Dizzys Diggin Thread - 2014

I want to send you some black sand. I have to walk 3/4 of a mile down the beach, and the winter storms are making the rich black sand disappear. Black sand is heavy.....
blacksandbeach-3.jpg beachsluiceready-1-IMG_5859.jpg

Glad to hear you're not hurting for "work". Makes me feel a little less guilty for not classifying the cons today. Oh, and I didn't expect to get the table...but you can't blame a guy for trying. I didn't do much of anything today except research ancient river beds. And drool :icon_study:

Ps my drink of choice is the "other" Jack.

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Hey Diz, how have you been doing. Haven't heard much from you in a while and just wondering if the treadmill is working well for ya

Dear Dizzy,

Had a read of your journal and we share some similarities.Body self destructing and all that. A woman I used to know had copd. She tried many natural and prescription treatments of one kind or another.The only thing that gave her enough energy to go about her life was black cumin.Maybe she was fooling herself,maybe not.Good medicine though and not in any way dangerous.I am not a snakeoil salesman.My problem also leaves me fighting the lack of energy beast.DL-Phenylalanine helps me to a degree.Subtle but useful. The black cumin did not have her dancing.It enabled her to go to the shops and walk about without being utterly exhausted. I do not sell black cumin and have no reason to promote it.Maybe placebo was at work and maybe not.A cheap and harmless experiment anyway Dizzy.Stay groovy.

Damn...guess I better check my own thread more often!

OV: Appreciate the thought about the black sand for St. Jude's. Unfortunately
that project is on hold for awhile as it takes so much time, and right now
that time is going towards caring for my wife and helping her get back on
her feet.

Howdy Ducky! I'm doing better every day, and the treadmill is certainly
helping. I'm up to almost a mile a day, which doesn't seem like a lot to
many, but that's a huge leap forward for me. I'd like to be up to 2-3
miles per day by the time Spring arrives, and hopefully my legs and
cardio will be good enough to let me wander the desert chasing nuggets
with a detector.

Got a start on saving for the detector, but still need to raise about
$1100 plus costs for gas, food. I may end up selling my Gold Cube
to make up the final bit, but in the meantime I've got quite a few
goodies from past activities that are no longer useful.

C99: I truly appreciate the suggestion on the black cumin, and
I found some capsules with the black cumin oil. I'll pick some up
next time I'm in town and give it a try. Been taking Flaxseed oil
for awhile to prop up the good cholesterol, so I'm used to swallowing
those horse pills. Even tried some C99 once but it brought out some
undesired anxiety, however a distant relative of it does a great job of
holding off the vertigo.

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If you have a list or something of things you are looking to part with to make money for the detector, post em up! im sure people (including myself) would like to purchase a few things for sure!

We miss you Dizz!

Wishing all my TNet friends the Merriest of Christmases!


You should try hand rolling some Captain black.
Much better than the pre-rolled pre-packaged smokes. It's rich and delicious and you won't smoke as much.
And it's cheaper too! You may get a piece of tabacee on your lip every now and then but hey... that's how us cowboys roll.


If you're no good at rolling get one of those 99 cent rolling machines from the tobacco shop. That's what I do (I could never hand roll, they look hilarious).

I roll my own all right, just not usually tobacco. I do however smoke a pipe with tobacco as I proapect

P70...you must be trying to get rid of me. One cigarette of that stuff and I'd
be sure to hack up a lung..

Smoked plenty of non-filtered cigs over the years. Started out smoking
straight Camels, Chesterfields, Pall Mall's..not a filter among 'em. That's
probably what started my lungs on the downhill slide, but then that
was 40 years ago.

Tried a thousand times to roll by hand, but my short stiff fingers
just won't do it. Got half a dozen rolling machines, and they're
lifesavers. There are some things legal here that aren't in other
states, and I've never found anything better to control the
vertigo attacks. Doc says he wants me to take Valium, but I'm not
putting that highly-addictive crap in my body...seen what it does
to people and I want no part of that. Probably not helping my lungs
any, but it sure makes me feel better.

Ducky: Tried smoking a pipe for awhile and didn't really enjoy
it much. I do have a bag of mild pipe tobacco that I use for
rolling cigarettes when out of Camel lights and not up to driving.
Hate the stuff, but I only have to smoke a few before I suddenly
feel good enough to go to the market. :laughing7:

Dizz, I voted against legalization here but I'm a big enough person to admit my mistakes. Colorado is better for having legalized pot and so will the rest of the country be when it happens. That stuff has its uses...such as arthritis, nausea, etc. no doubt!

Speakin' of doing stupid stuff........The Dizz pulled an all-time
classic today..

Long story but I'll try to be brief...

Been real cold out lately, and today it was very clear,
and plenty cold. Got up about 12:30, and as I poured my
first cup of coffee (it's decaf, but I still need it to wake up) I
realized I'd need to run to the store for cigs and milk. No
big deal, right?

Guess again..:laughing7:

Got myself woke up, and after taking care of a couple chores
I grabbed my coat and went out to get the truck warmed up.
My old Toyota doesn't get out much these days, and we've
had plenty of cold weather, so went to start it and got about
half a crank out of it. It quickly became obvious that the battery
was deceased.

Still no big worry. Grabbed the spare keys for the wife's car,
pulled it out of the garage and once situated I hooked up
my set of heavy gauge jumper cables. Just let it charge
for a few minutes, and after a couple cranks the old 22RE
fired right up. Cool! :icon_thumleft:


After letting the truck run for a bit with the idle raised, I headed
off to the local gas station for a few gallons of gas and a couple
packs of smokes. Cigarettes are damn expensive up here, even
if you buy the by the carton on one of the local reservations, and
the local market charges too much.

Pumped in $15 worth of gas, went in and bought the cigs, came
out and .....you guessed it...not enough charge on the battery
to start up again...

Oh crap....not this shit again small.jpg

Within a minute a fellow pulls up right in front of me and offers
a jump..sweet! Get 'er started up again and I head out to the
market, about a mile away. As I drive I'm thinkin' "Wonder if I
should take the chance of shutting it off again?"

That's where the trouble starts...

So, I get to the Red Apple, which is the closest thing we have to
a supermarket, but it's not a big store at all. If you need groceries,
you have a choice of the RA, or you can drive 30 miles downriver
where you have a choice of major supermarkets. A 60 mile r/t
ain't necessary for a gallon of milk.

As I'm parking I realize that I could leave the truck running, and use
the key fob button to open it again. I could also leave the heater
running, and being in the low 20's outside it'd be nice to get back
into a warm truck. Closed and locked the wing-window, stepped
out and closed the door with the truck still running.

Now, my Toy is an '87, and has an aftermarket alarm and automatic
door locks. The fob with the open/close buttons was on a clip, so
I just unhooked it without shutting off the ignition, stepped out,
and using the button fob locked the doors.

Y'all know where this is goin', don't ya?

It's late afternoon and I noticed the Sun was dropping pretty low
when I went into the store. Being a very small town, there's usually
little choice but to chat with folks as you shop, but today I got in,
grabbed a couple gallons of milk and was back out the door in a
matter of a couple minutes. The locking handle on the door to my
Snugtop canopy was near frozen, but finally got it turned and set
the milk in the back.

Pulled the door fob from my pocket, pressed the button to open
the doors and ...

..nothing happened...door locks didn't even flinch....every door
and window is locked tight, and it's getting colder out by the minute.

I stand there like an idiot pushing that damn button for a few minutes,
and finally figure out that the locks won't unlock if the engine is running.


Study on it for a minute, and decided to go borrow a coat hanger from
the store and try to pop the lock/unlock button up. Problem is, the knobs
are actually sort of oval, and there is no head on them for the coat hanger
to grab on to. These locks are hard to pull up when you can get two fingers
on it, and I knew already that this wasn't going to be easy.

I kept working away at it, and a couple minutes later on of the local
Good 'Ol Boys stopped on his way out, and after explaining my
bonehead move we started working on it together. It wasn't
long at all before there were a few long gray beards (and a couple short
ones) all putting our heads together. Hell, musta been 250 years
worth of cumulative redneckin' among us, and we couldn't come up
with a way to get the damn thing open.

Not to mention the truck has now been idling for about an hour, it's
down to 18F. and my cigarettes were on the inside....:BangHead:


...to be continued

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It's those camel lights making you cough heheh.
Or the kush.. who knows? ;)

HATE locking my keys in the car. Last time I did it with like 5 grand in laptops sitting on the passenger seat in my backpack, with my spare keys in the backpack... LoL
I tried coat hangering it open got the handle pull pull nothing, the locksmith laughed cause I was so close... just had to do it on the LOCK Einstein... D'oh! Live and learn hehe


I actually own a slimjim that I keep on the underside of my car using hard drive magnets. It was pretty cheap and has saved me a few times before.

I actually own a slimjim that I keep on the underside of my car using hard drive magnets. It was pretty cheap and has saved me a few times before.

Smart, very smart! I'm gonna have to do that!

Thanks for the thread Mike. A similar story for me...I'll be brief:thumbsup:

Storm hits, branches bouncing off the roof sounds like a ping pong battle.

Water suddenly appears all over the floor in the back of the trailer. After some time, it's confirmed it's not the walls or roof and for some reason, the freshwater holding tank feed line decides to take a leak. I drain it, mop up, fixed for now and dread the 30 screws or so I'll have to remove from my bunk to find the leak at a later time. We're on city water so no problemo, right?

WRONG! The next day a water line breaks in the park...this is Christmas Eve btw.

Park Maintenance guy comes by to tell us water will be shut off indefinitely. He finds the leak, digs it out and begins repairs. Meanwhile, another resident in the park next door says "hey, no water" and calls Corp. Corp sends out contracted water guy who finds shut off valve and opens it. Park Maintenance guy gets total soak down and tears off to find the other water guy. They work together and fix the leak. In the mean time I am using Jet Dry treated water to flush the toilet.

Ain't life grand?:laughing7:

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