Cynics, anyone?

Old Town

Hero Member
Aug 18, 2010
Key West
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Fisher, Whites, Tesoro
As much as I like stories of aliens and Bigfoot and things like that, I really don't believe in much at all. Among the things I don't believe in are god, afterlife, ESP, the aforementioned Bigfoot, UFOs and aliens, alternative universes, magic, miracles, divining rods, mediums, and every other thing you cannot actually measure or quantify. I'm not capable of "faith" and must see to believe for the most part.

Anybody else feel so strongly in the non-believer direction? I can't think of a single thing I believe in that can't be scientifically proven.

Old Town

I truly believe in keeping an open mind; that is, if I had a mind to begin with :tongue3:

Science gets debunked all the time. I'll stick with faith.

Everyone is capable of faith... in fact, there isn't a person who doesn't practice faith on a daily basis.
We have faith that the chair we sit in will support our weight and won't fall apart when we sit on it... that the plane in the sky won't fall out of the air... that our car will start in the mornings to get us to and from work. There really isn't any limit to our faith except what our mind determines to believe.

I can say as far as "aliens"... I don't believe in "little green men", but I have seen some sort of object HIGH up in the sky that were performing maneuvers that were physically impossible for our aircraft (what we know of anyway). I also saw a hovering craft about 200ft above the opposite side of a highway once up in Missouri. It was silent and was the same thing that happened to be described in the video "UFO over Illinois"

Anyway, I can't contest with what anyone else might believe or have seen... but I know what I personally saw. Unfortunately, my finite mind will only allow me to understand so much, so I'll leave the rest to the mysteries of the world.
I still respect however you choose to believe about your surrounding world.
Each person is given their own chance to make up their mind about whatever they want. That's our "free will" as humans.

Bran <><

I have absolutely no interest in debating any issue. I only wondered if anyone feels as I do. No person is ever converted or has their mind changed by online debate. Especially about "Faith".

Old Town

I'm confused how ESP, Bigfoot, UFOs and aliens
get lumped with the other things mentioned.

ESP is just part of our brains
taking everything in & being aware.
(Taking in everything that ever happend, & Weighing odds
& Coming to the surface as a Preminition
of what should happen next. Like a Computer)
nothing to do with Hocus pocus,
Invisible beings watching everyone ;
a devil Loving Evil & Punishing the Evil ones
at the same time,
spirits taking attendence on sunday's,
listening to everyones thoughts & Watching through walls
etc. :tongue3:

Unless you believe the trillions of stars & Planets
are our Imagination, or that there can truly be a
One of a Kind, or first & we're it.
We can't be the first & Only plant with life
in an unending space. & Anyone who may
have created life here had to be created
by somone else first, who also had to be created
before them, Etc.

Bigfoot ? If you believe he is flesh & Blood,
he could exist. Perhaps underground 90% of
the time, perhaps he is just good at
staying hidden most of the time.
the fact most people don't believe in him,
it's easy for even photo & Video Proof
to be Laughed off as fake, even if real.

If you believe he is Supernatural
like a spook or Fairy, of course he can't exist.

As far as having faith in the scientifically unproven, I think many people need to have that faith because of the principles and hope the various subjects provide them.
Personally, I don't want to know the answers to many or the mysteries looming out there for the very reason I mentioned above. People need things to believe in, it doesn't matter if those things can actually be scientifically proven to be real or not. Faith is an ironic thing as it can serve humanity well when it isn't carried out to the extreme. Is there a god? Are there aliens? Are there mediums? Is bigfoot real? What is important in all of this is that many people need to place faith in these things. Take that faith away and it all starts to fall apart.
And just as ironic, as for science, when one really sits back to take a much broader look it becomes quite an easy thing to suggest that science itself is the most dangerous and threatening element known to man. Just as some people place too much faith in their beliefs concerning the existence of god, aliens, bigfoot, etc., perhaps there are just as many people who place too much "faith" in their support of the science.
I like things the way they are. Let people have their faith and accept that there will always be extremes. And as for science, perhaps it's best to leave some things unproven. :dontknow:

Old Town said:
I can't think of a single thing I believe in that can't be scientifically proven.

Old Town

I wonder if you believe bumble bees can fly.

Speaking of mediums... Edgar Cayce was not a medium... He was an extra large :icon_thumleft: :laughing7:

spartacus53 said:
Speaking of mediums... Edgar Cayce was not a medium... He was an extra large :icon_thumleft: :laughing7:

lol :laughing7: His are some of the only works that seem to really fascinate me in the area of "psychic" abilities...

Bran <><

jeff of pa said:
Kentucky Kache said:
Old Town said:
I can't think of a single thing I believe in that can't be scientifically proven.

Old Town

I wonder if you believe bumble bees can fly.

Bumble bees can Fly because they work
like a helicopter.

Point is, at one point science said that the bumble bee should not be able to fly...a scientific impossibility. The bumble bee didn't know that, so he just kept on flying. Science today is ashamed of some of the claims they have made in the past, so you won't hear much about them now. In fact, you will hear a lot of denying. But truth is still truth.

Jeff, I'm glad you mentioned the bee. The problem with comparing the bee with an airplane is one of not really understanding what you are looking at. The bee flies so it must work like a plane. This is incorrect, of course. The bee gain its lift by an action more represented by a helicopter. No chopper looks like it can fly if you think in terms of conventional wing theory.

(Of course a rotor is a wing that spins in place but this explanation is already boring the hell out of me.)

All I want to know is if there is another member of no faith. I don't care of your defense of your favorite subject and this is no attempt at smearing somebody's religion. In fact it's not really about religion but a person's ability to believe beyond their own ability to self-explain that which is around them.

Bran said we all have faith to some degree. This I wholeheartedly disagree with. Chairs holding my fat behind notwithstanding.

Old Town

I have no dog in this fight YET?

I will say I am a Man of faith for many reasons.

Good for you. It's a great foundation with which to start your exploration of the undefined.

WindHarvester said:
I have no dog in this fight YET?

I will say I am a Man of faith for many reasons.

Harvester, absolutely no need to fight. I'm only interested in what I first asked. I won't get involved with religious arguments. They do not interest me at all one way or the other. What I'm looking for is who is unable to believe in things more like crop circles, UFOs of alien origin, Lock Ness monster, that kind of thing. No need to be defensive about your particular god faith. I don't care.

Old Town

Very interesting post. Now for my two cents worth.
I believe our human knowledge is like the tip of the iceberg, that's all we know.
This leads me to have a three part mind. The first part is proven ,known, seen, facts that I can not denie so I believe them. The last part contains facts that have been positively proven by others, or myself to be invalid. Now the middle section contains speculation by myself and others. I am very open to this section and am constantly trying to shift items in this section to one of the other two sections.
Now where does this put my beliefs?
God-There is something that defines the procession of life. You may call it God, you may define it as science, but something does exist that defines the order of life.
Alien Life- I have talked to people that were at Roswell in '47 so all I can say is they aren't green,they are gray.
The Bumble bee- Just seeing him fly is proof enough for me.
Big foot is in the middle section as of now.
Everything else is open to speculation.

spartacus53 said:
As far as faith goes, I think Faith Hill is hot :tongue3:

I had faith in believing I would agree with something Spartacus said. ;D

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