Anybody payin attention

so his family has used the land free for decades? buy the land you need for your cattle. this entitlement thinking cannot go on

Jeff his family own the land before the Bureau of Land Management ever even came into existence; it was seized by the feds years ago..

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

ah, not the story i heard. my bad

Understand the words but I don't have clue what your asking...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

i.e. How is wrongdoing by a politician any different than wrongdoing by an individual who is NOT a politician? Well the short answer is simple: Wrong is wrong regardless.

So long as politics is not invoked (and it wasn't on the post that negative comments were made about), why is it ok to talk about a guy robbing a Dunkin Donuts but not a guy or gal stealing from these United States Citizens? The perpetrator is still wrong, regardless of his economic, social or political affiliation.

Pat answered it eloquently ... and if this were golf, the hit would be "dead solid perfect."

"The rancher has refused to pay the money he owes or remove his cattle from federally-owned land, since he believes federal grazing fees infringe upon state rights. Bundy also argues his Mormon family has owned the land located about 80 miles from Las Vegas since the 1800s—before the creation of the Department of the Interior and before the government tried to save endangered species, which he says should make him immune from having to pay these federal taxes."

He offered to pay the fees to the state of Nv....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

so his family has used the land free for decades? buy the land you need for your cattle. this entitlement thinking cannot go on

Good Point! Release the BLM lands for private ownership.. This thinking that lands should be held by the King cannot go on! They can do that wherever people have no rights of ownership.

...And this definitely qualifies, BUT OP is not a charter member, so I'm trying to figure out what to do about that. No fun to have your thread moved to a place where you can't get to it.
Don't lose any sleep over the OP . I maintained a Charter Membership here for a number of years and was an active poster . Management and administrative changes led me to drop that membership in protest of the changes . Also pointed one of my feet out the door ..................

I drop in to check on the few old friends still left here . Regular activity and financial support are going to require some more thought on my part .

Don't lose any sleep over the OP . I maintained a Charter Membership here for a number of years and was an active poster . Management and administrative changes led me to drop that membership in protest of the changes . Also pointed one of my feet out the door ..................

I drop in to check on the few old friends still left here . Regular activity and financial support are going to require some more thought on my part .

This happens all too often. Although this is a privately owned site and the owners/moderators have a set of rules to follow, they all too often lose sight of the end goal. And that is to unite people under a common cause.

And all too often the rules are changed to satisfy a small but vocal majority who throw a fit over someone else's opinion. This upsets many in the majority who do exactly as you did. They speak with their wallet and leave, thus leaving one less to stand against the minority. After awhile the minority becomes the majority and takes over.

Come on back and join the rising new majority who are not afraid to tell the minority where to go.

This happens all too often. Although this is a privately owned site and the owners/moderators have a set of rules to follow, they all too often lose sight of the end goal. And that is to unite people under a common cause.

And all too often the rules are changed to satisfy a small but vocal majority who throw a fit over someone else's opinion. This upsets many in the majority who do exactly as you did. They speak with their wallet and leave, thus leaving one less to stand against the minority. After awhile the minority becomes the majority and takes over.

Come on back and join the rising new majority who are not afraid to tell the minority where to go.


Rules are NOT changed to satisfy anyone...

TN has rules and TOS that all members agree to by posting here....99.9% of the rules have been in affect for many, many years, long before Foundry bought TN..

If I remember correctly Truckin stop his CM while Marc still owned TN before Foundry evrn bought TN and it was because of the Rubber Room being locked down by Marc.

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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... another bit of curiosity is eating at me, so I'll ask:

The last time we had the "Charter Member Only" politics forum ... what happened to the folks who forked over $20 just to be there when it shut down about a month later? Full refunds on request? Pro-rated? ... NONE?

Caveat Emptor.

... another bit of curiosity is eating at me, so I'll ask:

The last time we had the "Charter Member Only" politics forum ... what happened to the folks who forked over $20 just to be there when it shut down about a month later? Full refunds on request? Pro-rated? ... NONE?

Caveat Emptor.

This aspect is covered in the rules of the new political section. Go check it out.

Umm ... doesn't show up in the list on the main forum page.

Since I don't have the link, I have to ask.

Ya got a link?

Went to the root of the forum, typed in "politics" ... only "The Barracks" even has that word in it.

.99.9% of the rules have been in affect for many, many years, long before Foundry bought TN

But now they are painted with a very broad brush,so broad in fact that you could use it as a push broom in your garage:laughing7:

"1) Before you may post in this section, you must acknowledge that you have read each of the rules below by commenting with your username below. Nothing more than your username is necessary or welcomed. Just type your username. That's all. Again...type only your name. I can't stress that enough.

2) This forum is the ONLY place on this website where it is appropriate to discuss things of a political nature. Posting of politics outside of this forum is not allowed. Any posts that are deemed to be political in nature will be moved to this section, and a warning issued. Several offenses will be dealt with by means of banning.

3) This forum will be largely unmoderated, which is to say while the normal rules of the forum apply here, it is understood that we are all adults and can deal with a spirited disagreement. Only administrators will moderate this forum, and it will mostly be me, FFarl. Moderators will be checking their badges at the door if they choose to participate in this forum.

4) No discussion of matters taking place in the general forums will take place here, and likewise, no matters from the outside will be discussed here. It is further against the rules to discuss a member in this forum who does not have access to this forum.

5) Posting physical threats against anyone (members, political figures, anyone) whether vague or otherwise is punishable by banishment, as is posting personal information about anyone that is not public knowledge. This includes anything a member does not disclose in their profile.

6) While access to this section is restricted to Charter Members, it is not to be considered a part of the Charter Member package. No refunds are given on Charter Memberships for any reason.

7) Use the "Report Post" feature only to report major offenses in this forum as petty disagreements will not be moderated here. If someone is found to be a nuisance because of constant disruption, or mis-use of the report feature, they will have their access to this section restricted.

8) "Thread derailment" and "Baiting" do not exist here. They will not be moderated on an individual basis. Again, if someone becomes a nuisance, they will eventually be dealt with.

9) If you disagree with the rules, the moderation, or anything that takes place in this section, you may choose not to enter this section. If there are particular topics you do not wish to see within this forum, you may choose not to click on them. No one will ever take away your right to not participate in a thread in this section, so please exercise it when necessary."

... another bit of curiosity is eating at me, so I'll ask:

The last time we had the "Charter Member Only" politics forum ... what happened to the folks who forked over $20 just to be there when it shut down about a month later? Full refunds on request? Pro-rated? ... NONE?

Caveat Emptor.

Chad the forum ran a lot longer than a month.......This was when Marc owned site and he gave refunds.

There will be no refunds if you don't like the politics forum.

CM also allows members to post items for sale or trade, list their ebay sells and stores.

With the compromise we were able to work with admins I feel the forum will be here for a long time...By all means though if your not comfortable about the cost dont join..

This was the best compromise I could get and I really appreciate admins listening and working with me on it...

This allows members to discuss politics on TN with out threads being deleted or members being given timeouts for posting politics on other forums...

Wow.. It appears that jerseyben has removed me from his ignore list. Life is good. I may have to join just because of that. Seriously I like the concept and I will be joining as soon as I have a spare 20 bucks. Looks like FFARL even took my suggestion that mods need to leave their badges at the door but can participate. I don't even see that unwritten rule that says "any thread started by Red James Cash is automatically forbidden regardless of the subject and will be deleted".. LOL Maybe there's hope for this place yet. ps.. don't shoot, it's a joke. :thumbsup:

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But now they are painted with a very broad brush,so broad in fact that you could use it as a push broom in your garage:laughing7:

Red that is not true.....if you have complaints on how it is moderated take it to pm, keep it off the forum.

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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