🏆 HONORABLE MENTION DeeDees Class Ring Found and Returned


Bronze Member
Dec 24, 2007
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Whites MXT,
DetectorPro HH Underwater
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
DeeDee's Class Ring Found and Returned

I was doing some work for a lady today and my Dewalt battery died. While waiting for it to charge, I was talking to her about detecting her 1880 house yard. She was telling me about a bottle dump and so on, then she said, "my daughter lost my class ring near that tree over there". I asked her how long ago, 15 yrs or so. I told her I'd try to find it and she said, "I'm sure it's gone, you won't find it."
While still waiting for the battery I detected a bit. Dug any strong signal that sounded ring like. Nothing but junk. The battery was finished so I went back to work. When I was done, I went over to the tree to get my MXT and leave, but I had to turn it on and scan the way back to my truck. I only went six feet or so and got a nice strong VDI 16, right on the surface. I opened the plug and there she was. DeeDee's ring. Her daughter was only about 8 yrs old when she lost it.
The ring says : St. Mary's Bay View High School, 1973. 10K. The picture is crappy because I only had my old camera with me and no Macro setting.
I washed the ring off and knocked on her door. When she answered, I said, "I have one more question".
"Oh, what's that?", she replied
"Is this ring yours?". She was thrilled.

Sorry about the size, I'm using a new photo program and haven't figured it out quite yet.


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Re: DeeDee's Class Ring Found and Returned

very awsome story an dig :icon_thumleft:

Re: DeeDee's Class Ring Found and Returned

Kudos to you! great story and I'm glad you turned that machine on on the way back to the car... That's when i usually find my best stuff... on the way to the car. :thumbsup:

Re: DeeDee's Class Ring Found and Returned

Congrats on finding the ring and being able to return it. Love to hear those stories. :thumbsup:

Re: DeeDee's Class Ring Found and Returned

Very cool story :thumbsup:

Re: DeeDee's Class Ring Found and Returned

Very well done!!

Re: DeeDee's Class Ring Found and Returned

Thanks all. It's the first Class Ring I've ever found. But, I knew what I was looking for. It's the only gold I've found this year too. But, my reward is being able to detect her yard anytime I want. Her husband lost a wedding band while disposing of some leaves a couple years ago, she said if I find it, I can keep that one. LOL. With the age of the property, I would just like to find some 1800 silver.

Re: DeeDee's Class Ring Found and Returned

too awesome! great story and great find! good work bud! good luck hunting that property the karma should be flowing for ya!


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