Bazooka gold trap ?

Check their website... Each one gives the specs regarding length, width, and trap sizes... but yes.. The Smaller the Zooka, the smaller the trap.

Saw length, width, and height but I didn't notice that they listed size of trap. I'll look again

All traps are the same within each model. The length of the box and deck are the only thing that changes.

But the trap in each MODEL is quite different from the other models...and from what I've seen, behaves differently as a result. Specifically, small traps need to run fairly flat (like a traditional riffle sluice), while larger ones will catch gold just fine at a surprisingly steep angle.

I have a 36in sniper. I've ran it flat, steep, shallow, deep, slow and fast many times each with a traditional sluice under it and have never found gold in the other sluice. BGT gets the gold.

Thanks for the info. I figured the traps were the same, but wanted to check. I have a 30" prospector heavy duty with regular Grizzly. Need something a little lighter for when I'm packing in more than a few miles, doing some sampling or a extra for my son to run. Decided on sniper next. Even the 36" is half the weight of my prospector. I'll probably go with the 30" then if I want something a little smaller I can pick up a super mini

I wonder how the big Bazzoka sluice would work behind a 2 inch dredge? Ive been thinking about this for sometime now and have the flaired sluice , the crashbox sluice and all different types of carpeting (ETC.) that would work in it plus Docs Gold Hog mats to try also ! I also have the a jet set up and the venture nozzle to use to see what is the best combo for one of these dredges.

It would work great. If you can get to run like you were gonna shovel feed, but had the hose discharging onto the deck instead. supplying all the water with a pump is the problem to figure out

HMMM? something to think about ! maybe make a "T" fitting off the 1 1/4 water supply from the pump to feed the water to the fluid box and just use the 2 inch line to feed the top level.....Like I said, something to think about!

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I made a short video of my 36" Prospector running as a power sluice. My friend was a week out of surgery and I was two weeks out of my own surgery so we were careful not to do any heavy lifting. We dollied a Honda WB20 (164 gmp) pump out to a 55 gallon drum of water, thus the short video. The Honda was running about ¾ throttle and I believe it would work fine at just ½ throttle. We didn't have any paydirt to run so it was just a water flow test.
Video is located at the bottom of the page HERE

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That looks really good underburden

I made a short video of my 36" Prospector running as a power sluice. My friend was a week out of surgery and I was two weeks out of my own surgery so we were careful not to do any heavy lifting. We dollied a Honda WB20 (164 gmp) pump out to a 55 gallon drum of water, thus the short video. The Honda was running about ¾ throttle and I believe it would work fine at just ½ throttle. We didn't have any paydirt to run so it was just a water flow test.
Video is located at the bottom of the page HERE
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WAY WAY WAY WAY X10 too much froth and turbulance. That will prevent gold from settling out. You are going to blow fine gold past the trap.You need smooth flow. material has to run down the deck and stratify. If you watch one run in a creek you will notice the grizzly lifts material away from the dense bottom layer. The whole dynamic is destroyed with that kind of deck flow.
Course gold will do its thing every thing that makes a bazooka excel at fine recovery is gone in that picture....sorry :sadsmiley:

introduce your water and material with a flume and try to get it to smooth out then drop onto the deck. I see your running a manifold so i would create an extension.

Well being that most everyone who tries this complains about not being able to get enough water over the deck, I would say it's a good mod. ;)

Setting the throttle at ¾ was way too high for a 164 gpm pump. The barrel of water took less than 10 seconds to empty so no time to play with the throttle as you would ordinarily have working out of a creek. We had one shot at it. We're both in our 60's and recently out of surgery so no ambition to do much more. One of you younger guys should download my plans and give it a go.

Prospector soon to have a little brother! Just placed order for 30" sniper. Now the waiting game begins.

Well being that most everyone who tries this complains about not being able to get enough water over the deck, I would say it's a good mod. ;)
Not a complaint a frustration:unhappysmiley:...Water over the grizz only counts if its the right type of water. That is not the right type of water. When I give the LARGE flow rate i mention its because thats what it will take to get the right type of water over the grizzlys smooth pushing flow....Not a firehose.. Not knocking the trying just throwing in observations as I know how the boxes work and what they need to be a working hi banker.

How are you doin these days Russau? I need to get outside soon, tired of winter,but spring seems to be here a bit early...which is good..My 2 inch dredge is nearly complete so time to start thinking about my 36 inch Bazooka Prospector as a banker.I have it on legs already. How are your aches and pains these days? I need warmer water so as not to aggravate my joints...I hate getting old but I guess its better than being 6 feet under...

What if he used a heavy rubber dampener mat like the gold dredges use,to smooth the flow?

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