Did the FBI find $600M in Civil War Gold in Pa. Forest ?

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#1 Finders Keepers was there all day....until they told him to leave all they had to do was let him watch the dig and all of this wouldn't have ever happened only guilty liar would kick out the man that told them about the treasure.the fbi did there best to hide the dig by digging at nite and keeping everybody in there homes and off the roads all nite then to keep the truth locked up .

#1 Finders Keepers was there all day....until they told him to leave all they had to do was let him watch the dig and all of this wouldn't have ever happened only guilty liar would kick out the man that told them about the treasure.the fbi did there best to hide the dig by digging at nite and keeping everybody in there homes and off the roads all nite then to keep the truth locked up .

From growing up in the rural-living in the rural in retirement and stints in between nothing changes really and things are the same.

So many examples of quiet living that anything as much as a siren/police present the message boards are full. As a young lad it was the party lines of the phone-today its the FB/Twitter things that get the messages out and the queries of the local folks.
Perfect example of a situation of a month ago in the local rural. Just saw a OPP car sitting at XXX road.
Ya saw sitting along the roadside at XXX
Saw one in the driveway of XXX
Saw another going by XXX
I think they're doing an investigation on XXX
Now it's spreads and spreads till the written version is printed, the local rag picks it up, by then everyone knows what happened.

Yet it seems that there was nothing in the rural, (claims from the finder only) No snippets of the message boards in the world of everything out in the face of everything that happens.

Oh its just another cover up of all the social media.........

The biggest cover up that has ever been executed in history-yet if one takes an opinion poll of how many have even heard about this-I'm going to go with the 99.95% of the population haven't a clue.

Have you ever been to dents run....

Does it matter if one has/hasn't been to Dents Run?

Every rural is a rural no matter where it lays. Same as a city-the fact is each one may have unique characteristics each to their own-but all have the same basics to them.
That being any news travels quick no matter how quiet it seems.

The story might very well be fictional, a mere rumor that has persisted for generations. But perhaps not. As Christine Hauser reports for the New York Times, FBI representatives were seen earlier this month digging up a site in Dents Run, Pennsylvania, where some locals believe the treasure is buried.
The FBI offered few details about what it was doing in the area. In a statement, the agency said only that it was “conducting a court-authorized excavation” and “nothing was found.” But Bridget McClure of NBC-affiliate WJAC reports that Dennis and Kem Parada, owners of the treasure recovery service Finders Keepers, were present at the excavation.
Dennis Parada has been searching for the Civil War treasure for decades. On the Finders Keepers website, he claims that in 2004 he found a trove of artifacts from the Civil War period at the Dents Run site, including knives, tin cans, animal traps, human and animal bones, and traces of a fire pit. Subsequent investigations with “high powered metal detectors” indicated the presence of “a large metal object 8 feet to 10 feet under the fire pit,” Parada writes. He claims that the lost shipment contained 52 bars of gold, each weighing 50 pounds (others say that the wagon train was carrying just 26 bars), but was unable to dig for the treasure because the Dents Run site sits on state land.
“There's no doubt in my mind it’s down there,” Parada told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 2008. “I'm not going to quit until it's dug up.”
But Parada’s theory about the gold has long been met with skepticism from state officials and local historians. On the Finders Keepers website, Parada posted a 2005 letter from Pennsylvania's Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, which said that analysis of the purported Civil War artifacts at Dents Run revealed the objects to be “hunting camp debris” that dated to the 1880s at the earliest.
“There exists no credible evidence,” the letter reads, “to support any conclusions that a lost Federal gold bullion shipment from the Civil War was ever located on State Forest lands in the vicinity of Dents Run, PA.”

They took FK up and showed him an empty hole .....that was FK's own statement in a newspaper article.Actually this was more then they needed to do.He was not legaly vested in the dig in any way.

I may be wrong but I thinking that this was around 2pm ish according to that article.Maybe FK will confirm the time he went up he hill.

Then they back filled the hole and that matches very well with the photo posted here of the mini finishing up the work around dusk.Since it was March that is a very reasonable time frame.

Is it possible that as time goes on things get more inflated?

Example just with this new information alert (stoke the readership )

I see the figures $400/$600/$800 Million being used as a number/value of this claim.

I see the inflated number of agents

I see now as GoDeep pointed out now the army was on site.

9000 pictures

Core samples "we core drilled 21 holes at the site and hit GOLD" -but where are the analysis reports and photos?

Pictures tell a thousand words as they say-I will say this from a very common layman digging dirt is if I drilled 21 holes with a diamond drill and just 1 or 21 came up with gold impacted in the sample I'd be taking a picture and video till that memory card was full. Yet not a single one of the drill bit sample has ever been shown.

I'm going with an example of wee bicycle tube put on the end of the air pump, the plunger just keeps inflating the wee tube, and most know the result because there is only one result.

Yes, everything has grown. I see a poster also added now a "crane" was there. Also, wasn't the first report that one armored truck was there, now it's two.

Also, as i've mentioned this before, Armored trucks aren't just owned by banks to transport money. They also are used as a tactical response trucks, mobile labs, to transport firearms, to house valuable electronic monitoring and communications systems, to transport agents, etc. So these "armored" truck could have well been the FBI's communications truck or a host of other "armored" cars, not transporting gold.

Examples of other uses for "armored trucks" (and there are millions used by LE and private companies alike across the USA in different colors, configurations):

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Yup ......dents run pa is just like where you live......surfs up

Dent's Run, based on perspective:

Armored Trucks: "Gold Transporters" Vs. "Communications Trucks"

70 FBI Agents: "Had to be something huge in the ground!" vs "13 mostly bored agents looking for any excuse for a field training exercise on a fun exploratory dig"

FK not allowed on site while digging: "Had to be gold in the ground, why wouldn't they let them watch" vs "Standard LE operating procedure, no civi's at an active crime scene processing"

Case is sealed: "They are hiding the truth!" vs "Standard operating procedure of LE to seal cases"

The Army was there!: "Find of the century needing such site security!" vs "A plane circled over a few times, can't tell if it's military or not"

Crane was on site: "The Gold was so heavy, they needed a crane" vs "We had to unload two porta potties"

Case/warrant number not right: "It's a conspiracy trying to stall things" vs "Sir, your attorney gave us a number for a magistrate, not a case/warrant number"

They finished up digging at night "They had to sneak the gold out" vs "Hey boss, some of night crew is going to finish this job up, we've wasted enough time here"

They blocked off the road when leaving "Gold onboard, make way!" vs "We're the FBI, we have two armored comm's trucks, two transport trucks, an excavator truck/trailer combo, a porta potty truck/crane, a truck with side by side's on trailer and 12 personal vehicles, we travel by convoy, it's how we roll, make way"

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9000 photos from trail cams, so many cams, good cams, the best cams, yes the very very best cams can buy.
Yet no pics of bars of gold.
Is it that I walk through a permission, and I spot trail cams all the time.
But there are more like 70 highly, I mean the best of the best, yet they don't see them, and let them click away.
Oh my!

Well here is my 2 pennies. We all see the way the FBI works and what they share. I no LONGER believe in the FBI what so ever. I do not know if the gold exists. I looked for this treasure 25 years or more ago. I think I still have some of there soldiers reports around here some place/. I think some of my reports said they lost people on account of Rattlesnakes. I do know the place has a LOT of them there. I do wish FK the best of luck but i do not know for sure if it exists

Do you think that the agents who investigated the Flight 93 crash site outside of Stoystown, Pennsylvania cared about lining their pockets? Or the agents who investigated the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building? Or the agents working financial crimes who are trying to recover the money stolen in fraud cases? Or the agents who work tirelessly to track down serial rapists and serial killers? How about the agents working kidnapping cases? All they care about lining their pockets? You don’t think that they’re working to the best of their ability to get justice for victims and prevent future crimes?

Seriously, what it the purpose of making inflammatory statements like that?


Kantuck: Do you think ALL FBI agents are honest ? If so you think they always are looking out for the USA ? My questions to you are Do you know what agents did the investigations you mentioned ? My feeling is this I do NOT TRUST the FBI !!! Do you TRUST COMEY, McCabe or how about mister HONEST Agent Peter Strozk ? I do not feel these people did investigations with the USA 's best interest at heart. Kentuck I am not chastising you in the slightest just pointing out some times the FBI has other agendas to work for

Well here is my 2 pennies. We all see the way the FBI works and what they share. I no LONGER believe in the FBI what so ever. I do not know if the gold exists. I looked for this treasure 25 years or more ago. I think I still have some of there soldiers reports around here some place/. I think some of my reports said they lost people on account of Rattlesnakes. I do know the place has a LOT of them there. I do wish FK the best of luck but i do not know for sure if it exists
I looked for it too in the early 70s and two more treasures located close to this one .

Kantuck: Do you think ALL FBI agents are honest ? If so you think they always are looking out for the USA ? My questions to you are Do you know what agents did the investigations you mentioned ? My feeling is this I do NOT TRUST the FBI !!! Do you TRUST COMEY, McCabe or how about mister HONEST Agent Peter Strozk ? I do not feel these people did investigations with the USA 's best interest at heart. Kentuck I am not chastising you in the slightest just pointing out some times the FBI has other agendas to work for

Yeah, it's become real popular to not trust the FBI these last few years.

Yeah, it's become real popular to not trust the FBI these last few years.

Of course, if you can come up with a few bad apples, you can then paint the entire agency as crooked, including the hard working men and woman field agents of the FBI just doing their jobs. Then any evidence that is contrary to your belief, can be dismissed out of hand. Problem is, there was also county DNR officers there, County Sheriffs officers there, and civilian contractors there. You'd have to believe they are ALL crooked to advance this narrative.

Of course, if you can come up with a few bad apples, you can then paint the entire agency as crooked, including the hard working men and woman field agents of the FBI just doing their jobs. Then any evidence that is contrary to your belief, can be dismissed out of hand. Problem is, there was also county DNR officers there, County Sheriffs officers there, and civilian contractors there. You'd have to believe they are ALL crooked to advance this narrative.

I agree!

To be clear, I fully support the FBI and all law enforcement, as I do our military.

As you said, there are always going to be some "bad apples"!

Kantuck: Do you think ALL FBI agents are honest ? If so you think they always are looking out for the USA ? My questions to you are Do you know what agents did the investigations you mentioned ? My feeling is this I do NOT TRUST the FBI !!! Do you TRUST COMEY, McCabe or how about mister HONEST Agent Peter Strozk ? I do not feel these people did investigations with the USA 's best interest at heart. Kentuck I am not chastising you in the slightest just pointing out some times the FBI has other agendas to work for

Look, we're getting way off-topic here and yes, you are chastising me. I took offense at jeff of pa's suggestion that FBI agents are just looking to line their own pockets, when that's simply untrue and is extremely offensive to the tens of thousands of dedicated FBI agents who are working on behalf of the American people. Many FBI agents could easily get jobs in the private sector that pay more than the DOJ, so to suggest that they're working criminal investigations simply to line their pockets is a flat out falsehood.

Do I think that ALL FBI agents are honest? A: Of course not, but by far, the vast majority of FBI agents are working on behalf of the American people to get justice for victims of crime and to prevent future crimes. As NewAge suggested, there are a few bad apples in every bunch, whether it be greedy doctors committing insurance fraud or over-prescribing opiates, or whatever group you choose. That doesn't mean that ALL doctors are crooks. It's actually the opposite. The vast majority of doctors are working to provide the best treatment that they can for their patients. Same holds true for the FBI or teachers or whichever group you select. Just because a very small minority of teachers have sexual relations with students doesn't mean that ALL teachers have sexual relations with their students. Your suggestion is absurd. Please stop trying to oversimplify everything and pigeon hole entire segments of the population based upon the actions of a few bad actors. You don't trust the FBI? Fine. That's your prerogative. I do not know the agents who were involved in the investigations of the Flight 93 crash, nor the Oklahoma City bombing, nor most of the other cases that I mentioned. However, I know an FBI agent and our families would get together for dinner at least once/month prior to the pandemic. I've only seen that agent once since the pandemic began when he visited my house briefly. He's definitely straight as an arrow. I've also been to the Flight 93 National Memorial. I went there every year from 2013-2019 and have spoken with the friends and families of the victims of the Flight 93 attack, as well as the locals who were there providing moral support and food to the agents who worked that site 24 hours/day in the weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The FBI employs around 35,000 people. How many FBI agents do you personally know and interact with on a regular basis? Jeff mentioned a guy that worked for the FBI, and who died in 1972 as his example of how corrupt the FBI is. Why didn't you ask Jeff if he knew J. Edgar Hoover? You mentioned 3 FBI employees, and all 3 were mentioned because they were involved in investigations that had obvious political implications. You asked if I trust them. I don't know the three that you mentioned, so I can't say whether I trust them or not. I highly doubt that you know any of them. Mr. Strozk obviously has credibility issues since he cheated on his wife, but he did say this in a text message (referring to the Russians): "I think they're probably the worst" "(Censored) conniving cheating savages. At statecraft, athletics, you name it. I'm glad I'm on Team USA." I will say that I like his sentiments there... I'm proud to be a part of Team USA as well.

As for Dent's Run, I'll say this:

In post 50, FK actually alludes to 2 sets of 2 armored cars. That wouldn't be necessary if there were even 52 bars of gold weighing 50 lbs. each (2,600 lbs total). A few pickup trucks could carry that amount of weight... and even 10 agents carrying one bar at a time would only take a little over 5 trips in and out, so if the FBI was really looking to keep things under wraps and quiet, why would they want 70 agents mulling around? That's not even one bar per agent. Perhaps as GoDeep suggested, it was so that some agents could get field experience, observing an excavation. That definitely seems more likely, because it would seem to me that if you're trying to secretly make off with a load of gold, you'd want as few people "in the know" as possible... oh, wait... everybody's dishonest, so it wouldn't matter if 1,000 FBI agents were there... forgot that part. Sorry. I'm a little thick and it's sometimes hard to keep up.

Perhaps the dishonest FBI agents stole all of the gold and blew it in Dubois. The Buck's Pizza behind the Walmart at the top of the hill is amazing. If the agents were in Dubois, they'd have had to have spent a bunch of the gold on beer, pasta, pizzas, and chicken wings at Buck's. I'm serious. That place is irresistible. I plan my meal times when I in that area around Buck's. Any time that I'm even passing through Dubois and not staying overnight, I eat lunch or dinner there.


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It only takes two people talking about comitting a crime to make a conspiracy. Like when Strozk was babbling with some strumpet using text messages- that constitutes a conspiracy. It does not matter if the crime is completed or not.

"Conspiracy"is a dirty word in the same way the word "rhetoric" is a dirty word, in that nobody seems to know the exact definitions. But everybody knows from context that the news media uses these words as pejoratives.

Just sayin'.

I would like for there to have been a bunch of gold and Civil War relics at Dent's Run. I'm rooting for all of the treasure hunters on here and everywhere. I hope that every treasure hunter finds their Atocha, their Forrest Fenn treasure, or whatever their bucket list item is. I always root for the underdog, the little guy, and it's great when they come out on top. I don't have a dog in this fight. I'd love to see FK prove all of the doubters on here wrong. However, I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories and would bet that Occam's Razor applies... much of which has been proposed by many members here.

Kindest regards,

I would like for there to have been a bunch of gold and Civil War relics at Dent's Run. I'm rooting for all of the treasure hunters on here and everywhere. I hope that every treasure hunter finds their Atocha, their Forrest Fenn treasure, or whatever their bucket list item is. I always root for the underdog, the little guy, and it's great when they come out on top. I don't have a dog in this fight. I'd love to see FK prove all of the doubters on here wrong. However, I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories and would bet that Occam's Razor applies... much of which has been proposed by many members here.

Kindest regards,

Which part of Occam's razor?
The 600 million figure?
Or the , We tried to convince the government there was government gold on a public land site until they dug a hole and claimed there was no gold , but we insist the government "stole" 600 million?

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