Anyone else have a Lame A$$ town like mine!!!!!!


Bronze Member
Dec 26, 2007
The Dirty Shire
Detector(s) used
Whites DFX, and Whites IDX Pro
Got out on this beautiful day about 4:30. i hit up a few older spots i have permission for. When i came up with nothing i decided to try the locale high school. since it was built in the late 50's all i ever get is clad, however i always seem to get alot of quarters. anyways im there for like a 1/2 hr and i hear something from behind me. Thers Cheshire's finest saying they got a call and i needed to leave. the officer was very nice and even laughed alittle, says if it was up to him i could stay. Anyways, this is whats wrong with America today. No one minding there own business. My town is a typical stuck up snooty town, so i should have expected this. Think Greenich CT, its like that but with less money and more snoods. I just love it how you have people flying knites, and have people playing baseball or soccer and they have to bust my chops over alittle plug. Anyways, just wanted to vent. thanks alot.
Keith have a lot of unhappy people in this world and the only way they can get satisfaction if they try and make folks as miserable as they are..that is just the way it is now. I have noticed, that after looking at some of the fields I hunt and they practice football or soccer, they tear up the fields more than any respectable person with a metal detector ever thinks about. Good luck and HH

Hey ugotit22,Don't feel bad, i live right on the river and the day before yesterday an older gentleman came to my door and asked for permission to fish .I invited him in, gave him written permission.My house used to be a old store, this place was a steamboat wharf from the late 1800's until 1932.This fellow started telling me that his house was over 150 years old so i asked him if me and my girlfriend could go there and look for a bottle dump ,he said No. Are you getting this, He wants to stand in my front yard, fish and do things that he enjoys but he doesn't want me on his property doing something that i enjoy. Welcome to the Northern Neck of Va. So cheer up, The people that don't want to see someone enjoy life are not people you want to be around anyway.People are just like treasure hunting, you have to weed through the junk and every now and then you'll find a keeper.Take Care and GOOD LUCK.VaJim

A$$ love the $pe11ing. there are people like that everywhere.

I live in southern Vermont. When I was a kid and all thru life we would always shoot our .22's at bottles or go into the woods hunting. This area has been over run from people buying houses that are from the cities of NJ, NY, or Conn. Pushing up the price of homes so the average Joe that has lived here all his life can't buy anything, but thats for another topic. The other day my son and I were shooting in the woods on property we had permission to be on from the owner, but within a mile there were those residents I had mentioned above. About a half hour in the woods doing some small plinking we came back to the truck and had three police cars there. The police explained someone had heard gunshots and thought someone had been shot. I said to the officer"all they heard was gunshots" and he said yes. These people have to realize there in rural Vermont and shooting is a way of life here, and its not a SHOOTOUT IN THE HOOD!!! I hate them.

Some of these same people who have problems with detectorists digging small plugs are the same people who take their dogs to the same public place and let them cr$p all over and not clean it up.
LOOSERS abound; we are turning into a nation of victims.
Don't get me started. :-[

radarwill said:
Some of these same people who have problems with detectorists digging small plugs are the same people who take their dogs to the same public place and let them cr$p all over and not clean it up.
LOOSERS abound; we are turning into a nation of victims.
Don't get me started. :-[

No truer words have been spoken. Radar, when you step up on that soapbox, be careful and not push me off! :-)

Yes, I'm begging the question also...did you let the old man fish on your property still?

you do have to remember that who ever called might have had the best intentions..

due to all of the weirdo's people that are preying on kids these days.. You never know what type of cover someone scoping out stuff might use..

Although you might be able to talk to the school or the school board to get permission.

Quester said:
Yes, I'm begging the question also...did you let the old man fish on your property still?
Quester,Yea i let him fish anyway. I figure he has to live with his decisions not me.I think that not letting him fish would have put me on the same level as him and thats not a place i want to be, as long as he doesn't tear up anything or leave any trash for me to pick up i'm alright with it.I try to treat people the way that i like to be treated if they don't return it then it just shows thier charcter flaws.If i lived my life like that i would be miserable. VaJim

SC_hunter said: have a lot of unhappy people in this world and the only way they can get satisfaction if they try and make folks as miserable as they are..that is just the way it is now. I have noticed, that after looking at some of the fields I hunt and they practice football or soccer, they tear up the fields more than any respectable person with a metal detector ever thinks about. Good luck and HH
I agree with SC_hunter !

The biggest problem is that people are no longer allowed to recreate!!! People need to be able to recreate. As long as no one gets hurt or offended, what's the problem??? Out west here, our dirt bike riding areas are being taken over for wilderness areas that prevent people from enjoying. I agree that some land should be protected, but when you close down one area, open up another that's been closed for a long time. Let mother nature do her thing a repair the beat up areas while we recreate in the newer opened areas. Nope, they just make the riding areas smaller and smaller making it more and more dangerous. That's why I just took up metal detecting, so I wouldn't have to deal with a declining recreation area. :icon_scratch:

Stopped at a 1945 school today that's new to me. Spring Break. While getting rigged-up, a guy pulled up in front of me & very nicely asked if he could help me...70 year old, whiteheaded man on middle school property? I told him what I wanted to do, we talked a minute, he made some area suggestions & went into the school. When he left, he stopped by where I was diggin' & said he "...hoped I didn't leave holes like the golfers do". I assured him not & had him watch me make a recovery. He smiled & drove on. ;D

Later, I noted patches of grass/sod 5-7" long missing in numerous spots.

In my area; schools are fenced off and no trespassing signs posted
no metal detecting signs posted in parks
you can only hunt the dry sand at local beaches before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m.

I could go on, but you get the point....... I know Sherm, I'm moving :tongue3:

In my town it is more of the opposite -everyone mines his/her own business. :tard:

willie d said:
In my area; schools are fenced off and no trespassing signs posted
no metal detecting signs posted in parks
you can only hunt the dry sand at local beaches before 9 a.m. and after 6 p.m.

I could go on, but you get the point....... I know Sherm, I'm moving :tongue3:
Pardon the ignorance that is a product of my inland upbringing, but I don't understand the "...before 9 AM and after 6 PM" rule (?) I mean, have MD'ers been a nuisance to other beach-goers in the past? Does the local community want to keep us pesky MD'ers away from "regular folk"? Or, was it because MD'ers were throwing wild, raucous, loud "Clad Finding" parties during the day? Now, THAT I can understand since we are such a hell-raising lot!!!! !

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