Bandits treasure cave

I've wondered. If you sat a spoon upright,in the middle of a cup of Don Jose's coffee, do you measure the time it takes to fall to the edge in seconds or by movement of the sun? That "sock" thing worries me. Glad to see El Major is still kickin. Good luck on your search.

Getting back to the story here is broken English story from a contact who tried by mixed up English words in a version of this treasure legend. I repeat it here is his own words

During the viceroyalty period wealth is concentrated in wealthy social classthat were miners, merchants and planters. Means for convey their values ​​were mules and wagons by bridle path insecure, poverty hovered everywhere was dismal the picture as banditry which suitable for their livelihoods. The government Virreynal made enormous efforts to combat robberies and assaults on behaviors and proceedings, circumstances that led to the treasures hiding in caves
and different places.

Mary dared Castrellón captain bandits stole two paths in between, that of obstinacy and Fairy. From the tip of the parents, the second captain Jose Maria Gamboa, head of obstinacy, because we were two games, a game robbed by obstinacy and one steal for the tip, we were all 82 bandits, some were from Guadalajara and other Guachinango village, Guchipila others, we stole behaviors coming from San Dimas and Gavilanes, who went to Mexico, guarded by Spanish soldiers, and all of these shipments that we remove and the buried in the Corral de Majoma between the breña there is a point that is named the lajita, that everyone knows, be careful, because they are two lajitas, which were where we entered with mules shortcuts, you will enter the first lajita going from west to east because I warn you two lajitas with the same name before long we left one Tinajita water and later find two Tinajitas, the second lajita find a crucitas that may no longer exist a few carriers who killed.

There to reach the unity of the two spend with lajitas the hill overlooking the san diego, you will walk northbound and stone ramparts we got there, as signs, to go with mules shortcuts, when you get to the last of the bulwarks, stand, and following the path northwards, away Majoma find the corral, but I warn you that there are two pens of the same name, the large yard and the yard guy, find an open crossed near the hill of san diego, there will find a way to bridge the last robbery was made​​, remove the conduct and killed 62 soldiers guarding behavior coming from the open dump them, the cover with cactus and branches, to serve as a bridge and pass around with the mules, in large corral find shortcuts content 10 40 mules, being pure silver bars, we did that and we chased a lot, mules died of thirst and hunger.

The Majoma pen, inside you will stand on the hill overlooking the san diego, destápalo and find the content of the ten shortcuts, forty mules of pure silver bars in the yard guy a treasure of pure gold, was a shortcut 40 pints mules shod with silver horseshoes, this extinct did so because it was a tribute to Queen Elizabeth, and two holy symbol of pure gold, no other money is in the yard of wheat and one in hutches, this paper or parchment is copied from an old manuscript is from many years ago when the Spanish ruled in Mexico.

Single Pilot Mountain Region in Durango State.


Hello all to this alleged bandit treasure there has over the years have been 3 different sets of directions. is there anttruth to them I let you decide?

here is the first one ....


Leave me Iberio captain Francisco bandits: they captained from the year 1802-1829, I say, it came to the hill of metates, look for a door, which is at the front, for the estate of the eye, and has to removed from the hill at the door, 415 steps, with entrance with a slide on the hill, that hill is a very known to all as well, that way I had to go with the shortcuts removed in that way Belmontes , and that road was that I cared, and the road coming through the front door, ran wide and caring despedrado I, and through the farmyard palmita having the door porfías direction is now , there bury 300 Spanish soldiers, and horsemen also, well those two paths that I healed, the companion Castrellón wanted because he was realizing that I removed shortcuts, and so there was no difference between Castrellón and I, then rifábamos, and always touched me. Well, going by the way before you say, and walk about two leagues and a half, on the way is a bulwark, walking in the middle of the two roads.


Continuing the yarn....


There forms a planadita, well, you stand where the bulwark with north view, and looking with a view bastions has 400 steps, still heading north, and where you get the 400 steps there is the yard, is in middle of the tables, the back gate facing north are the lowering of the door is as a slide, and getting down the door is high, being already in, looking to the left a cave that is covered with a red earthenware, destápala and you will find a treasure, you will not end up in your life, for you warn that are pure bars and sheets that are there, are in silver, gold plus 35 boxes, but I warn you that the money is buried to the left side, and gold is not sealed, and there is a holy christ that is above where are entrenched and removing plates that treasure you send me a Mass said for my name, when we left the southbound breña, partner and I were Castrellón our land since the era of Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosi me when I home I found that my family had died, and I married a year back and after two years I got sick,
knowing that I no longer get out of bed, I sent him to talk to my friend FermĂ­n Zaragoza to let the itinerary along with the plain.

Taken from the original on 17 September 1839.

Two direction possible telling about the same location about a cave from the time of turmoil after the war of Mexican Independence from Spain.


Different stories, different perceptions……not unusual……get 2 people watching the same event and you will get differences……..look for what is common an dog from there.

Different stories, different perceptions……not unusual……get 2 people watching the same event and you will get differences……..look for what is common an dog from there.

Hello Doc ah wait there is more

A third directions....


October month of year 1827, on a rainy afternoon and quite cold. I, Nicholas Castillo, captain of a gang of bandits, was made ​​commander by Jose Ramirez, Zacatecas Indian brave indeed, that was seriously injured in an assault we do in the vicinity of the estate of Joan Guerra, a train of carts loaded with goods, which was bound for Durango.

Feeling the approach of death, Ramirez sent for me. At that time I was tending horses. I introduced myself, and before all left me in command, giving me his horse, a magnificent animal fine dapple roan oars and beautiful picture, which he had stolen from the estate of the jet, owned by the Marquis de Torre Campo.

In that bleak afternoon refuge in a cave located in the most intricate of the forest, accompanied by my men, sitting around a campfire telling stories killed time smoking their cigars and leaf, expected any minute notice the lookout, the arrival of juan castro, natural Creole plantation poplar Santa Catalina, which was master Count poplar.

Castro had sent for by a greyhound, with all his people, so as soon as possible to meet with us to plan the assault to conduct shortcuts eight mules that were to leave for Mexico Durango , loaded with bars of silver and possibly gold. This according to the notice had not been sent one of our own, as we had two or three spies in all inns.

At the top of a nearby ridge, the watchman, numb and quite wet his thick poncho, repudiated the bad luck that had given him so upset and uncomfortable watch, as neither the consolation was smoking a cigar, having moist tinder. Looked forward trying to spot nearby arrival of Creole castro and his people, or the proximity of strangers, to notify people that lay down.

Finally, almost at dusk, the watchman told us the arrival of Juan Castro, who to identify, from a given place must anticipate their men and fly their tercerola with a rag tied on the barrel, as the watchword agreed.

Having met both sheaves, after the usual greetings and enjoy a few drinks of good mezcal tinacales castro brought the name of God, it stirred the fire to prepare our dinner, and for newcomers put to dry their clothes. While cooks improvised gave order to his task, castro and I headed to the place where we had the horses, to order that they were fed in abundance, and we would leave at dawn.

During dinner, devouring a rack of beef, which is gilded slowly, giving off a very pleasant aroma and taste better, because that Castro had brought meat wrapped in a blanket starved, prepare it with salt and put the fire in some forks. To us that there was over several days, but the meat was no problem, since in the bush had enough cattle owned by the landowners and our disposal of them for our food; clear without permission of the owners.

We argued about the most appropriate place for the assault. We agreed all, and chose to do this in known as the lajita rise, located on the main road from Durango to Mexico, from the estate of the eye, Yandiola ownership, and the port of the rabbit, very suitable for these purposes

After the dinner, and chosen field to strike, ordered the relief of the watchers and everyone came and picked his spot inside the cave, where they would attempt to sleep wrapped in their blankets, and that attention precedes a fight, often prevents one from falling asleep.

Shortly before the star turned heads in the sky, and after taking a few sips of YerbanĂ­s boiling to mitigate the cold, we headed to the lajita to ambush and await the arrival of the behavior of mules, that sooner or later appear in the site, as the only way. Even dark morning, I distributed the people, some ambush among the trees, and some sent them to protect both ends of the road.

The rest waited at the foot of the horse, ready to ride when approaching the target.

It was a total surprise for both to the escort carriers, but still had a bitter resistance, we caused 14 dead and 11 wounded. To them was worse as they lay in the field 12 carriers and 19 men of the escort, the rest we take prisoners, and among them was the commander, a Spanish surname Canedo, who was wounded and whom we took the information that interested us.

We said the mules shortcut swallows his command, carrying golden tiles half intended as a gift for the queen of Spain, in return for the favors he received when in Spain was the donor, Earl of Branciforte. The other half of the booty we captured, was as a dowry for the marriage of the Countess Anna Maria, daughter of Branciforte, who was about to marry the Duke of Alba.

The shipment of silver was also the property of the said Earl. One part was for the crown, and another for the payment of quicksilver, the tithe of the church also contained what belonged to the Viceroyalty, and the payment of a loan that he had personally made Branciforte, the Marquis of Sierra Nevada . The rest paid into the coffers of their property.

After obtaining the data that we care proceeded to hang huisaches mesquite and all
prisoners, as none could be forgiven life, because once released, the first thing I would do would denounce us, that was the least we cared, because the mules did not get to your destination, immediately begin intensive search but eventually we won, we could get to
distance from the hounds. After the gruesome task, proceeded to take the gold and silver to our favorite hideaway, the Majoma pen. In the task consume three days, since the 80 mules that
comprised the herd, some were killed, and also how difficult the road to slow the transfer.

When we finished perfectly hide this treasure, erased all traces that we had left, and being scarce and some supplies, Juan Castro offered to get them and traérnoslas, and starting with eight of his men, he left mid-afternoon, heading for Cuencamé. Castro was interested, rather than bring supplies, shop around for the prison of the passage, where he had his affair with a woman of that place, what it ignored was that Micaela, such was the damsel in question, and also was in an affair with the commander of the presidio captain Anton Fernandez Valdes; affair that ultimately cause the destruction of more than four sheaves around Durango merodeábamos.

The assault and robbery to the conduct of mules owned by the Count de Branciforte, was the straw that broke the camel, because high cried justice authorities, and demanded our heads to the governor of Nueva Vizcaya, José Sebastián López de Carvajal, who in turn demanded the order to the commander of the militia captain José Francisco Quiñones de Teran, who immediately took the necessary steps to identify the gang of robbers.

where the bandits ambushed expect.

We meanwhile, saw decreasing our food and to see that in six days did not return the
provisioners we begin to have a disaster, so I ordered the change of place, placing on a plateau that had a natural outlet perfectly concealed and known by very few people. Strengthen surveillance staggering the lookouts in the day. At night obstruĂ­amos sidewalks with branches and stones, so that if someone were to pass, to move the branches, stones will roll making noise alerted us.

The horses had saddled the loose webbing. The brakes were hanging from the top of the chair, while wearing only beasts muzzle, the árguenas lists, full of jerky and esquite tientos moored, and a few ounces of gold, so that the time could choose.

When Castro served a week without back, one morning we woke up the guards, saying they had heard noises in the direction of our previous guard. I put all my men under arms, were adjusted enfrenaron saddles and horses, sending people to notice the identity of the intruders. Castro could be back.

To clear a little dawn envoys returned with the news that people in government and was moving towards our hiding. At the moment I panicked, but I got over to me noticed by my men, who were waiting expectantly my orders. Thinking that the enemy was a patrol people with little troop, I know they are my companions, and asked if taking advantage of the rest of darkness, we presented were fleeing or fighting. In this last all agreed, so of course we took positions to beat the enemy as soon as you put within reach of our guns, which happened before dawn. I trashed the advanced, and when we thought we had won, we saw with horror at daylight that at least 300 men were trying to encircle us, which would have made it if we were in the place where we had left castro, for he
place if he was completely surrounded.

Government troops, noting that we were not in the place they thought, ordered his enveloping movement to the new position, so we opted for the withdrawal. Already by that time we had several dead and some wounded, who could not ride, he offered to cover our departure, firing up to be killed, because they knew that the fight was relentless.

We dated for a hidden escape, two by two, and that was tight. Once outside the barrel, people regrouped, we headed in the direction of St. Joseph of Tuitan. But what a surprise we had to go around a bend in the path, then we run into a vanguard of troops that crossed those contours. The surprise was mutual, but we react quickly, so full gallop ran over. Anyway, this time it took the loss of several men, and without waiting for the arrival of the bulk of the government troops alerted by the blasts, ordered general rout, and as a meeting organs, place near the village of Calabazal. Followed me five of my companions, who canter we head south.

Never got to the organs. It was so much harassment that crossing the Sierra, went for the farm near Valparaiso. In one of his stays pawns we force to move the horses, since our animals were in poor condition. After lunch and some food that we got from them by force, we proceeded. As a tactic we took detours, trying to mislead our pursuers, because what I wanted was to get to sherry, because in that place had relatives and compadres. In addition, there was a place near entierrito quite gold and silver, with which we could go to Guadalajara, expect tempers to cool.

Unfortunately, that did not happen, since the height of the property of conception of Calera, property that was Don Diego de Ibarra, were overtaken by government forces who were captured after nearly exhausted our ammunition, and when three of my loyal companions had fallen dead and wounded we were the last of my accomplices and I. He, after much resistance, died on the way.

Now, in prison in Zacatecas, hopefully opinion against me, which can not be other than the death penalty.


So we have three treasure directions to an alleged treasure from a coral to a mysterious cave where there bandits from the time of the Mexican independence from the Spanish.

Strage enough the alleged site Hacienda El Ojo still exists today all be it in ruins?


The two sites old ranch and stone corral known as "El Corral de Majoma"Are show from above.

ruined treasure location. S.jpg

The area borders on volcanic are of bare hills and rock. It is somewhere in these bad lands its suspected that this alleged cave is to be found?

treasure location ss.jpg

Such is the mystery of El Corral de Majoma? people still seek it from Durango Mexico today.


Some even claim they found the alleged treasure cave. I have never had the liberty to verify those claims.....



The cave is quite large.


But was it once a depository of treasure once taken by bandits during the Mexican war of Independence?


Perhaps today it is all academics as there was a newspaper report from the turn of the century.

San Francisco Call, Volume 101, Number 65, 3 February 1907 — VAST TREASURE ON MEXICAN RANCH P1.jpg

San Francisco Call, Volume 101, Number 65, 3 February 1907 — VAST TREASURE ON MEXICAN RANCH P2.jpg

The New york times seems to confirm the alleged discovery?


Yet even today there are families in Mexico still coming forward with mysterious documents relating to this treasure. It seems indeed many of the bandits before being killed managed in one form or another to pass on information to dependance.

Perhaps that is why the lure of lost treasure legends in Mexico is so strong my friends when dreams can some times become reality?????


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Perhaps today it is all academics as there was a newspaper report from the turn of the century.

View attachment 1066507

View attachment 1066508

The New york times seems to confirm the alleged discovery?

View attachment 1066525

Yet even today there are families in Mexico still coming forward with mysterious documents relating to this treasure. It seems indeed many of the bandits before being killed managed in one form or another to pass on information to dependance.

Perhaps that is why the lure of lost treasure legends in Mexico is so strong my friends when dreams can some times become reality?????


........and while researching something else, I found these to add to your library that backs up your two (from the Tombstone Weekly Epitaph 02 February 1907):

Tombstone_Weekly_Epitaph_Sun__Feb_17__1907_.jpg El_Paso_Herald_Mon__Feb_11__1907_.jpg The_Cincinnati_Enquirer_Sun__Feb_3__1907_.jpg

Looks like yours from 02 February is the oldest one I can find.


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If it is, they moved the border further south.

........and while researching something else, I found these to add to your library that backs up your two (from the Tombstone Weekly Epitaph 02 February 1907):

View attachment 1075180 View attachment 1075182 View attachment 1075183

Looks like yours from 02 February is the oldest one I can find.


Hello Gollum It always amazes me when looking for some thing you find some thing else. I do that all the time. Thanks for the Newspaper story. It throws a new angle on the story. fascinating :thumbsup: Will definitely add it the library.


I would expect out beloved Señor Don Jose to live at least 150 years……..
We will be needing him at least that long to guide us and keep us reminded to drink coffee...

Hello Doc he needs 150 year to write his book. hint hint.:laughing7:


Crow, I have the complete document you first posted in this thread and the complete translation not to mention all the other images that I posted in the Mexico Treasure forum... is there something I can clarify for you?

I've wondered. If you sat a spoon upright,in the middle of a cup of Don Jose's coffee, do you measure the time it takes to fall to the edge in seconds or by movement of the sun?

Last time I was at Don Jose's house my truck battery went dead. He poured a little coffee in each cell. Started right up!

Crow, I have the complete document you first posted in this thread and the complete translation not to mention all the other images that I posted in the Mexico Treasure forum... is there something I can clarify for you?

Hello Tuscoro. Did you ever manage to work out the word or name of the Indian tribe you were searching for?


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