๐Ÿ† HONORABLE MENTION Found a purse with a wad of money


Bronze Member
Dec 24, 2007
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Whites MXT,
DetectorPro HH Underwater
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I'd like to say it was found while detecting, but I've been too busy to get out in quite a while. Driving to one of my stops, I spotted what looked like a camera case in the middle of the road. I swung around thinking it could be something important to someone. I bet it is. Every credit card, store cards, license, SS#, Birth Cert., a wad of money ($329 + at least a couple dollars in clad) and a few other things. Everything someone would need to steal her identity, and then some. Luckily, she also had a business card that matched her lic. I immediately called the number and left a message at her office. When I got home, I sent an email too. Waiting for a reply, I'm sure she's going nuts wondering where it went. Probably cancelling all her cards. I'll get it back to her ASAP. Her address is only 50-60 minutes away, but her office is only 15 away.


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Wow! Lucky you found it before someone snatched it up

I'd like to say it was found while detecting, but I've been too busy to get out in quite a while. Driving to one of my stops, I spotted what looked like a camera case in the middle of the road. I swung around thinking it could be something important to someone. I bet it is. Every credit card, store cards, license, SS#, Birth Cert., a wad of money ($329 + at least a couple dollars in clad) and a few other things. Everything someone would need to steal her identity, and then some. Luckily, she also had a business card that matched her lic. I immediately called the number and left a message at her office. When I got home, I sent an email too. Waiting for a reply, I'm sure she's going nuts wondering where it went. Probably cancelling all her cards. I'll get it back to her ASAP. Her address is only 50-60 minutes away, but her office is only 15 away.

She's very fortunate you found it and not some undesirable.A couple weeks ago I stopped at a light in the city across the river,I spotted a thick wallet so I jumped out and grabbed it,looking to see who lost it as I drive on a guy pulls up along side me and holds out a badge hanging around his neck..I'm detective so and so and I saw you get that wallet and I have been trying to catch up with you,I asked him if he would see to it that the girl would get it back"not a problem,I'm glad you found it and not one of the street people."A lot of plastic and a wad of cash.

A big honorable mention for the honesty and phonecall!

I applaud you for your honesty and integrity! I am sure she will be elated to get her' purse, money, driver's license and credit cards back! Now go buy a Mega Millions and a Powerball ticket and maybe karma will repay you for your good deed.


Back in the 80's I located two "losers" and returned their items, zero thanks whatsoever, the first guy said he thought he'd lost it, grabbed it out of my hand and booked - didn't even thank me.

A couple weeks ago now I returned a 64 year old engraved bracelet tab. The son of the loser contacted me back and thanked me for it, said he'd give it to his Dad, over a week ago. No feedback.

You know, sometimes we gotta get a little bit of thanks for what we do here - the right thing.

get a photo of the items being returned so y'all can get a well deserved Honorable

feels good to return lost items, maybe a hug or a "TY" reward for your honesty :icon_thumleft::icon_thumright:

Awesome. Good for you to do the right thing.

Hope it works out for you.. If not you will have a few bucks in your pocket.. win win

She is very lucky you found it! :occasion14:

I hope she is alright. If you do not hear from her before to long you may wish to contact the police for safety sake.......

Thanks all. No call yet. With the long holiday weekend, I'm wondering if she went away. I don't have her cell or home #, so i'll wait to see. I can always go to her home and knock on the door. My son tried to find her on fbook, but said there were 50 people with that name. Will keep you posted.

Good eye on the purse, hope you are able to return it to thee owner soon.

Back in the 80's I located two "losers" and returned their items, zero thanks whatsoever, the first guy said he thought he'd lost it, grabbed it out of my hand and booked - didn't even thank me.

A couple weeks ago now I returned a 64 year old engraved bracelet tab. The son of the loser contacted me back and thanked me for it, said he'd give it to his Dad, over a week ago. No feedback.

You know, sometimes we gotta get a little bit of thanks for what we do here - the right thing.

I don't like ungrateful people

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"An honest man's pillow is his peace of mind..."

nicely done, TMH.

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