By what year will our hobby be dead?


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Jul 13, 2012
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I will say the year 5012. I find more silver now than I did in roll hunting in the late 1970's.

1970, because that is when silver coins were last minted in large numbers.

Never, there is so much out there that 'uneducated people of silver' cash in just for face - as long as we have that, we will have a hobby!

When coinage is removed from circulation.

+1, yup, I think as long as it's still circulating, We'll find a way to search it! HH, Maverick.

As time goes on there will be less. but the price of silver will go higher and it will be the same dollar for dollar??There will always be silver put in your boxes!!I hope??

Until inflation forces all coins out of circulation. There will always be people cashing in silver.

namster said:
When coinage is removed from circulation.

This. As long as coins circulate, dumb people will continue to cash in silver coins for face value, giving us something to search for. I think this is why accounts for almost all of the silver we find. I doubt much of the silver out there has been there since it was released into circulation from the mint.

I would say that changing the current dime or half dollar would have a large effect.
Since more than 90% of the silver dimes I find are FDRs and more than 90% of the silver halves I find are Kennedys.
Example: The mintage of 1963 (Philly & Denver) Franklin half dollars and 1966 Kennedy is close (92 million vs 108 million) and only 3 years apart. Yet, I have found 6 1963s and 82 1966s.
The 1944 merc (Philly) had a mintage of 231 million, very close to the 1946 (Philly) 225 million. I have found 3 1944 and 23 1946.

never. there's a sucker born every minute. we pluck 1 silver out of circulation, somebody dumps one back in unknowingly.

of course as time goes on, there will be less silvers.

How many 1912 halves are we finding in circulation? next to none. the coin is 100 years old...
I guess people would think the same thing in 2069 when the last circulation strike 40% is 100 years old.
remember, most haves we see in circulation are 41 years or younger.

my 2 cents,

Someday CRH'ers will look for nickel-cladded copper coins and will get a kick out of saying that ppl use to throw the copper ones back because they were worth so much less than face value. They will keep the clad and throw back the plated steel.

I would say that changing the current dime or half dollar would have a large effect.
Since more than 90% of the silver dimes I find are FDRs and more than 90% of the silver halves I find are Kennedys.
Example: The mintage of 1963 (Philly & Denver) Franklin half dollars and 1966 Kennedy is close (92 million vs 108 million) and only 3 years apart. Yet, I have found 6 1963s and 82 1966s.
The 1944 merc (Philly) had a mintage of 231 million, very close to the 1946 (Philly) 225 million. I have found 3 1944 and 23 1946.

VERY good point.

It makes you wonder how long it would take for people to start hoarding JFK halves...if they would hoard them at all...if the Mint introduced a new half.

Changing the design of the dime or half dollar will make the older ones stand out. A year ago a teller asked me what I was looking for? I took out of my pocket two dimes a 1964 and a 1990. She couldn't tell the difference looking at the face of the coin. If there is a re-design of either coin (not likely, it takes alot to kick a dead president off a coin), then the older coins will fade out of circulation much faster.

Yeah I think that MIhunter and TimZim brought up the best points. Anyways hopefully our hobby will be alive for a very long time.

VERY good point.

It makes you wonder how long it would take for people to start hoarding JFK halves...if they would hoard them at all...if the Mint introduced a new half.
People have been hoarding JFK halves since 1964. Especially the silver. Kennedy was very popular, and the reason the coin went from 90 to 40% silver before plain clad.

The hobby is already dead, just ask most intelligent people out there an they will tell you there is no silver left out there therefore you are wasting your time

MIhunter said:
I would say that changing the current dime or half dollar would have a large effect.
Since more than 90% of the silver dimes I find are FDRs and more than 90% of the silver halves I find are Kennedys.
Example: The mintage of 1963 (Philly & Denver) Franklin half dollars and 1966 Kennedy is close (92 million vs 108 million) and only 3 years apart. Yet, I have found 6 1963s and 82 1966s.
The 1944 merc (Philly) had a mintage of 231 million, very close to the 1946 (Philly) 225 million. I have found 3 1944 and 23 1946.

My question toward that is how long would it take before the new design takes over. Does anyone here who's old enough remember when they started finding more memorial cents than wheat cents?

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