Dowsing exixts for 8.000 years

I'll keep an open mind to lots of creatures that have yet to be discovered in the oceans- if you would have asked me about there being a giant squid five years ago I would have said that I thought it was probable, if fact likely- they had pieces of them wash up on shore long before...I'm sure there's more interesting things in the deep too.. but as for big foot- No, I will not keep an open mind... it doesn't exsist. I will never be proven wrong on it either. I will send you a crisp hundred dollar bill if I'm proven wrong. We don't live in ancient Carthage my friend.. large mamals and breeding populations of them need space and they roam, we would have most certainly run into one by now. I don't care how desolate some areas are (I believe you about that) they still have people go through them once in a while.. or fly over, live around the outskirts, canoe through, etc. etc. etc. we would have one in the Smithsonian by now if they exsisted. I'm sure there's more species on this planet we don't know about, lots of them, I won't ever argue that, just not any big foots- :)

we would have most certainly run into one by now.

We have! There have been thousands of sightings. Many by police and park rangers. Yes, most of the sightings are probably either mistaken identity, imagination, or wanting publicity. But there are many sightings from credible sources. Just keep that in mind!

OK! We know where you stand on Bigfoot!

How about UFO's? Do you think it's possible that alien beings are visiting earth? As for me, I'm a little more certain about this one!
Possible? Yes. Probable? Yes. Positive? Maybe.

Forget about all the pictures and sughtings for a minute. Think of two names; "J. Allen Hynek" and "Stanton Friedman"

J. Allen Hynek was at one time Associate Director of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. He was invited by the Air Force to assist in Project Grudge, which sought to disprove reports of flying saucers. He was subsequently asked to help with Project Bluebook for the same purpose. He started out as a complete skeptic. After studying all the evidence, he founded the Center for UFO Studies in Chicago four years after BlueBook was shut down. His whole philosophy about proving UFOs is this: Bluebook disproved about 85% of all reported UFO sightings. They ignored the other 15%. If you have 15000 sightings reported, and can disprove all but one, what is that one? The government had some of the best minds in the world looking at the subject, and could only disprove 85%!

Stanton T. Friedman is a Nuclear Physicist who has worked for 14 years for such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, classified, eventually cancelled, projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear powerplants for space. He started as a skeptic as well, but after much research (mostly about the Roswell incident), became a firm believer.

My point? Those are two HEAVY HITTERS! Since they are both scientists, they rely completely on empirical evidence to prove or disprove everything. After studying reams of sighting reports and photographs, they came to be absolute believers!



Cannonman, I wonder if aliens know about dowsing....
Maybe they are treasure hunters with a better programme than google earth...
I don't know, but I have the feeling that these guys from outer space, are looking at us...

Digman said:
Cannonman, I wonder if aliens know about dowsing....
Maybe they are treasure hunters with a better programme than google earth...
I don't know, but I have the feeling that these guys from outer space, are looking at us...

They are! They're reading your post before you write it (they are in your head)! And they're coming to get you right now! RUN! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


With today's technology, we imagine alien spaceships to be very sophisticated, packed with technology etc, as we see them on the movies. But, lets say, 200 years ago,people would imagine a wooden - metal boat, perhaps with an alien having a stick in his hand, dowsing their trip to earth. (well, thats what I was expecting Cannonman to say !!!).

Since we can not find when dowsing first started, it might well be send to earth from space............

The more I think of it, the more I belive this is true, dowsing was send to us from space.
Thats why it can not be proven.... It is applied by cosmic laws and not by earth known knowledge....
Yes, it sounds good this way....

How many years back can you trace Dowsing, af1733 ?

Seriously, Digman. Aliens? This is why dowsers get the reputation they have.......
Tin foil hats, anyone? ::)

I am only joking...
you see, dowsers have also a taste of humor.

NW of Willow Creek California...Wall to wall people An airplane would see everything that is in the woods....Art


  • willow ck.JPG
    willow ck.JPG
    25.3 KB · Views: 322
I think I missed something Art. What does your post mean?



The Big Foot Musium is in Willow Creek....You could walk from there into Oregon and see no one for weeks. You also will see nothing from an airplane..Art

I thought that's what you were talking about! But, you posted it on the wrong thread! ;D ;D ;D Cannonman started a new thread specifically about fantastic creatures that he doesn't believe in.

Repost it there!



Big Foot, if exists, I am sure knows how to hide. All wilds hide.
Also from a plane, we see nice views, hillsides etc, but we can't see details. Its due to the distance and the speed.

Carl-NC said:
Sandsted, much of what you say is wrong, but since I don't think you'd be inclined to listen to any alternative viewpoints, I'll just leave it as that.

Bishop Ussher's creation date of Oct. 23, 4004 BC is clearly absurd. Were it correct, practically every science known to man would be wrong. Astronomy, anthropology, biology, geology, genetics, oceanography, paleontology, physics... all have very clear evidence of evolution, and of an Earth that is very, very old.

May I suggest an excellent book? "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins. He provides a detailed account of how the eye evolved, and how all of those stages of eye-evolution are still found in other animals today. Did you know that structure of the human eye is far inferior to that of a squid? The squid eye is efficiently structured like a camera; the human retina is backwards, and prone to all kinds of problems.

It's quite an interesting book.

- Carl

You missed part of that date Carl. Usher stated that it occured at 9AM because he stated "No gentleman would do anything of substance before 9AM and God was preeminently a gentleman" exanimo, ss

Siegfried Schlagrule said:
You missed part of that date Carl. Usher stated that it occured at 9AM because he stated "No gentleman would do anything of substance before 9AM and God was preeminently a gentleman" exanimo, ss

If that's the case, then before he created the universe, he created a cup of coffee. I know I would have, 'cause before I do anything, I have a cup o' joe.

- Carl

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