Asking permission to metal detect private property

Plug cutter

Jr. Member
Aug 1, 2012
Nashville TN
Detector(s) used
Garret At Pro, Pro pin pointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
hello I am 13 and ready to ask for permission to metal detect on private property. and I was wondering that if I find gold, silver, or plat is the home owner gonna try and take a part off it? Or should I before i start should I ask them if they have everlost any valuable iteams so I can help them find it, so I would get to keep the rest.

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What depths? you have bought of ebay, you told me you do this, your collection is finds from two people, you and your dad, whats wrong with that.

Nice wriggle, but I've never hidden that 70% of finds posted are mine & 30% are my Dads. What you CLEARLY implied is that what I collect from ebay has been passed off as mine on Tnet. Try again & I will report you.

Nice wriggle, but I've never hidden that 70% of finds posted are mine & 30% are my Dads. What you CLEARLY implied is that what I collect from ebay has been passed off as mine on Tnet. Try again & I will report you.
Do what you want, you have twisted the post....not me, I never implyed anything about posting what you buy...on here, those are your words.

everyone can read what you said, it is your words
Yes...I was reffering to your previous post, about your collection, which you have told me, and I have been there, when you have bought to add to it.

Yes...I was reffering to your previous post, about your collection, which you have told me, and I have been there, when you have bought to add to it.

Your are 100% wrong, if you followed how I detect with Dad, then you KNOW that half of it IS NOT his. You also KNOW that I post very little of my BROUGHT collection (& if I did, can't remember the last time then I would make it VERY clear), because there is not enough time to even post 10% of it.

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Cru, we have never had any problems so dont start any.
If the owner does not ask to see what I found, I do not
offer to show them what I found unless that was part
of an agreement that we had, then I show him my old
stinking Lincolns that I found. Yes I always have a plan
and no ones getting my hard earned detecting finds.
You do it your way and I will keep all of my finds pal.

Your are 100% wrong, if you followed how I detect with Dad, then you KNOW that half of it IS NOT his. You also KNOW that I post very little of my BROUGHT collection (& if I did, can't remember the last time then I would make it VERY clear), because there is not enough time to even post 10% of it.
I never said you posted any....I mearly said you bought to add, which you have, i said nothing about you posting it here. Your the one who mentioned your large collection, that I coud never acheive...???

Cru, we have never had any problems so dont start any.
If the owner does not ask to see what I found, I do not
offer to show them what I found unless that was part
of an agreement that we had, then I show him my old
stinking Lincolns that I found. Yes I always have a plan
and no ones getting my hard earned detecting finds.
You do it your way and I will keep all of my finds pal.

Sadly you started this problem.

I respected your post up until now.

You still totally missed the point. Are you saying Dad & I don't keep our HARD EARNT finds?

I never said you posted any....I mearly said you bought to add, which you have, i said nothing about you posting it here. Your the one who mentioned your large collection, that I coud never acheive...???

OK. if you were not goading me, I will take back my comments. Because, I'm sure you would understand that if I ever implied you posted brought finds, I would expect a sh*t storm & quite rightly.

If you show the landowner your finds and they take what
they want then you are not keeping all of your finds then.
How did I start the problem? By telling a young hunter not
to let people run over him and basically steal his finds?
When I was young that happened to me and I wised up
and now my finds all go home with me unless I lose something.

Why does everyone have to complicate this so much? In the area where I live, I just ask one question: "Would you care if I did a little metal detecting on your place?". Most folks around here, if they say yes, could care less to see your finds. They care more about whether you do a good job filling your holes. Often, they will volunteer information like, "There used to be an old house over there." or "There are rumors that the previous owner buried some money here somewhere.". If that's the case, I'll usually offer to show them if I find something that interesting.
Also, if the owner comes by and asks, "Find anything good?", I'll usually empty my pockets & show them. Otherwise, I don't go out of my way to show my finds unless they've asked me to beforehand.
I have one place where I've agreed to relinquish all of my finds (it's the property of the local historical society.) & I've been completely honest with them. Haven't really found anything valuable, but a few neat artifacts.
Just ask, be polite, and be thorough filling your holes. Easy as that. I wouldn't go shoving contracts in folks faces or start discussing sharing valuables, etc. It scares a lot of people off or makes them think you're in it for the money rather than the hobby.
Good luck!

Good post Digs68, my exact thoughts indeed. You said it better than me :thumbsup:..........Rich

Cru I respect you because you are one of the best detectorist
in the world and definetily the best one here on Treasure net. At
times I have felt you belittled my finds and my feelings was hurt
but I got over it because I appreciate your opinion on things.
Good day Cru.

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If you show the landowner your finds and they take what
they want then you are not keeping all of your finds then.
How did I start the problem? By telling a young hunter not
to let people run over him and basically steal his finds?
When I was young that happened to me and I wised up
and now my finds all go home with me unless I lose something.

It makes me laugh how clueless you are about what happens when your honest. NO-ONE takes my finds from me when I show them 100% of what I find. I GIVE THEM what I'm happy to give, & they are HAPPY with this. It is simple.

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Cru I respect you because you are probablly the best detectorist
in the world and definetily the best one here on Treasure net.

No not at all, I just try & share how to be successful. I am in some ways selfish because I want to keep my finds but its in agreement with the owner & not by hidding it from them, it does work. I don't want to be known as the best, I have no interest in that, we should all love our history & be honest enough to share it with the owner. That mean the HISTORY, not always the FINDS. LOVE OUR HISTORY SHARE THE PASSION & KEEP THE FINDS>

Half of which has been found by outher people, or bought.

Dad read this & wanted to add his thouhts, because he is not a member see the email below:

'I think you can let Silver Searcher know from Cru’Dad that there is a clear difference between items you may collect through purchasing and the large quantity we get from detecting. As I am not a member please post this e-mail confirming that all your TN posted finds are those that have been dug from the ground by us as the result of the style of agreements we make with landowners or householders. It has been a long learning process over years and is very different to US yard hunting situations – most of our arrangements are verbal (our word is our bond) and not the written agreement (which is used for the big land owners). In the UK context it helps defray any arguments about Treasure Trove or landowners rights to the whole value of a find. Furthermore, many of the banner or significant valued finds made have actually cost us substantial sums in honour of giving landowners their 50% realisable sale value on the day – some landowners have opted for us to retain such items without payment. The net result, after more than 25 years of this type of operation, is we have a highly valuable reputation amongst a large number of landowners, archaeologists, civic leaders and historical societies. Our total of dug recorded finds now stands at 10,759 as at today – none of them bought or found by other people (those that detect with us take theirs away with them) and over 25,000 acres of private land with all types of historical sites from Bronze age to Georgian. Our competitors who are less scrupulous or frankly Night Hawk the land are our best sale’s people as owners now seek us out to search where such people have been spotted. Each of us makes a choice to operate within own codes and as may best fit the local circumstances with the property owners involved – our Cru Team style is not right for all circumstances nor is it necessarily affordable for many. For sure, you need to be rewarded for your efforts in digging and researching – most landowners recognise that but individual householders are as diverse in views as a population will be. Ultimately, being open on what you find and sharing in good fortune with a landowner/property owner is a personal choice – for us it has brought fantastic rewards and pleasure. It is our recommendation because it works 90% of the time, we get to keep 75% of the goodies and we have more unsearched land hunting opportunities than can be covered in our lifetimes.'

OK. if you were not goading me, I will take back my comments. Because, I'm sure you would understand that if I ever implied you posted brought finds, I would expect a sh*t storm & quite rightly.
It would not bother me one bit, if anybody did that, I need to convince nobody on here, about what I find.

Dad read this & wanted to add his thouhts, because he is not a member see the email below:

'I think you can let Silver Searcher know from Cru’Dad that there is a clear difference between items you may collect through purchasing and the large quantity we get from detecting. As I am not a member please post this e-mail confirming that all your TN posted finds are those that have been dug from the ground by us as the result of the style of agreements we make with landowners or householders. It has been a long learning process over years and is very different to US yard hunting situations – most of our arrangements are verbal (our word is our bond) and not the written agreement (which is used for the big land owners). In the UK context it helps defray any arguments about Treasure Trove or landowners rights to the whole value of a find. Furthermore, many of the banner or significant valued finds made have actually cost us substantial sums in honour of giving landowners their 50% realisable sale value on the day – some landowners have opted for us to retain such items without payment. The net result, after more than 25 years of this type of operation, is we have a highly valuable reputation amongst a large number of landowners, archaeologists, civic leaders and historical societies. Our total of dug recorded finds now stands at 10,759 as at today – none of them bought or found by other people (those that detect with us take theirs away with them) and over 25,000 acres of private land with all types of historical sites from Bronze age to Georgian. Our competitors who are less scrupulous or frankly Night Hawk the land are our best sale’s people as owners now seek us out to search where such people have been spotted. Each of us makes a choice to operate within own codes and as may best fit the local circumstances with the property owners involved – our Cru Team style is not right for all circumstances nor is it necessarily affordable for many. For sure, you need to be rewarded for your efforts in digging and researching – most landowners recognise that but individual householders are as diverse in views as a population will be. Ultimately, being open on what you find and sharing in good fortune with a landowner/property owner is a personal choice – for us it has brought fantastic rewards and pleasure. It is our recommendation because it works 90% of the time, we get to keep 75% of the goodies and we have more unsearched land hunting opportunities than can be covered in our lifetimes.'
And you tell your Dad that his Son does not read Silver Searchers posts correctly, before he flies of the handle...I WILL say this for the LAST time, I NEVER once said, or implyed that you or YOUR DAD, buy finds then SHOW THEM HERE.

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Originally Posted by allen
If they say yes I want to see your finds make sure you take some stinkin licolns and put the good items in your pouch or another pocket.
If they give you permission basically they are saying whatever you find is yours and you may keep it.

Posting this type of advice on a public forum is a bad idea as it will be used to shut the hobby down. Hopefully the moderators will remove it.

I don't think Allen's advice is a bad idea at all, IMO. I see nothing wrong with showing "stinkin lincolns" or any other coins instead of the actual finds. No harm done here.

No complication from my angle, I keep it simple. Here is a question for you; if you asked & they said go ahead & you found a $1000 coin, what would you do?
Well, I'll say it like this: If I've been given permission, with no request to see what I've found, then I'm at no obligation to show them anything. If the owner asks to see what I've found, then i will show them & let things play out from there. The only exception would be if I happened upon some very large cache of gold or silver, or some other extremely significant find that I feel has some sort of archaeological significance (meaning I would feel compelled to let the owner or archaeological community in on the action, for obvious reasons). If I found a $1,000 coin, it would be my first!
I've been a collector of native American artifacts for years (arrowheads, etc.). Some that I've found would exceed the value of that coin 2 or 3 fold to the right collector. If I hadn't searched them out, picked them up, they'd still be out there somewhere of no value to anyone. The value is only realized once the object is discovered and retrieved, correct? Most of the farms, etc I hunt arrowheads on, the farmers could care less about them. If i show them my finds, they just say, "Nice!" & move on.
I would say that most of us are in this hobby with a dual purpose. One, to rediscover artifacts etc lost long ago & preserve them. Two, to get lucky once in a while & make a little profit in the process. I'm not saying you have to be dishonest, but you don't need to go out of your way to remove yourself of any valuables you find either.
I'm currently detecting on a property that used to have a church on it (1874-1897) before it was relocated to it's present location. The property owner is a helluva nice guy. He said it like this: "Anything that was under the ground wasn't doing anyone any good anyway. If you wouldn't have found it, I'd have never known it was there, & no desire to look for it!". So far, I've shown him everything I've found except for yesterday. I went to his house & was going to knock on his door, but saw him napping inside. :-) I chose to let him sleep. I'll show him next time I'm there, which will be soon.
I've got nothing against anyone for detecting the way that they see fit, as long as they fill their holes and try to be courteous. Everyone has their own ideas as to what to do with finds. I don't think any of them are completely wrong, even if I wouldn't choose their path. I don't tolerate trespassing or slovenliness, though. Those are the things that really shine a bright spotlight on the rest of us!

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And you tell your Dad that his Son does not read Silver Searchers posts correctly, before he flies of the handle...I WILL say this for the LAST time, I NEVER once said, or inplyed that you or YOUR DAD, buy finds then SHOW THEM HERE.

I never said nothing. He rang & emailed me. He read what I read, sort yourself out.

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