Dowsing exixts for 8.000 years


Sr. Member
Apr 20, 2006
I'm sorry if I come off as close minded, I'm not, but from what I've been taught the eye can't evolve, if you have a whole race of hemophiliacs, populating the earth doesn't seem real likely. And I do not sit and copy and paste off of Christian websites, you make blind assumptions about me. I have found quotes by searching certain people for like Charles Darwin. Who admitted that there would have to be millions of "missing links," transitional life forms that would have to be discovered in the fossil record to prove the accuracy of his theory that all species had gradually evolved by chance mutation into new species. But despite hundreds of millions spent on searching for fossils worldwide for more than a century, the scientists have failed to locate a single missing link out of the millions that must exist if their theory of evolution is to be vindicated. Unless you have something I've never seen?

In the theory of evolution, it is a good theory, but...I don't see a fact, I don't see a fossil, to my knowledge it is just that...a theory. How land animals came about, there's no fossils to support that that is a composition of your imagination. I once believed the earth is so old, I was deceived by what they teach in schools. I was taught that perhaps each day it speaks about in the bible could actually be millions of years to us, but a day to god. This is untrue, each one was a day. "And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day" and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning-the first day."

And yes the church is wrong on many things, they even labeled dowsing wicked because they didn't understand. But you miss a major point, the church didn’t write the bible.
And I don't trust your geology. The Ancient American, in issues #37 and #43, had an article about the hammer, which was embedded in "cretaceous" rock.

The Bell and the Hammer: Two “Impossible” Finds by Dennis Ballard appeared in issue #37. This embedded hammer was found by Max Hahn near London, Texas, in June, 1934. According to Ballard, “the hammer is man-made, and it had to be in existence before it could be encased by this cretaceous stone, which is supposedly millions of years old, but clearly, cannot be, because man has been around for only a relatively shorter period time.”

Paul Jones from Dallas, Texas responded to the hammer article in a letter to the editor in #38 of the Ancient American. Jones states, “I would point out that the use of concrete at least as far back as Roman times has been proven by the presence of concrete dock remains in ancient Mediterranean ports. The embedded Texas hammer might not be the first case where a thoughtless workman left his tools laying in a wet concrete mixture only to have it harden around them. One way to settle the issue would be to take a piece of the wooden handle remains from the hammer (evident in the photograph) and perform a C-14 measurement. Also, by analyzing a cross-section of the attached stone material, a search for the presence of solidified air bubbles might reveal that the stone is indeed artificial.”

Robert Helfinstine also wrote about the embedded hammer in his article, “Texas Artifact: Facts and Philosophy” which was published in the Ancient American, #43. Helfinstine states, “It was found along the Llano River near the mouth of Red Creek. Only a portion of the wooden handle was exposed when it was found, the hammer head being totally encased in the rock. The original identification of the rock type was Ordivician. Later analysis of the area by geologist Jon Watson of Austin, Texas, showed it to be basal Cretaceous concretionary sandstone, the same material that makes up the bank and ledges along the Llano River where the hammer was found. The rock encasing the hammer was not broken open until about 1946-47 by George Hahn, Max’s son. The hammer head is nearly 6 inches long with the working ends of different designs. Identification of the hammer characteristics based on scientific evaluation is not difficult. Answering the question of how the hammer got embedded in concretionary sandstone depends on the philosophical basis for world history one accepts.”

The stone that the hammer encased in is not basal Cretaceous concretionary sandstone. Orthodox dating of this formation places it near 135 million years ago.

Geology may say that the earth is older than I believe but it…apparently also says humans were making hammers 135 million years ago.

My scanner doesn’t work right now, I do have a picture of the hammer but I can’t post it, basically it’s a hammer with a short broken off handle, with organic rock surrounding it.

But I am wondering about the “missing link” or any evidence of one. As I said before, evolution is a theory and to many a religion. You speak about how fish crawled upon the earth to feed, there is no evidence to support that…it is a composition of your imagination. I see now that yes, evolution is possible, that doesn’t prove that it is going on or has happened. When I was younger I thought that there was no evidence to support a religion, I thought that my family and I believed in God just because that is what we were taught at a young age. That is a good argument that I even made against my self. But there is a lot of evidence to support my religion. Debating religion is an area I’ve always avoided, but now I’ve realized that if it is to be true there has to be evidence, and there is. But I ask you, can you prove the bible wrong? Can you prove evolution?

As I said in the first place, I am not saying anything related to the earth’s age for sure. If there is good evidence to prove that the eye could evolve than much of what I’ve been taught is a lie. I will look into books that I’ve lately been reading about, I thank you for your aid.

But I may make a suggestion that when discussing such controversial items that you don’t insult those that don’t believe in your views. I didn’t ignore your statements…I never saw you make them and I will look back to find them so you don’t have to rewrite them. It isn’t wise, nor is it honorable, to make blind assumptions about people, or to exercise childish name calling and stereotyping. It was either 60 or 40% of scientist acknowledge creation. They are not all religious zealots, saying that is stereotyping.


Sr. Member
Apr 20, 2006
And in response to the junk about going under water and holding breath, I meant over generations, my children, and their children, and "my decendents".


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Jul 28, 2005
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Sandsted said:
And yes the church is wrong on many things, they even labeled dowsing wicked because they didn't understand.

Wait, wait! I have to pick myself up off the floor... :D :D :D :D
Okay, so you pick and choose what you believe in the Church's teachings? If you disagree, it's incorrect, and if you agree, then it's correct?

I believe they have a word...what is it...what it is....oh yeah, hypocrite!


Sr. Member
Apr 20, 2006
Af, I believe in what is correct. The church labeled dowsing wicked because they didn't understand it. People didn't know how the rods moved by themselves so they said it must be witch craft, is it labeled wicked today? Orval Friedrich is a retired Geologist and Luthern Minister and because of what the church has done in the past he refuses to call dowsing "dowsing". Dowsing he says, is "electromagnetic sensing".


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Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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So, did the church admit it was incorrect in it's labeling of dowsing and issue a correction?



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Jul 12, 2006
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OK, use any that suits you, dowsing, electromagnetic sensing, biolocation, or what else, but how long can you trace this back ?


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Mar 19, 2003
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Sansted, once again most of what you posted is just wrong. Even "Answers in Genesis", a decidedly fundamentalist Young Earth Creationist organization, discredits the hammer nonsense. It was found in a modern concretion. WWII shells have also been found in concretions. Look it up.

The eye can evolve. The are animals on Earth right now, that have "eyes" in all the various stages of evolutionary development, from a simple photoreceptor to the squid's eye. Look it up.

There are fish, today, that can crawl up on land. Look it up.

There are gobs and gobs of fossils that show the evolutionary progressions of animals, including humans. Look it up.

Evolution has been proven, and is clearly supported by virtually every science there is. You need to read more than the Young Earth Creationist propanganda*... besides Dawkins, I also very strongly recommend Carl Sagan, especially "The Demon-Haunted world". You might also try a good science mag or two... "Discover" and "Scientific American" are excellent.

- Carl

* These folks are notorious for "making things up".


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Jul 28, 2005
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The guy that cracks me up the most is the science guy they have on one of those religions channels, I believe it's the same one with the woman with the purple hair, PTCB maybe? You can only seem to catch him in the middle of the night or just after lunch, if I remember correctly.
He had an episode where he provided "proof" that fossilization only takes 80 years and dinosaur fossils aren't much older than that. He showed a picture of a water wheel in Australia, that looked like it was cut from an old newspaper, that had become completely calcified. Please note he did not refer to this as calcification, he called it fossilization.
On another episode, he held up a picture of a brontosaurus and said something along the lines of "Some people say this is a dinosaur, and they lived millions of years ago. Aren't people silly? They say this mythical animal was several hundred feet long and weighed hundreds of tons. Now, I've never seen an animal as big as this alive today." He went on to say the biggest animal on Earth is an elephant (it's the blue whale.)
Try to catch his show sometime for a giggle. He'll be wearing a lab coat with a stethescope and calls himself Dr. John, or some such nonesense.


Sr. Member
Apr 20, 2006
hmmm...I know the stone is not in this cretaceous concretionary sandstone, as I said it is an organic stone that was formed much later than 135 million years ago. I could tell you the date it was made and when this organic stone formed around it, but it is coming from wouldn't consider it.

But I guess I can rely on nothing that I have been taught or have found. I must get these books you speak of.

But when you speak of, "There are gobs and gobs of fossils that show the evolutionary progressions of animals, including humans. Look it up."

I have looked it up and found nothing.

There is the Nebraska man, the piltdown, the java, the heidelberg, and more and non of these are used by evolutionists anymore.

But I am going to study, I've copied the books you listed to look up, perhaps in the future I will return to discuss my findings.



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Jan 2, 2006
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Here is my final reply to Sandsted,

I'm sorry if I come off as close minded, I'm not,

Nobody could tell from reading your posts!

The church labeled dowsing wicked because they didn't understand it.

Hey brainiac, that's not just the old european church. That's your modern creation (young earth believeing) church. Dowsing, ouija, tarot cards, prediction making, esp, etc. are all workings of the Devil!

And in response to the junk about going under water and holding breath, I meant over generations, my children, and their children, and "my decendents".

"JUNK?" OK, Mr. Open Minded. How do you think Black People got to be that way? Think it was by God spray painting them? That's why the palms of their hands, and the soles of their feet are lighter (because he had them aginst a wall, with their hands and feet spread)? ;D ;D ;D NO! Blacks are from Africa. It is HOT and VERY SUNNY in Africa. The natives didn't have houses as such, and spent a lot of time in the sun. They developed dark pigments in their skin to keep from burning and getting skin cancer. Mother nature changes things out of necessity. Blacks NEEDED darker skin to survive in their environment. Their skin color is not some kind of permanent tan!

but from what I've been taught the eye can't evolve,

No, not in the world of the 700 club! But here, in what we like to call, "The Real World" Eyes constantly evolve to suit changing needs. Take, for instance, blind cave fish. At one time, they had regular eyes, and different colors. When they became permanent residents of underground caves, with no lights, they lost the need to see (because it is totally dark there). Eventually, their eyes turned a milky white and they became blind. Their mates are blind, and they have blind babies (think about your WRONG argument against my growing gills story). Since they lost their sight, their sensitivity to sound and vibration has gotten much keener. They also no longer need bright colors to attract a mate (they're all blind).

But when you speak of, "There are gobs and gobs of fossils that show the evolutionary progressions of animals, including humans. Look it up."

I have looked it up and found nothing.

Like I said, look other places than the Benny Hinn Website. I have one word for you; "Archaeopteryx" LOOK IT UP!

there's no fossils to support that that is a composition of your imagination

What are you talking about? until I told you what they were, you didn't know the difference between FOSSILS and BONES!

You speak about how fish crawled upon the earth to feed, there is no evidence to support that…it is a composition of your imagination.

OK brainiac. I used feeding as one reason why a fish would go on land. Here's another, and I would love for you to call this imagination!:

The Dipnoi are a group of sarcopterygiian fish, and are commonly known as the lungfish. Their "lung" is a modified swim bladder, which in most fish is used for buoyancy in swimming, but in the lungfish also absorbs oxygen and removes wastes. Modern lungfish in Africa and South America are able to survive when their pools dry up by burrowing into the mud and sealing themselves within a mucous-lined burrow. During this time, they breathe air through their swim bladder instead of through their gills, and reduce their metabolic rate dramatically. These fish will even drown if they are kept underwater and not allowed to breathe air!

Or how about Clarius Batrachus, better known as "Walking Catfish" Their swim bladder has EVOLVED to allow them to breather air while they leave one water source, and WALK to another, using their fins as feet.

That's all I have for you. I'll keep an eye out, and if I see you are REALLY willing to learn and try to understand TRUE FACTS, I'll do what I can to help you. I learned with my ex-wife, that you can't argue with a closed mind!



Sr. Member
Apr 20, 2006
I don't have a lot of time, so I won't talk long and I will be going on a trip in the morning so I won't be back for a few days unless I'm rained out.

"Hey brainiac, that's not just the old european church. That's your modern creation (young earth believeing) church. Dowsing, ouija, tarot cards, prediction making, esp, etc. are all workings of the Devil!"

Not true, except maybe ouija, I don't know anything about them so I can not make any conclusion on that subject. Tarot cards, dowsing, esp are not. My own Grandfather (who is a retired luthern minister) is learning how to dowse, I doubt he would do that if he believed it is related to the devil. My style of dowsing was majorly founded by Orval Friedrich (retired Luthern Minister).

""JUNK?" OK, Mr. Open Minded."

I called my scenerio junk, because it is a rather ridiculous. I wasn't referring to evolution.

"No, not in the world of the 700 club!" "...Benny Hinn Website." What are these? You again, as I pointed out before, make blind assumptions about me. That I'm...copying and pasting from that likes 700, and some hillbilly with a computer...or something.

And as to your comment about Bones and Fossils, my definition of fossils was flawed...not that I didn't understand what they are....just not to the extent you demand.

And you give an example of a lung fish, that is alive today. Where is the fish with half evolved lungs? And if a fish had slight mutations that would eventually be useful as lungs...wouldn't natural selection weed out these mutated fish that have useless, semi mutated lungs?

And in conclusion to your rather rude insults made about close minded. If you make an arguement to support your theory, I will for mine, that's what happens in a debate. I have considered and been thinking deeply about your arguements. From your posts it appears that when you believe you can dismiss an issue you comment on it,

Same thing like how the Bible also tells us that the earth is round: "It is He who sits above the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22). Secular man discovered this 2,400 years later.

Another interesting thing I read in a science article about the discovery that the sun is actually revolving. "its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the other end; and there is nothing hidden from its heat." Ofcourse for many years Bible critics scoffed at the Bible, believeing that it taught the old false doctrine that the sun revolves around the earth. Now it is known that the sun is in fact moving through space. It is not stationary as was once thought. It is estimated to be moving at approximately 600,000 miles per hour, in an orbit so large that it would take approximately 200 million years to complete just one orbit. But that's just what your scientists say, don't take that for fact.

Those are your Bible Quotes, right? Guess who it was that branded people as Heretics, and had them burned at the stake and tortured, who didn't believe those two things? YOU GOT IT! THE CHURCH!"

You ignore everything I said and then just go attacking the church. That was a quote from the bible, not from the church.

Depends on what church you are attacking also, the bible says to never call any man Father, yet catholics call their priests father all the time. Now I can't remember exactly, I'll have to check on that again, but Martin Luther posted 95 things wrong in the Catholic Church, I can't remember what that is called. Anyway, the church is wrong, many times, these are men, sinners, "Guess who it was that branded people as Heretics, and had them burned at the stake and tortured, who didn't believe those two things?" These aren't Christians, they are hipocrites. If they say they are Christians, but burn people at a stake they are non-Christians, and therefore...on your side.

But I thought I would check on your tonight before I leave, until I return I wish you well.


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Jan 2, 2006
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And you give an example of a lung fish, that is alive today. Where is the fish with half evolved lungs? And if a fish had slight mutations that would eventually be useful as lungs...wouldn't natural selection weed out these mutated fish that have useless, semi mutated lungs?

Could it be more obvious that you don't completely read anything? Read the paragraph directly below the Lungfish, The one about Clarius Batrachus (Walking catfish).

If I sounded cross, it is only because I am. When I take the time to research a subject, and explain in minute detail about how something works, or where we get certain knowledge from, and you either ignore it (archaeopteryx= Link between bird and reptile), or worse, just dismiss them (see below). I spent a great deal of time both researching, and explaining in easy to understand terminology both time periods in history, and how we know for certain when they were.

Show me documents that go back to 5,400 B.C. or whatever you put, I didn't realize you posted anything like that.

And as to your comment about Bones and Fossils, my definition of fossils was flawed...not that I didn't understand what they are....just not to the extent you demand.

That statement makes absolutely ZERO sense. "To the extent I demand?" There is only ONE explanation for what a fossil is! You didn't know it! You thought bones and fossils were one in the same!

Yes, I make remarks about you having a closed mind, because it seems true from your posts here.




Sr. Member
Apr 20, 2006
I gave you the definition of fossil in my post...directly out of the dictionary. Your definition is much more specific.


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Jan 2, 2006
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Sandsted said:
I gave you the definition of fossil in my post...directly out of the dictionary. Your definition is much more specific.

Here is the definition from

"A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust."

I don't think you fully understand the meaning of this definition. When it says "Remnant or trace," it is not saying a piece of the actual animal. It is saying an imprint of parts of that animal left in the surrounding mud/sand, that hardens into rock (read the blue text). My definition wasn't more specific, it just fully explained the definition from the dictionary. I did it because your post showed that you believed bones and fossils to be the same thing. Regarding the difference between the meanings of bones and fossils, there is not a more specific or less specific definition! There is either right or wrong definitions. Yours was wrong. that's why I took the time to carefully explain the difference.



Bronze Member
Jul 16, 2006
Many people who believe in dowsing have one argument- Prove that it doesn't work. The same is true then for bigfoot, prove that he doesn't exsist. Or for Nessie- prove it doesn't exsist. Problem is that it doesn't matter to the believer- Bigfoot for example: we as humans have scoured nearly every inch of land- but yet some believe that there is a Bigfoot (keep in mind that there can't be just one for all these years, there would have to be a breeding population of them no less) In spite of the fact that we will never find one because they don't exist there will still be people looking for him(them) a hundred years from now. Same with dowsing- tests have been given over and over and over, proving over and over and over that it doesn't work, but for the believer that doesn't matter- the tests aren't fair, blah blah blah- hundred years from now people will still claim they can do it. Us non-blievers have to realize that we will NEVER be able to prove to a believer that it doesn't work. Believers and non-believers should realize that they/we are just wasting our time trying to convince each other- let's stop and get out there treasure hunting instead! You take your clothes hangers or other gizmos and I'll take my MXT and we'll both have fun! (I'll just find more ;) ;D)


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Apr 1, 2004
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Hey SWR..........I see you have nothing posted in Today's Finds. In fact I see as many finds for dowsers as I see for every body else.


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Jan 2, 2006
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Cannonman17 said:
The same is true then for bigfoot, prove that he doesn't exsist. Or for Nessie- prove it doesn't exsist. Problem is that it doesn't matter to the believer- Bigfoot for example: we as humans have scoured nearly every inch of land-

Hey Cannonman,

That parts not exactly true. We haven't scoured 1/1000th of the remote areas of the Pacific NorthWest. There are also swamps in N. Florida, Eastern Louisiana, In the Ozarks in East Arkansas, and several other places in the US, that humans rarely go into because of their remoteness.

I don't know for sure one way or another about Bigfoot, Boggy Creek, Skunk Apes, Yeti, or whatever. If the sightings were just by drunk hunters, or people seeking publicity, I might tend to agree with you. Many of the sightings have been by police and Park Rangers.





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Jul 12, 2006
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Del, there is no argument, if dowsing works or not. It works OK for me and I see that it works for hundreds of other people too.
If some people think it doesn't, what can we do? There is no way to change someone's mind. That's life. the same happens to politics, religion, e.t.c.... I know a lot of people that are happy with their MSs. Actually everybody is happy with the gear he/she used.
Lets all have happy huntings, enjoy our hobby and get the most out of it !!!


Bronze Member
Jul 16, 2006
we haven't scoured 1/1000th of the remote areas eh? so you really believe that there is a possibility that the yeti, bigfoot, or what ever could be out there? A breeding population of a large primate that we haven't run into yet huh? C'mon- you don't leave milk and cookies out at christmas do you? Gollum- I know for a fact that you're smarter than that but it looks like you may be one of those people I mentioned still looking for him a hundred, two hundred, ?hundred years from now. Your arguments prove what I said about believers... it just doesn't matter how much proof, or this case, lack of proof, that there is- if you believe that's all there is to it. ::)


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Jan 2, 2006
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No, we really haven't scoured hardly any of that area. I went there in the eighties for an Artep with the 2nd Ranger Bn (when I was in the 3rd Ranger Bn). 2nd Bat is at Ft Lewis Washington. We went out in those woods. IT IS DESOLATE!

I don't believe for certain that those creatures exist, but the veracity of many of the people who saw them says a lot! If I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to poopoo the existence of some of these cryptids. Remember! It was less than 5 years ago, well respected biologists, and icthyologists stated categorically that there was NO SUCH THING as a giant squid! Now, they are eating their words! When you state categorically that YOU KNOW something can't exist, that just hasn't been proven or disproven for certain, you leave yourself open to great embarrassment!

so you really believe that there is a possibility that the yeti, bigfoot, or what ever could be out there? A breeding population of a large primate that we haven't run into yet huh?

Possible? Yes. Probable? Maybe. Positive? Nope! Remember, everybody thought that African Natives were lying when they talked about Big Hairy Manlike Creatures in the Jungles. They stated categorically that tales told by early travellers about tribes of large hairy women (Hanno The Navigator from Carthage), were made up. That is, until Robert von Beringue shot one in 1902 (see below). The stories about the existence of gorillas goes back to about 640 AD. That's 1262 years before it's existence was proven! I'm not saying it's certain, but just to keep an open mind!




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