Field Hunt, Hematite Disc?


Gold Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Well I went back to the field today cause the farmer said he might start planting soon. This is a no till field by the way. Everything is on top mostly. I did find a crazy thing I think it is Hematite and it looks like a disc, scrapers, cores and a Spokeshave. Not a bad day if you count all the brokes with them. Thanks, rock:icon_thumright:


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good day out :icon_thumright: your hematite looks like its in its natural state to me.

good day out :icon_thumright: your hematite looks like its in its natural state to me.

Might be I have never found any before. What would it of been used for?

What did they use the Spokeshaves for anyway? I havent found that many.

eh spokeshaves were used for scraping arrow or spear shafts and i imagine they were used for others utilitarian purposes as well.

Might be I have never found any before. What would it of been used for?

they fashioned several things from hemetite but the most popular thing they turned it into is celts, they also made cones out of them noone knows what they were used for, plummets/fishing net weights etc google hemetite artifacts you'll probaly get a better idea....your pc is just in raw state though from what I can tell.

hemetite will leave a red mark on cemment.
weather hemetite is called Red Ochre
it is a form of iron ore(iron oxide)

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natchitoches said:
hemetite will leave a red mark on cemment.
weather hemetite is called Red Ochre
it is a form of iron ore(iron oxide)

Im sure I have mentioned 1,000 times that my family owns a farm that once served as a copper mine. As a kid I remember finding iron pyrite all over the farm. The land is mineral rich. Copper, gold and iron are the three that I have seen the most of. I remember an older African American fellow used to go down to a red clay bank to gather shoe boxes full of this red clay. I asked him once what he did with this red clay, for it struck me as strange that anyone would need red clay, and especially boxes full of it. He told me that he mailed the clay to his family in Baltimore once a year, so that they could eat it. I thought he was pulling my leg. The next weekend, while out picking up potatoes, this fellow brought me a red paste type of stuff, and told me to eat it. He had the most sincere smile on his face, I can still picture it. I couldn't let him down, so I took a small bite of it. It was gritty, but not bad all in all. He went on to tell me that the clay after boiled down, left this paste, which carried great medicinal value. The main value was prevention of iron deficiencies. He also said it would clean the " scurvy" from your digestive track. I suppose scurvy is what we call thrush today. ( that white buildup that is on the tongue during times of sickness) these guys that ate that clay were muscular and they all lived well into their 90's ( the ones I knew did anyway) . What I'm getting to is, from that same bank, my granddad would often find pointed red rocks that he could mark boards with. He was a general contractor and always building something, and like me, he always forgot something. One day he forgot his pencil and chalk line, and to drive into town to get this stuff would have taken too long. He went and gathered apparently a hemetite rock to write with. I never had known what type of rock that was until now. Thanks guys, for accidentally letting me know, because I have often wandered what type of rock that was, and how he knew it would wright so well. I also wander if native Americans ate that clay? Could they have known the essential vitamins? That exact bank is one of my best and my favorite hunting spot. Sorry for the "term paper" length of my reply.

Me again. I can't recall exactly what the marking rock looked like, I only recall it being red. Can hemetite be a darker red or Burgundy? I'm going to find a piece of it. Y'all got my wheels turning.

natchitoches said:
yes hemetite cames in a few colors
black,red,and yellow but its very rare

Yes Natch, you can say rare again. I just gave up on finding a piece of it. I don't know how my grandad knew where it was, to just go snatch up a piece. I have been out for hours, and have nothing. I suppose I don't know the land as well as he did.

i found them here on my land a lot .
usely where the sand mets the clay line(top level of the clay)

Me again. I can't recall exactly what the marking rock looked like, I only recall it being red. Can hemetite be a darker red or Burgundy? I'm going to find a piece of it. Y'all got my wheels turning.

I think this might be a piece of it but a different color for you Rusty. I found this out there also. Cleaned it up but it was just a rock.


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they fashioned several things from hemetite but the most popular thing they turned it into is celts, they also made cones out of them noone knows what they were used for, plummets/fishing net weights etc google hemetite artifacts you'll probaly get a better idea....your pc is just in raw state though from what I can tell.

Could it of been used like a hammer stone? Or is it too soft.


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Thanks Rock. That seems pretty close, but I'm not 100%. Like Natch said, it's really hard. I do recall it being hard. I know I have some pieces made of it, but where they are....?

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