychological operations (PSYOP), have been known by many other names or terms, including Psy Ops, Political Warfare, "Hearts and Minds", and Propaganda.[1] Various techniques are used, by any set of groups, and aimed to influence a target audience's value systems, belief systems, emotions, motives, reasoning, or behavior. It is used to induce confessions or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator's objectives, and are sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics. Target audiences can be governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. Just a thought. I'm trying to look at it..out of the box. Our own emotions and behavior distracting ourselves from the possible relevent ?

@Sackett - Such an intelligent response for a 25 yr vet cop!
Although sadly it's a battle cry i must have seen at least once a week for the whole time i've been a member here, to say nothing of the thousands of times on other sites! It's old! It's boring! It's totally irrelevent to today!I'll stick to other sources for history lessons if you don't mind Sackett mate. ;)

OK let's think here....So you've been told " least once a week for the whole time i've been a member here..." ,hmmmm. " say nothing of the thousands of times on other sites!." hmmmm. so it is safe to say that 1000's upon 1000's of people attempt to tell you, that you are wrong? those are your words not mine!!!! hmmmm, BUT you insist that you ALONE are smarter than all those 1000's.....hmmmm that DOES say a lot about you!!!!! and yeah this retired police officer carried a gun, and when my pants go in the morning a pistol goes in the pocket then and now....lets just hope that noone attacks you with an axe or something, because your police will just have to watch him chop you up, BECAUSE THEY CAN'T HAVE A GUN!!! think on it "mate"

Our US Gov't is CORRUPT? How so...?

WHAT?????????????? What about certain people being born inside the USA? What about stepping on,heck crushing the 2nd Amendment!!!oh not to bring up how the 4th Amendment is being wrecked!!!!!!!!!!!!

:laughing7: Wow... that is a bunch of crap. Written by Rush Limberger and Fux news ?
It's not against government... its pitting party vs. party. One that never does anything against one that can never do anything right. PROPAGANDA. That crap will rot your brain.

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WOW ARE YOU IN A TRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my toilet paper holder is more open minded and awake.:laughing7:
:laughing7: Wow... that is a bunch of crap. Written by Rush Limberger and Fux news ?
It's not against government... its pitting party vs. party. One that never does anything against one that can never do anything right. PROPAGANDA. That crap will rot your brain.

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