Bering Sea Gold season 3 - 12/13/13


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Feb 8, 2013
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All Treasure Hunting
Ok, ep 1 is over.

* Emily has her own ship, Eroica. I thought it was supposed to be Eurotica. She took The Edge from Zeke in a deal they made but it needed a ton of work. An engine blew up and that set off more Emily drama.

* Her idiot dad has a skiff appropriately named Minnow. I guess that makes him Gilligan.

* Meisterheim is working for a Christine Rose clone, a ship with a backhoe, called Au Grabber. He's not the captain, he works for someone else for once. I can't remember the guy's name, except it was a very ethnic German name.

* Zeke made a late appearance and sounds like he's losing his mind. He said during the winter he didn't shower or change his clothes for 3 months. In addition to Bunce's death, another friend of his committed suicide. I think this kid is in trouble.

* There was another guy who built the underwater sluice, but he lost it. He claims it floated off on an iceberg. I wouldn't be surprised if it was stolen.

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Funny nose or not her team got the gold on tonight's show. :icon_thumleft:

Can you believe Steves air compressor snafu? Could have been a death right there!


Funny nose or not her team got the gold on tonight's show. :icon_thumleft:

Can you believe Steves air compressor snafu? Could have been a death right there!

The rerun came on, I had to turn it off. Zeke's way over acting the grief nonsense. The boat sale to emily. Way, way way made up.

Funny nose or not her team got the gold on tonight's show. :icon_thumleft:

Can you believe Steves air compressor snafu? Could have been a death right there!


I can't believe that guy lasted 8 hours...

Could have done without hearing him vomit 5x, though.

BTW, I heard the elder Pomrenke say he lives in Minnesota. So do he and Shawn fly in for mining?

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Funny nose or not her team got the gold on tonight's show. :icon_thumleft:

Can you believe Steve's air compressor snafu? Could have been a death right there!


I had a feeling she made out, Because of all the Drma from Zeke.
He probably heard she scored, So he ran over quick to get his share, Then
the producers switched things around for Drama.

Zeke worse then scott at acting :BangHead:

Chalk another one up for Steve , Then he drops the Dirt,
before they cleaned it :icon_scratch: The guy is a combination of Gilligan & the Skipper.
I wonder when he'll sink the dredge.

I can't believe that guy lasted 8 hours...

Could have done without hearing him vomit 5x, though.

Yea I wonder if they exaggerated the time he was down,
but agree, we knew he was sick, We didn't need to hear him Rutz :(

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When dealing with compressors ALWAYS err on the side of caution as he should be dead as a doornail. Found 1 floater who had hid dredge under overhangn' brush and one sic sic sight. That compressor not only was setup wrong but looks like a OIL lubed el cheapo compressor also and NOT oil less??? On close ups looked like a dipstick to check oil levels?? John

When dealing with compressors ALWAYS err on the side of caution as he should be dead as a doornail. Found 1 floater who had hid dredge under overhangn' brush and one sic sic sight. That compressor not only was setup wrong but looks like a OIL lubed el cheapo compressor also and NOT oil less??? On close ups looked like a dipstick to check oil levels?? John
It's oilless it's the same compressor I have!
It's a good unit but in the wrong hands everything is dangerous!

I'd like to think it was a planned out plot line. I find it hard to believe that the "experienced" divers running around and working on the dredge never thought "hey, I don't think we should have the compressor exhaust in our enclosure, it might make the dive tender sick, heck maybe we should reroute the intake while we're at it, so we don't kill the diver!" Diver was probably supportin a bad hangover and the produces decided to spin it.

I'd like to think it was a planned out plot line. I find it hard to believe that the "experienced" divers running around and working on the dredge never thought "hey, I don't think we should have the compressor exhaust in our enclosure, it might make the dive tender sick, heck maybe we should reroute the intake while we're at it, so we don't kill the diver!" Diver was probably supportin a bad hangover and the produces decided to spin it.

is a possibility.

Like when Tom Massie went in the cave that time & all of a sudden
lost his lights, the camera lights also went out at the exact same time &
he pretended they had to crawl in the dark to find a way out,
just to teach people a lesson on having backups

I'd like to think it was a planned out plot line. I find it hard to believe that the "experienced" divers running around and working on the dredge never thought "hey, I don't think we should have the compressor exhaust in our enclosure, it might make the dive tender sick, heck maybe we should reroute the intake while we're at it, so we don't kill the diver!" Diver was probably supportin a bad hangover and the produces decided to spin it.

Boy we really have become cynical about this show. :)


'Bering Sea Gold' Star -- Busted for DUI ... Again |

A star on Discovery Channel's "Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice" has been popped for DUI ... again ... after driving at breakneck speeds and blowing almost twice the legal limit ... TMZ has learned.

Shawn Pomrenke was busted in Nome, Alaska ... it happened last month but we just learned of it.

Shawn was barreling down the highway at 102 MPH ... switching lanes without signaling according to the police report.

And get this ... cops say he blew a .156.

Anchorage cops impounded Shawn's car because he had been previously ordered NOT to drive without an Ignition Interlock Device ... and guess what wasn't installed?

As for why he was required to have the device ... Shawn was busted for DUI a year ago, after hitting a pedestrian and fleeing.

Shawn was sentenced to 180 days but served less than 2 weeks. He was released last week.

Calls to Shawn were not returned.

Boy we really have become cynical about this show. :)
No, I was cynical about the show to begin with. I spend a lot of my free time and money fighting for the rights of miners, and land users. It's getting tiresome spending the first half of a typical conversation defending and debunking the image of the "modern day" miner. That being said I will stick with pointing out the ignorance of their actions and leave the characters alone. It is entertaining, although it would be nice if they would show 90% being hard working, self sufficient, industrious, knowledgeable miners, and 10% being the bungling buffoons, instead of the other way around.

Boy we really have become cynical about this show. :)

I'm not cynical. I just wish they'd focus more on getting the gold instead of the constant breakdowns; Zeke's idiocy (I mean, who really cares about this drunk punk); Scott's personal problems; and Emily's issues with trying to get respect as captain of the dredge. I think the show (along with Gold Rush) gives true prospectors a bad rap and puts us in a negative light with the public.

But, since it is entertaining to some, here 2 things I think will happen in future shows.

1. Zeke and Scott will have a bromance. They'll expand it to a threesome once Scott and Steve make up.

2. A large lamprey eel will come out of Emily's right nostril and bite Zeke on the face the next time he touches her hair. Ouch! that would make for some good reality TV.

Just my humble predictions...and I'm sticking with them.

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No, I was cynical about the show to begin with. I spend a lot of my free time and money fighting for the rights of miners, and land users. It's getting tiresome spending the first half of a typical conversation defending and debunking the image of the "modern day" miner. That being said I will stick with pointing out the ignorance of their actions and leave the characters alone. It is entertaining, although it would be nice if they would show 90% being hard working, self sufficient, industrious, knowledgeable miners, and 10% being the bungling buffoons, instead of the other way around.



'Bering Sea Gold' Star -- Busted for DUI ... Again |

A star on Discovery Channel's "Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice" has been popped for DUI ... again ... after driving at breakneck speeds and blowing almost twice the legal limit ... TMZ has learned.

Shawn Pomrenke was busted in Nome, Alaska ... it happened last month but we just learned of it.

Shawn was barreling down the highway at 102 MPH ... switching lanes without signaling according to the police report.

And get this ... cops say he blew a .156.

Anchorage cops impounded Shawn's car because he had been previously ordered NOT to drive without an Ignition Interlock Device ... and guess what wasn't installed?

As for why he was required to have the device ... Shawn was busted for DUI a year ago, after hitting a pedestrian and fleeing.

Shawn was sentenced to 180 days but served less than 2 weeks. He was released last week.

Calls to Shawn were not returned.

Loser is right! I'd like to throat punch this puke! Get some real men...role models...on the show and cut the crap with some of these low-life idiots.

Well, I'm not really fond of the drama on the show at all, but it is a good way for beginners to learn what not to do!

In defense of the characters on the show, I was told by my brother who is on the show, that Scott isn't at all like they portray him on it. That in reality he is a very nice guy. I have no personal knowledge one way or the other beyond what I have been told, so I really can't verify that. Although I don't get along with my brother, he is not a liar. He also told me that the damage that was done on the show was not a result of something Scott did, but that in fact, the captain (Hank), welded cast iron and was told that that it would break if he did. Against everyone else' advice, he did it anyhow.

I guess we have to remember that it's entertainment tv and not education or even a true depiction of reality when we watch these shows on Discovery, and the characters will be whatever the show wants them to be and look like, not who they really are. I wonder how you would look to others if one cherry picked carefully selected moments or 'scenes' out of your daily life and stitched them together in a short video to portray you to others, highlighting your foibles, indiosynchrasies and weak moments ... food for thought. ;)

Well, I'm not really fond of the drama on the show at all, but it is a good way for beginners to learn what not to do! In defense of the characters on the show, I was told by my brother who is on the show, that Scott isn't at all like they portray him on it. That in reality he is a very nice guy. I have no personal knowledge one way or the other beyond what I have been told, so I really can't verify that. Although I don't get along with my brother, he is not a liar. He also told me that the damage that was done on the show was not a result of something Scott did, but that in fact, the captain (Hank), welded cast iron and was told that that it would break if he did. Against everyone else' advice, he did it anyhow. I guess we have to remember that it's entertainment tv and not education or even a true depiction of reality when we watch these shows on Discovery, and the characters will be whatever the show wants them to be and look like, not who they really are. I wonder how you would look to others if one cherry picked carefully selected moments or 'scenes' out of your daily life and stitched them together in a short video to portray you to others, highlighting your foibles, indiosynchrasies and weak moments ... food for thought. ;)

Welding cast is not a problem iv done it many many times just need a nickel rod !
As for it breaking welding would not cause it to break?

Now Scott's charter I'm sure is made up but it does sell people love to hate him .....

A couple of direct quotes off Nathan's Facebook page Nathan Bering Sea Gold.

Nathan Bering Sea Gold
December 29, 2013.So lets get something straight here. For everyone who thinks Scott Meisterheim is an alcoholic loser or something, you are dead wrong. Not even close to the real Scott! Stop believing everything you see or hear on this TV show!

Nathan Bering Sea Gold
December 29, 2013.The infamous fire. Take note, there is no Scott Meisterheim anywhere around. He was long gone. Angie discovered the fire, I put it out! Just Hank, Angie Bering Sea Gold, myself and our camera man. Now who's fooling who?

But you are right. The show is about what (some) people are wanting to see. You have to remember that most people aren't out 'living the life', but stuck in a mundane job for most of their life, lucky to get a few weeks vacation once a year. As much as prospecting and mining is difficult, I for one appreciate being able to go out and get away from the trappings of human technology and get my hands dirty and experience the world first hand! TV is no substitute for that. I have a bad back along with other physical conditions that make mining difficult, painful or not, I will never quit doing it, even if I end up in a wheelchair! Nobody promised me when I was born that life would be easy. And so I will find what freedom I can in and amongst the difficulties and trials of life. Mine are no greater or any more special than anyone else'. Just a bit more personal to me, that's all ;)

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