

Jr. Member
May 28, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

So im sure this has been asked before but i tried searching and about a million threads popped up. I apologise if im beating a dead horse.
I am on the fence about dousing.
I have read about it and even tried to do it with a gold bar. When I passed over the gold bar my rods would react and I got excited and blown away.
I then had my wife hide the gold without me knowing where it was and I could not locate it in a room.
I then began to believe that dousing is really in my head. Even though I wasnt meaning to I was causing the rods to react with minute movements subconsciously.
I know that there is no scientific evidence to support dousing but the isnt any to debunk it either.
I want to believe in it but my logical side says its superstition.
The only time I saw dousing in person was from a nutty old woman that never finds anything which does not help the case for dousing in my eyes.
Is there a way to see it for myself and form an educated opinion?

I totally dont understand map dousing.
I have heard you can map douse on google maps and I invite anyone to make me a believer.
I can provide coordinates/address and am honestly hoping someone will blow my mind but I am sceptical.:goldbar:
again no offense intended!

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I humbly request to have a location doused.
I appreciate your time and only wish to try an form an educated opinion.



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GreenDredge , i think every one has doubts about something unfamiliar , where i had never heard of dowsing maps / pictures and am not sure it is always 100% accurate , i can say i do believe in the art of dowsing .
i have seen multiple people in my life dowse for water and find it. now some people will say if you dig deep enough you will hit water any way so that does not prove anything .
just recently ( in the last 5 years ) i witnessed a man walk across our back lot at work and tell us there was a metal pipe in a spot , and he located it in several different locations, now this man had no idea what was there i can promise you , but there was a cast iron sewer line that was ran for future expansion 29 years ago and the ground has never been touched since untill recently when we discovered it on old blue prints and tied into it as a drain for another line.
so as i said dowsing does work, maybe not 100% every time but i have seen it work in some form work.

I do know it works ,not as well for everybody, i think it has something to do with the magnetic field, we have played with hiding the coin etc. and i have really strong hits on it but one son has no reaction hardly,go figure ! What i cant tell is what it will hit on ,water through a pipe or electricity really move them for me but i can also find tree roots. for those that want to try take some heavy copper wire [like in a house] strip them and play around,its cheap and amusing !

Yes ...Dowsing can be used for many things...They are the oldest method of finding water..they are used to find utility lines or pipes...they are used to sex chicken eggs..Most of the people on this board use Dowsing to locate treasure...I find that it is enjoyable and fun....Art

I then had my wife hide the gold without me knowing where it was and I could not locate it in a room.
I then began to believe that dousing is really in my head. Even though I wasnt meaning to I was causing the rods to react with minute movements subconsciously.

In one simple test, you figured out the entire hoax, and why. There is no more to it than that. If you know where it's at, you can dowse it. Otherwise, it's just random guessing.

I know that there is no scientific evidence to support dousing but the isnt any to debunk it either.

Actually, there is.

One would be further ahead, financially, by putting a tooth under yur pillow and praying for a visit from the Tooth Fairy than finding treasure by dowsing....finding water, on the other hand, is another topic.


  1. I know that there is no scientific evidence to support dousing but the isnt any to debunk it either.
Actually, there is.

Most of the Test that have been done are already on this board and have been discussed...If we threw out all the infomercials made by Randi there is zero...Art

FYI to any it may concern......This is the dousing forum, if a member does not believe in dousing that is their right, BUT no attacks on dousing on the dousing forum allowed.....

FYI to any it may concern......This is the dousing forum, if a member does not believe in dousing that is their right, BUT no attacks on dousing on the dousing forum allowed.....

A forum, uniquely is a discussion foundation for public expression, various types of debate, and where pro's and con's can be addressed.

There are those that may or may not beleive beyond the historic water and pipe dousing...which is permitted.

Being the best thing since sliced butter, is of course, debatable.

Whether there is impirical research data debunking certain theories, that needs to be brought to the table too.

However, we all agree that to make a personal attack on an individual or a group, is not permitted. Bringing junkyard pit-bull tactics into the mix, as often seen in the past, is self-defeating.

The Dowsing Forum is open to anybody wishing to make a comment, and it is not, however, a Forum for a select group who only support a given thinking process.

Being told to get off the board when you disagree with some or all of the topic is playground mentality...

Therefore, the Forum should be open to all...

There are those that may or may not beleive beyond the historic water and pipe dousing...which is permitted.
I am here to discuss things that pertain to Treasure Hunting...taking tests is not what treasure hunters do....Art

Does anyone know for sure how many times Mel Fisher used dowsers on the Atocha wreck site to find piles of gold? I've seen comments on TreasureNet suggesting that Mel used dowsers.

I am new to TN. I started 2 threads under cache hunting. My story contains a lot of dowsing and I might have been better off putting my story on this board. I have my own brass rods that I have used on occasion to find pipes and wires. I do not consider myself to be much of a dowser and that belief alone will cause me to not be a good dowser.
In 1987 I became invovled in a story about a German U-boat and hidden diamonds. It was a first hand account that I was able to verify the validity of the story. I beleive I know of 2 of the locations of the diamonds. In the process of my quest for the diamonds I came in contact with an 87 year old dowser from North Carolina. He told me at the time of his many adventures and we entered into a partnership. He would lead me to the treasures and I would try to find a way to dig them up.
That was 25 years ago. He died in 1992. I won't go into the details of my story in this post. I will tell you this much. Around 1984 he stood on the bow of one of Mel Fisher's boats swinging his brass and gold pendulum and led them to a point DIRECTLY over the big pile of gold from the Atocha. He told me this time and again years ago and just this week I got confirmation from someone connected with the Fisher group that this did occur EXACTLY as the old man told me.
I am in the process of going after some of the treasures spots that he showed me way back then. I had him tested without knowing of the testing and he was able to do amazing things. I KNOW dowsing can work. I am looking to put together a group of dedicated, honest, non-greedy dowsers to help me dig up the many known and unknown treasures out there.
If you want to you can reply to me via this thread or by PM. Check out my posts under Pirate Chests. Check out my 57 chevy on the car board. I am as honest and for real as they come.


I have been trying to figure out how dowsing works for over 25 years. I had no experience with it at all until I met an 87 year old man that had been dowsing for at least 35 years. He had learned how to do it from another old man. I went from never having seen it done to having the 87 year old, I will refer to his first name, Oavid, sitting in the passenger seat of my wife's "Smokey and the Bandit" trans-am as we drove down the highway as he led me to locations where he said there was buried gold. The day we met he showed me how he map dowsed the gold before attempting to locate it. He had been successful in the past. I had an open enough mind to give him the benefit of the doubt. In the course of our relationship I had the opportunity to have him tested without the knowledge of being tested. Part of the intricate tests involved map dowsing. He passed the tests in such a way to absolutely convince me that map or picture dowsing can be done. Of course with anything in life, nothing is 100% and you have to be able to interpret the results. In the course of my 5 year relationship with this dowser, and then joining a local dowsing club, I have come up with what I believe may be over a hundred possible treasure sites. I put the pictures of my first and second attempt at digging up what we were hoping would be a pirate chest in SW Florida. I did not know what I was doing and probably had silver and gold right in front of me. After having more experience I am now going to go about things in a different manner. I have now decided to put some of my other passions aside and try to focus on finding the treasures. I initially posted about pirate chests, pots of gold and a submarine on the Cache forum. As there seems to be many non-believers in dowsing on TN maybe I should devote my time to the dowsing forum. I have barely touched on the extent of the treasures that I may know the very close location of. I have been impressed with the results of the dowsers on this thread. Because of my knowledge of what happened on our digs the dowsing results on this thread make perfect sense to me. I am considering starting a thread with a new picture or two. Thanks to everyone who reads this, for my being able to share my dowsing experience. I have absolutely no doubt that dowsing can work and that there are some people out there with extraordinary powers waiting to be tapped into. Just so you will understand my desire to go after the treasures you have to know some of what this dowser had done. In the early 80's he stood on the bow of one of Mel Fisher's boats and led them to a spot that was directly above a big pile of gold from the Atocha.

So, did Mel Fisher use a dowser or not? I believe he did, why not?

I had nothing to do with finding the gold, it was the dowser from North Carolina that put them on the gold.

Does anyone know for sure how many times Mel Fisher used dowsers on the Atocha wreck site to find piles of gold? I've seen comments on TreasureNet suggesting that Mel used dowsers.


So, did Mel Fisher use a dowser or not? I believe he did, why not?

Hey Red Desert good seeing you. I do not know if Mel did or not. I know one of the investors that dove with him before he lost his son I will ask him though. We have always dowsed water and electrical lines before we dig. Just the way it is. I have never tried treasure. Maybe I should have before I spent all that money on detectors 8-)

Hey Red Desert good seeing you. I do not know if Mel did or not. I know one of the investors that dove with him before he lost his son I will ask him though. We have always dowsed water and electrical lines before we dig. Just the way it is. I have never tried treasure. Maybe I should have before I spent all that money on detectors
I don’t know what kinds of tools Mel Fisher used...but I am certain that he used any and all tools needed to find and recover his treasures..I know I have used more different tools that most people in my searching and recovering of treasure...I have never put a price tab on “FUN”...Art

Thanks Tnmountains, Art, franklin, for the input. I've been told by some in the shipwreck board, that I ought to go down there and they accept all methods of treasure hunting including dowsing. Yes ranklin, some of those shipwrecks give off a really good signal, would be hard to miss.

Hey Red...I have a friend who uses Dowsing rods to locate rare minerals from an airplane..He claims that he can enjoy both hobbies at the same time....Art

I hope that would be using only 1 rod, I'm not a pilot but you need to watch where you're flying.

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